30 min

How To Have Everything You Want In Life — and other top producer insights with Steve Rockefeller Own It

    • Management

Steve Rockefeller, SVP Business Development Manager with George Mason Mortgage, joins us with top producer hacks tied to his life mantra:

“You can have everything you want in life if you will just help other people get what they want.” — Ziglar

Connect with Steve: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rockefeller-steve-aaa6437

#1 ... what’s worked the best in maximizing your impact with your team, clients and community?
Steve says, “It’s a privilege to get to do what I do”. A privilege! Always remember that we eat what we kill, and never take our competition for granted. Lou Holtz: do right by everyone, do everything the best of your ability (it’s your responsibility), and show people you care!

#2 ... keys to operating at the level it takes to become a top producer? Steve states, “be humble, have some systems in place, evolve those systems with the times and technology, and learn/ adapt to new things!” Know what you’re selling and believe!

Don’t miss Steve’s dive into advertising and how he’s adapting using the #TicTac app ...

#3 ... who’s had the greatest influence on you and how has it enhanced your own influence? Grandmother’s work ethic and how she talked to her sales people; Father engineering, paying attention, hard work and knowing your product. How does Steve learn — time blocking, getting around people who are smarter than you, and be willing to pay someone to teach you.

Be sure to pay close attention to Steve’s “best approach” if you’re a new loan officer approaching a realtor! Be humble with your client base!

“Your career will always and only be what YOU make of it!” — Steve Rockefeller

Steve’s Peloton Group: MLoans

AS PROMISED, here’s the #VirginiaMortgageBankersAssociation link: https://www.virginiamba.org/Join-VMBA
Consider joining today and we promise you’ll be glad you did!!

We’d love for you to jump into our #OwnIt FB group to collaborate with other loan officers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/625258451532413/?ref=share

Steve Rockefeller, SVP Business Development Manager with George Mason Mortgage, joins us with top producer hacks tied to his life mantra:

“You can have everything you want in life if you will just help other people get what they want.” — Ziglar

Connect with Steve: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rockefeller-steve-aaa6437

#1 ... what’s worked the best in maximizing your impact with your team, clients and community?
Steve says, “It’s a privilege to get to do what I do”. A privilege! Always remember that we eat what we kill, and never take our competition for granted. Lou Holtz: do right by everyone, do everything the best of your ability (it’s your responsibility), and show people you care!

#2 ... keys to operating at the level it takes to become a top producer? Steve states, “be humble, have some systems in place, evolve those systems with the times and technology, and learn/ adapt to new things!” Know what you’re selling and believe!

Don’t miss Steve’s dive into advertising and how he’s adapting using the #TicTac app ...

#3 ... who’s had the greatest influence on you and how has it enhanced your own influence? Grandmother’s work ethic and how she talked to her sales people; Father engineering, paying attention, hard work and knowing your product. How does Steve learn — time blocking, getting around people who are smarter than you, and be willing to pay someone to teach you.

Be sure to pay close attention to Steve’s “best approach” if you’re a new loan officer approaching a realtor! Be humble with your client base!

“Your career will always and only be what YOU make of it!” — Steve Rockefeller

Steve’s Peloton Group: MLoans

AS PROMISED, here’s the #VirginiaMortgageBankersAssociation link: https://www.virginiamba.org/Join-VMBA
Consider joining today and we promise you’ll be glad you did!!

We’d love for you to jump into our #OwnIt FB group to collaborate with other loan officers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/625258451532413/?ref=share

30 min