2 min

Journal Week 13 Jurnal Week 2 (Diva Anisa Rahmawati)

    • Daily News

Hi Everyone!!
I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati (NIM : 6411421040).
In journal Week 13 the topic is reading children book and watch cartoon movie.

*Story title : "The Hare and the Tortoise"
Once upon a time there was a hare who was arrogant. When walking to meet the tortoise, he laughed at it because of its slow pace. The turtles were irritated, they decided to run a race. The hare ran ahead of the tortoise and he was sure he would win because he ran faster. After a long wait, the rabbit got bored and slept in the tree. The tortoise continued to walk past the hare. The hare was surprised and ran as fast as possible but was too late. The tortoise reached the finish and won the race. Rabbit was so disappointed and admitted his mistake.

*Movie title : "Beauty and the Beast"
In a country there lived a beautiful daughter named Belle. The merchant, Belle's father one morning looked for flowers for his daughter. But an ugly figure came and screamed thinking that Belle's father was a thief. The beast promised to release the merchant if he brought his daughter to the palace. When Belle came, she was given a mirror by the Beast. She was sad to see his father sick. The ugly one couldn't bear to let him go home. One time the ugly man was also sick, Belle visited him and kissed him and confessed his love. Instantly the ugly turned into a handsome prince.

My experience after practicing using vocabulary from children's books and cartoons I feel that there is progress in English. I can understand the sentences in the plot and the message of the story. The new vocabulary I found, was not too foreign because I had heard it before but didn't know what it meant. In addition, through these two things, I can practice my skills about reading, listening, and speaking. I think learning new vocabulary through watching cartoons and children's books is fun and I really enjoy it.

Hi Everyone!!
I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati (NIM : 6411421040).
In journal Week 13 the topic is reading children book and watch cartoon movie.

*Story title : "The Hare and the Tortoise"
Once upon a time there was a hare who was arrogant. When walking to meet the tortoise, he laughed at it because of its slow pace. The turtles were irritated, they decided to run a race. The hare ran ahead of the tortoise and he was sure he would win because he ran faster. After a long wait, the rabbit got bored and slept in the tree. The tortoise continued to walk past the hare. The hare was surprised and ran as fast as possible but was too late. The tortoise reached the finish and won the race. Rabbit was so disappointed and admitted his mistake.

*Movie title : "Beauty and the Beast"
In a country there lived a beautiful daughter named Belle. The merchant, Belle's father one morning looked for flowers for his daughter. But an ugly figure came and screamed thinking that Belle's father was a thief. The beast promised to release the merchant if he brought his daughter to the palace. When Belle came, she was given a mirror by the Beast. She was sad to see his father sick. The ugly one couldn't bear to let him go home. One time the ugly man was also sick, Belle visited him and kissed him and confessed his love. Instantly the ugly turned into a handsome prince.

My experience after practicing using vocabulary from children's books and cartoons I feel that there is progress in English. I can understand the sentences in the plot and the message of the story. The new vocabulary I found, was not too foreign because I had heard it before but didn't know what it meant. In addition, through these two things, I can practice my skills about reading, listening, and speaking. I think learning new vocabulary through watching cartoons and children's books is fun and I really enjoy it.

2 min