17 min

Can you afford ads? The metrics you need to know and how to make Data-Backed Advertising Decisions Scaling to Freedom Podcast | For 7-figure female coaches

    • Marketing

If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the lack of results from your advertising efforts, then you are not alone! Many online coaches and course creators find themselves confused about which ads to run and how to measure their success. They may be spending hours creating and launching campaigns, only to see minimal engagement and little return on investment. Instead of attracting their ideal clients and growing their business, they are left feeling discouraged and unsure of how to mo...

If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the lack of results from your advertising efforts, then you are not alone! Many online coaches and course creators find themselves confused about which ads to run and how to measure their success. They may be spending hours creating and launching campaigns, only to see minimal engagement and little return on investment. Instead of attracting their ideal clients and growing their business, they are left feeling discouraged and unsure of how to mo...

17 min