13 min

21 April 2015 Radio Ravenclaw

    • Hobbies

You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.


Good Morning, Ravenclaw - you’ve tuned in to The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

It looks like a beautifully sunny (or perhaps rainy) day out there, we suggest that it’s an excellent time to hang up some fresh laundry to dry (or get that softening effect of rainwater). What? the weather’s not until tomorrow!

It is, in fact, Thursday, so time for your Horoscope!

Octopodes (10+): That was really surprising, that thing you did! some of you are ahead on points and some of you lost them, depending on the thing, but you should know that your Surprise Factor just about doubled. This is an excellent way to approach the weekend, as your people have no idea what to expect from you and will be eager to give you permission to do things lest you do Other Things on your own. Ask - they will say yes! Also, i before e.

Neon Tetras (20+): That thing that was making you anxious? There’s a right time to worry. In fact, the right time to worry is today from 17:45 to 18:00 local time. Worry as hard as you can. Burn serious calories with the amount of worry. At the stroke of 18:00, let it go. Any worry, concern, or anxiety after that point will have exactly zero effect.

Lions (25+): Do your grocery shopping today (don’t forget safety pins) because Friday afternoon there will be an awesome opportunity offered and you want to be in a position to say “Yes!” You might even run a load of laundry tonight.

Fancy Goldfish (30+): Sorting is Open! You have been going back and forth. Sign the form, buy the pattern, blow us out of the water. This is your term to Succeed Spectacularly!

Narwhals (40+): Your weekend will be less simple, I’m afraid. There is an injustice in need of your tusk. Get a cozy Thursday and Friday evening to build up your spoons, kick butt on Saturday, then you’ll have all of Saturday evening and Sunday to recover and realize that you did a fabulous job and lots of people are going to be happier because you were so brave!

Capybaras (50+): Good News: The chocolate stash that you forgot about is in the freezer. Less Good News: You’re gonna have to defrost the freezer. Worth it.

Cougars (55+): You have worked very hard this week; you thought no one noticed, but the stars did. You have completely earned an at-home spa day. Salt scrub for your feet, lavender bubble bath, candles, favorite music, clean sheets, new brain-candy novel. Yes. Do it.

Peacocks (60+): Public event Friday? You’re going to rock it! The stars suggest keeping your wand handy because there could be opportunities. You know what I mean.

Dragons (80+): Do you need a driver this weekend, ma’am? The opening of your new wing will be lovely.

The Fresh Pot of Coffee is sponsored on Thursdays by The DecRomancer, a new shop on Diagon Alley specializing in custom fortune-telling and tarot cards, delicious divinatory tea blends, and genuine Viking runestones. All your high-end Divinatory needs in one shop. Personal crystal ball attunements will be handled on Tuesdays by appointment. They’re located next to Flourish and Blott’s, and don’t bother knocking.

Now on to your Thursday music, one of our most out-and-proud witches and the Muggles still don’t realize…

She’s Bette Midler,

I’m GazeboGal,

and you’re listening to Radio Ravenclaw on the Wizarding Wireless Network.

We have a special message from PICOT (Person In Charge of Testing), Spike:


Dropping a note here in your planning thread about some upcoming changes for next term and the term after. These are not just minor tweaks, please take note.

First, as of now, we will no longer be accepting OWLs that are proposed based on just time spent crafting. You will no longer be able to propose a specific amount of time with an undetermined amount of crafting resulting from that time. We now will need an estimate of how much will be crafted by pattern, weight, or by yardage. If you require assistance with writing your proposal to fit t

You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.


Good Morning, Ravenclaw - you’ve tuned in to The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

It looks like a beautifully sunny (or perhaps rainy) day out there, we suggest that it’s an excellent time to hang up some fresh laundry to dry (or get that softening effect of rainwater). What? the weather’s not until tomorrow!

It is, in fact, Thursday, so time for your Horoscope!

Octopodes (10+): That was really surprising, that thing you did! some of you are ahead on points and some of you lost them, depending on the thing, but you should know that your Surprise Factor just about doubled. This is an excellent way to approach the weekend, as your people have no idea what to expect from you and will be eager to give you permission to do things lest you do Other Things on your own. Ask - they will say yes! Also, i before e.

Neon Tetras (20+): That thing that was making you anxious? There’s a right time to worry. In fact, the right time to worry is today from 17:45 to 18:00 local time. Worry as hard as you can. Burn serious calories with the amount of worry. At the stroke of 18:00, let it go. Any worry, concern, or anxiety after that point will have exactly zero effect.

Lions (25+): Do your grocery shopping today (don’t forget safety pins) because Friday afternoon there will be an awesome opportunity offered and you want to be in a position to say “Yes!” You might even run a load of laundry tonight.

Fancy Goldfish (30+): Sorting is Open! You have been going back and forth. Sign the form, buy the pattern, blow us out of the water. This is your term to Succeed Spectacularly!

Narwhals (40+): Your weekend will be less simple, I’m afraid. There is an injustice in need of your tusk. Get a cozy Thursday and Friday evening to build up your spoons, kick butt on Saturday, then you’ll have all of Saturday evening and Sunday to recover and realize that you did a fabulous job and lots of people are going to be happier because you were so brave!

Capybaras (50+): Good News: The chocolate stash that you forgot about is in the freezer. Less Good News: You’re gonna have to defrost the freezer. Worth it.

Cougars (55+): You have worked very hard this week; you thought no one noticed, but the stars did. You have completely earned an at-home spa day. Salt scrub for your feet, lavender bubble bath, candles, favorite music, clean sheets, new brain-candy novel. Yes. Do it.

Peacocks (60+): Public event Friday? You’re going to rock it! The stars suggest keeping your wand handy because there could be opportunities. You know what I mean.

Dragons (80+): Do you need a driver this weekend, ma’am? The opening of your new wing will be lovely.

The Fresh Pot of Coffee is sponsored on Thursdays by The DecRomancer, a new shop on Diagon Alley specializing in custom fortune-telling and tarot cards, delicious divinatory tea blends, and genuine Viking runestones. All your high-end Divinatory needs in one shop. Personal crystal ball attunements will be handled on Tuesdays by appointment. They’re located next to Flourish and Blott’s, and don’t bother knocking.

Now on to your Thursday music, one of our most out-and-proud witches and the Muggles still don’t realize…

She’s Bette Midler,

I’m GazeboGal,

and you’re listening to Radio Ravenclaw on the Wizarding Wireless Network.

We have a special message from PICOT (Person In Charge of Testing), Spike:


Dropping a note here in your planning thread about some upcoming changes for next term and the term after. These are not just minor tweaks, please take note.

First, as of now, we will no longer be accepting OWLs that are proposed based on just time spent crafting. You will no longer be able to propose a specific amount of time with an undetermined amount of crafting resulting from that time. We now will need an estimate of how much will be crafted by pattern, weight, or by yardage. If you require assistance with writing your proposal to fit t

13 min