58 min

Content Torment Street Shots Photography Podcast

    • Visual Arts

"By the precision of their instrument, by the very mechanical limitations of shutter, lens, and film, they are invested with credibility; simple honesty will render to their pictures the dignity of fact."
- Roy Stryker
In this episode, Antonio kicks off with a vivid recount of a rain-soaked photo walk and shares an exciting update on an upcoming event. Ward opens up about a personal project turned poignant with the passing of one of its subjects, leading to a profound discussion on the dignity of depicting aging and illness, and the power of photography in preserving individuality.
Antonio and Ward then transition into an analysis of street photography’s quality in the YouTube era, highlighting the challenges budding photographers face amidst image saturation and feeding the social media machine, yet also acknowledge the educational value of the behind-the-scenes stuff. The discussion extends into the realms of content creation, where Antonio shares his personal experiences and the duo delve into the evolving demands on photographers.
Finally, in a discussion on equipment and technology, they lauded the Leica M11-P camera for its role in fostering trust in photojournalism through embedded technology called “Content Credentials.” Ward and Antonio take a contemplative look at the future of photography, balancing between artistic integrity and the burgeoning demands of content creation, while also considering the transformative impact of emerging technologies on the industry.
Walkthrough of Antonio's photo show: https://youtu.be/j0uFb1Opm1o
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Show Links:
Antonio M. Rosario's Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page
Ward Rosin’s Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page.
Ornis Photo Website 
The Unusual Collective
Street Shots Facebook Page
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"By the precision of their instrument, by the very mechanical limitations of shutter, lens, and film, they are invested with credibility; simple honesty will render to their pictures the dignity of fact."
- Roy Stryker
In this episode, Antonio kicks off with a vivid recount of a rain-soaked photo walk and shares an exciting update on an upcoming event. Ward opens up about a personal project turned poignant with the passing of one of its subjects, leading to a profound discussion on the dignity of depicting aging and illness, and the power of photography in preserving individuality.
Antonio and Ward then transition into an analysis of street photography’s quality in the YouTube era, highlighting the challenges budding photographers face amidst image saturation and feeding the social media machine, yet also acknowledge the educational value of the behind-the-scenes stuff. The discussion extends into the realms of content creation, where Antonio shares his personal experiences and the duo delve into the evolving demands on photographers.
Finally, in a discussion on equipment and technology, they lauded the Leica M11-P camera for its role in fostering trust in photojournalism through embedded technology called “Content Credentials.” Ward and Antonio take a contemplative look at the future of photography, balancing between artistic integrity and the burgeoning demands of content creation, while also considering the transformative impact of emerging technologies on the industry.
Walkthrough of Antonio's photo show: https://youtu.be/j0uFb1Opm1o
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Show Links:
Antonio M. Rosario's Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page
Ward Rosin’s Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page.
Ornis Photo Website 
The Unusual Collective
Street Shots Facebook Page
Street Shots Instagram
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58 min