9 min

Feeling Directionless? Learning to Lean in πŸŒžπŸ›πŸ’™πŸ’ŒοΏ½β€ͺ�‬ Hi Body πŸŒ»πŸ’›πŸŒΌπŸŒπŸŒ·

    • Mental Health

Feeling overwhelmed by too many decisions or not able to make a single one? Feeling directionless with endless openings and no pathway is hard to navigate! I’m learning this too in times of transition, deadlines and newness in life at every corner right now. Everything is a seed. And how tall or big something will grow, is undetermined. Leaning in to directionless requires us to take a tiny step towards direct action. Direct action is a step, not an outcome or the answer - but a way forward. And sometimes, when the world feels really big and up-close - all we need is a step that empowers us in knowing we are in control, that we are safe and that we can lean in when all we want to do is avoid and lean out. And it usually is towards the direct thing we are panicking, worrying or avoiding about. To practicing tough conversations, daily routines, and gentle self compassion. We are all trying to live in a time we have never gone through before. As we take time for our hearts to adjust and we set boundaries with our minds there is space to set a timer and try again. Yours in recovery from avoiding life when it gets hard, xo T

Feeling overwhelmed by too many decisions or not able to make a single one? Feeling directionless with endless openings and no pathway is hard to navigate! I’m learning this too in times of transition, deadlines and newness in life at every corner right now. Everything is a seed. And how tall or big something will grow, is undetermined. Leaning in to directionless requires us to take a tiny step towards direct action. Direct action is a step, not an outcome or the answer - but a way forward. And sometimes, when the world feels really big and up-close - all we need is a step that empowers us in knowing we are in control, that we are safe and that we can lean in when all we want to do is avoid and lean out. And it usually is towards the direct thing we are panicking, worrying or avoiding about. To practicing tough conversations, daily routines, and gentle self compassion. We are all trying to live in a time we have never gone through before. As we take time for our hearts to adjust and we set boundaries with our minds there is space to set a timer and try again. Yours in recovery from avoiding life when it gets hard, xo T

9 min