58 min

Talking Race,Xenophobia and Inequality in South Africa With Sisanda Ntshinga‪.‬ Convos With Ekeesit

    • Improv

I had a very intriguing conversation on the issue of Race,Xenophobia and Inequality with my good Friend Sisanda Ntshinga , a writer ,editor and podcaster . Sisanda has a very strong love for her country and especially a desire to help her black brothers and sisters in the townships of southafrica.

She draws from her personal experiences and loves to remind those that listen that she is drawing on her experiences and these are her opinions.

When speaking to Sisanda , my mind goes to the words of one of America’s great black scholars W E B Dubois “Agitate then, brother ,protest ,reveal the truth and refuse to be silenced” . I hope this session with my good friend infuses your soul with such conviction and power.

I had a very intriguing conversation on the issue of Race,Xenophobia and Inequality with my good Friend Sisanda Ntshinga , a writer ,editor and podcaster . Sisanda has a very strong love for her country and especially a desire to help her black brothers and sisters in the townships of southafrica.

She draws from her personal experiences and loves to remind those that listen that she is drawing on her experiences and these are her opinions.

When speaking to Sisanda , my mind goes to the words of one of America’s great black scholars W E B Dubois “Agitate then, brother ,protest ,reveal the truth and refuse to be silenced” . I hope this session with my good friend infuses your soul with such conviction and power.

58 min