7 min

A New & Unique Parenting Guide Step 1 - An Old, Outdated Parenting Model Intelligent Parenting - A New And Unique Parenting Guide - For Parents

    • Parenting

There is no easy way of saying this so I will begin!

What is the overriding cause for the parental challenges that exist today?

The answer:  Couples having to work within an old/outdated parenting model of…

Working in the dark…
Making things up as you go along…
Not sure if you are doing the right or wrong thing and…
Hoping things will turn out ok!

And as I am sure you would agree - this type of approach would not be an inspiring or empowering strategy for any type of success!

However, before I can introduce you to an entirely new approach, it’s necessary to first understand why change is so desperately needed, by looking at the results that exist within the framework of this old/outdated parenting model regarding modern-day life and living!

Since the Victorian age, where children were seen and not heard we’ve moved into a kind of - Do It Yourself Parenting, which is being driven by the fear of the unknown.  

Where making it up as you go along, not sure if you are doing the right or wrong thing and hoping things will turn out ok is accepted as the norm! 

And where the world in isolation of the bigger picture has created networks of industries and charities in order to patch and prop up the ever increasing symptoms that are being regurgitated out of the guts of this outdated parenting model to where we are today!

Symptoms that are showing up - in 3 key areas - relevant to parenting and family life.

Continue to podcast to hear more. I hope you enjoy ❤️ 🙏

There is a lot of information to share across the 3 series of this new and unique guide, so I have designed this 9 step journey for you to explore on your own or with me - so you never get lost!  

Download a free copy of the complete overview here : ⁠⁠www.bit.ly/ParentingModelOverview⁠⁠

Which will act as your map - as I guide you along this path of 9 steps towards parenting empowerment!

Continue listening on the podcast - I hope you enjoy ❤️ 🙏

In service to you

Jacqueline Coe

Intelligent Parenting®

Follow me on: 



There is no easy way of saying this so I will begin!

What is the overriding cause for the parental challenges that exist today?

The answer:  Couples having to work within an old/outdated parenting model of…

Working in the dark…
Making things up as you go along…
Not sure if you are doing the right or wrong thing and…
Hoping things will turn out ok!

And as I am sure you would agree - this type of approach would not be an inspiring or empowering strategy for any type of success!

However, before I can introduce you to an entirely new approach, it’s necessary to first understand why change is so desperately needed, by looking at the results that exist within the framework of this old/outdated parenting model regarding modern-day life and living!

Since the Victorian age, where children were seen and not heard we’ve moved into a kind of - Do It Yourself Parenting, which is being driven by the fear of the unknown.  

Where making it up as you go along, not sure if you are doing the right or wrong thing and hoping things will turn out ok is accepted as the norm! 

And where the world in isolation of the bigger picture has created networks of industries and charities in order to patch and prop up the ever increasing symptoms that are being regurgitated out of the guts of this outdated parenting model to where we are today!

Symptoms that are showing up - in 3 key areas - relevant to parenting and family life.

Continue to podcast to hear more. I hope you enjoy ❤️ 🙏

There is a lot of information to share across the 3 series of this new and unique guide, so I have designed this 9 step journey for you to explore on your own or with me - so you never get lost!  

Download a free copy of the complete overview here : ⁠⁠www.bit.ly/ParentingModelOverview⁠⁠

Which will act as your map - as I guide you along this path of 9 steps towards parenting empowerment!

Continue listening on the podcast - I hope you enjoy ❤️ 🙏

In service to you

Jacqueline Coe

Intelligent Parenting®

Follow me on: 



7 min