35 min

Creating Your Own Reality Joyous Every Day Living with Beth Amine

    • Alternative Health

Theme: Do you believe that you can and do consciously create your future? Do you believe that that anything is possible and the thoughts you consistently think create your reality?
There are our two main show themes: Cultivating consistent joy and staying connected to love.
Hello and welcome to our fifth Joyous Every Day Living Radio Show. I am Beth Amine here with my dear friend Patti Teel and Hub for Humanity. The basic focus of all the segments of the radio show is how to consistently create a joyous fulfilling, expansive and vibrant life. It is loosely based on my book Joyous Every Day Living, and its tagline: party till check out time!
I am so excited about this radio show, every week it seems to write itself. Every week the topic presents itself according to how I am growing and all the conversations around me. In our past four segments we discussed picking a word for the year that is in alignment with your growth, re-writing the story that you usually tell to one of the most positive and desired future, and the creative process or journey into the unknown that these two take you on and the result: connecting to personal power. Then we experienced the fulfillment of joining our new self-loved self with others in community.
I realized when I was thinking about our past shows that so much of the premise of living in joy lies in the belief that you can create your own life and your own reality. In order to create a joyous life you have to believe that you have this power, and practice it! Culturally, science gives us models of understanding of the world we live in and we are affected by these beliefs. We have been very used to an old scientific Newtonian model of reality based on cause and effect, waiting for something outside of us to change how we feel inside. Events are predictable and you essentially live life as a victim of others, your environment and circumstances. So things happen to you. We have a new model of reality now in Quantum physics where everything is a vibration or energy that slows down to become matter and the outcome of experiments are affected by the input of the observer. In the quantum model, you cause the effect! What you think and feel now creates the reality; you don’t wait for it to happen. This is true creative power that we as humans all have.
So where do we get caught in all of this? It is our usual habits or unconscious programming that stands in the way.
I have been noticing that if I’m not careful, I get up in the morning and think the same things I did before. Oh I don’t have enough of that, where am I going to get it, problems first.  EEEK!
So what are these habits that define and control us? They are an unconscious set of automatic behaviors and responses that you have done so many times you don’t even know you are doing it or how it happens. It’s just like an automatic computer program. You tell your same story over again through the same circuits in your past, old memories, old problems. So if you start your day in the past, the past will most likely become your predictable future. How do these habits form? Responses to parents and culture, but that is not as important as noticing them and finding the ones that are not liberating your joy! If you can and do believe that your thoughts create your current reality, in order to create a fresh future you have to think greater or different than the past. If you think everything the same all the time, you are being run by your own program and you are not fully alive because you are not using your free will or choice. You’ve got to change up the memorized behaviors and responses.
When I observe, I cannot believe how many things I do unconsciously the same way I eat, pick up a fork, freak out when the gas gage gets empty which I always let it do, endless. I had an enforced vacation at the end of the year last year where I knew that if I didn’t change I was headed for real a health disaster, my body did not want to put

Theme: Do you believe that you can and do consciously create your future? Do you believe that that anything is possible and the thoughts you consistently think create your reality?
There are our two main show themes: Cultivating consistent joy and staying connected to love.
Hello and welcome to our fifth Joyous Every Day Living Radio Show. I am Beth Amine here with my dear friend Patti Teel and Hub for Humanity. The basic focus of all the segments of the radio show is how to consistently create a joyous fulfilling, expansive and vibrant life. It is loosely based on my book Joyous Every Day Living, and its tagline: party till check out time!
I am so excited about this radio show, every week it seems to write itself. Every week the topic presents itself according to how I am growing and all the conversations around me. In our past four segments we discussed picking a word for the year that is in alignment with your growth, re-writing the story that you usually tell to one of the most positive and desired future, and the creative process or journey into the unknown that these two take you on and the result: connecting to personal power. Then we experienced the fulfillment of joining our new self-loved self with others in community.
I realized when I was thinking about our past shows that so much of the premise of living in joy lies in the belief that you can create your own life and your own reality. In order to create a joyous life you have to believe that you have this power, and practice it! Culturally, science gives us models of understanding of the world we live in and we are affected by these beliefs. We have been very used to an old scientific Newtonian model of reality based on cause and effect, waiting for something outside of us to change how we feel inside. Events are predictable and you essentially live life as a victim of others, your environment and circumstances. So things happen to you. We have a new model of reality now in Quantum physics where everything is a vibration or energy that slows down to become matter and the outcome of experiments are affected by the input of the observer. In the quantum model, you cause the effect! What you think and feel now creates the reality; you don’t wait for it to happen. This is true creative power that we as humans all have.
So where do we get caught in all of this? It is our usual habits or unconscious programming that stands in the way.
I have been noticing that if I’m not careful, I get up in the morning and think the same things I did before. Oh I don’t have enough of that, where am I going to get it, problems first.  EEEK!
So what are these habits that define and control us? They are an unconscious set of automatic behaviors and responses that you have done so many times you don’t even know you are doing it or how it happens. It’s just like an automatic computer program. You tell your same story over again through the same circuits in your past, old memories, old problems. So if you start your day in the past, the past will most likely become your predictable future. How do these habits form? Responses to parents and culture, but that is not as important as noticing them and finding the ones that are not liberating your joy! If you can and do believe that your thoughts create your current reality, in order to create a fresh future you have to think greater or different than the past. If you think everything the same all the time, you are being run by your own program and you are not fully alive because you are not using your free will or choice. You’ve got to change up the memorized behaviors and responses.
When I observe, I cannot believe how many things I do unconsciously the same way I eat, pick up a fork, freak out when the gas gage gets empty which I always let it do, endless. I had an enforced vacation at the end of the year last year where I knew that if I didn’t change I was headed for real a health disaster, my body did not want to put

35 min