82 episodes

Continuing Studies Public Lectures Stanford

    • Podcasts

    Building Oligarchy: Are There Links Between Economic and Political Inequality in the United States?

    Building Oligarchy: Are There Links Between Economic and Political Inequality in the United States?

    UC Berkeley professor Paul Pierson discusses the impact of economic inequality on American governance and how politics may become a major channel for the self-perpetuation of economic elites.

    • 5 sec
    Designing Technology for a More Peaceful World

    Designing Technology for a More Peaceful World

    Stanford Peace Innovation Lab Co-Directors Mark Nelson and Margarita Quihuis offer an overview of peace technologies and a glimpse into the future.

    • 5 sec
    Stanford Writers in Conversation: An Evening with Carol Edgarian

    Stanford Writers in Conversation: An Evening with Carol Edgarian

    Stanford graduate and author Carol Edgarian discusses her writing process and shares her personal insights of contemporary trends in literary magazines and publishing.

    • 5 sec
    The Slow but Triumphant Path of the African American Opera Singer

    The Slow but Triumphant Path of the African American Opera Singer

    General Director of Seattle Opera, Emeritus, Speight Jenkins discusses the successful paths of several African American opera singers.

    • 5 sec
    Finding Fibonacci

    Finding Fibonacci

    Keith Devlin shares excerpts from his latest book, Finding Fibonacci, which features stories from three other contemporary scholars as well as Devlin’s firsthand account of his experiences in uncovering the story of the long-forgotten medieval mathematician who did so much to create the world we live in. (Fall 2017)

    • 5 sec
    History Changes Gears: The Russian Revolution of 1917

    History Changes Gears: The Russian Revolution of 1917

    Bertrand Patenaude discusses the social forces that propelled the revolution forward despite the efforts of the Provisional Government in Petrograd to hold back the tide. (Fall 2017)

    • 5 sec

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