78 episodes

Welcome to the Mindset & Marketing podcast with Matthew Toman & Sharon Kirkpatrick from Bankhouse Media and The Mindset & Marketing Academy.

Mindset & Marketing with Matthew Toman & Sharon Kirkpatrick Matthew Toman & Sharon Kirkpatrick

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

Welcome to the Mindset & Marketing podcast with Matthew Toman & Sharon Kirkpatrick from Bankhouse Media and The Mindset & Marketing Academy.

    8 Website Must-Haves for Maximising Sales | Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    8 Website Must-Haves for Maximising Sales | Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    In this episode of the Mindset and Marketing Podcast, hosts Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick delve into the crucial topic of website optimisation and its impact on business growth. They begin by sharing personal stories, emphasising how making simple, customer-focused changes to your website can significantly boost traffic and conversions. Whether it’s recounting a relaxing holiday in Portugal or discussing the intricacies of website design, Matthew and Sharon engage listeners with relatable anecdotes and practical advice.

    The episode thoroughly explores eight essential tips for enhancing your website, from ensuring your copy is customer-centric to optimising those buttons on your website to get more sales. Matthew and Sharon discuss strategies for making your website’s call-to-actions more engaging, the importance of client reviews, and the difference a contact number on your home page can make. They offer actionable insights on how to personalise your site with original photography and videos, creating a more authentic and appealing online presence. By blending humour with actionable tips, this episode provides listeners with valuable insights to improve their mindset and marketing skills, helping them navigate the digital landscape with confidence, clarity, and a positive mindset.

    ✅Connect with Matthew:



    👉 Instagram: matthewtoman  

    👉 Facebook: matthew.toman  



    More related tags: Website Optimisation Strategies, Increase Sales Tips, Customer-Centric Website Design, Mobile Optimisation Insights, Effective Call-to-Actions, Authentic Online Presence, Client Review Importance, Privacy Policy Essentials, Website Conversion Tips, Personal Branding Techniques, Digital Marketing Success, Strategic Website Enhancements, Boosting Website Traffic, Engaging Website Elements, Practical Website Advice, Online Business Growth, Personalised Website Content, Website Must-Haves, Digital Landscape Navigation, Enhanced Online Sales, Professional Website Tips, Original Content Creation, Marketing and Mindset Integration, Optimised User Experience, Strategic Online Marketing, Website Improvement Tips, Business Growth Tactics, Actionable Marketing Strategies, Website Sales Boost, Effective Digital Presence, Marketing and Sales Tips, Real-World Website Examples, Professional Online Branding, Practical Business Development, Website Design Mastery, Customer Engagement Techniques, Online Presence Best Practices, Business and Digital Success, Mindset and Marketing Integration, Enhanced Website Performance, Mindset and Marketing Academy.

    #WebsiteOptimisationStrategies #IncreaseSalesTips #CustomerCentricWebsiteDesign #MobileOptimisationInsights #EffectiveCallToActions #AuthenticOnlinePresence #ClientReviewImportance #PrivacyPolicyEssentials #WebsiteConversionTips #PersonalBrandingTechniques #DigitalMarketingSuccess #StrategicWebsiteEnhancements #BoostingWebsiteTraffic #EngagingWebsiteElements #PracticalWebsiteAdvice #OnlineBusinessGrowth #PersonalisedWebsiteContent #WebsiteMustHaves #DigitalLandscapeNavigation #EnhancedOnlineSales #ProfessionalWebsiteTips #OriginalContentCreation #MarketingAndMindsetIntegration #OptimisedUserExperience #StrategicOnlineMarketing #WebsiteImprovementTips #BusinessGrowthTactics #ActionableMarketingStrategies #WebsiteSalesBoost #EffectiveDigitalPresence #MarketingAndSalesTips #RealWorldWebsiteExamples #ProfessionalOnlineBranding #PracticalBusinessDevelopment #WebsiteDesignMastery #CustomerEngagementTechniques #OnlinePresenceBestPractices #BusinessAndDigitalSuccess #MindsetAndMarketingIntegration #EnhancedWebsitePerformance #MindsetAndMarketingAcademy

    • 52 min
    Social Media The Good, the Bad, and The Impact with Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    Social Media The Good, the Bad, and The Impact with Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    In this episode of The Mindset and Marketing Podcast, hosts Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick dive into the vital discussion on how social media impacts us without knowing.  They start by sharing personal stories, illustrating how being aware and having a positive mindset can transform lives.  Whether it’s recounting a vibrant weekend in Portugal or discussing the nuances of social media influence, Matthew and Sharon engage listeners with relatable anecdotes and practical advice.

    The episode thoroughly explores the impact of social media on mental health and business growth. Matthew and Sharon delve into strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media, offering tips on how to use these platforms for inspiration and connection rather than comparison and envy. They discuss the importance of being mindful of social media usage, the benefits of turning off notifications, and how to focus on content that brings joy and closer to personal and professional goals. By blending humour with actionable tips, this episode provides listeners with valuable insights to enhance their mindset and marketing skills, helping them navigate the digital landscape with confidence, clarity and a great mindset.

    ✅Connect with Matthew:



    👉  / matthewtoman  

    👉  / matthew.toman  



    More related tags: Mindset and Marketing Mastery, Social Media Impact, Positive Mindset Strategies, Effective Marketing Techniques, Personal Development Tips, Digital Detox Advice, Enhancing Mental Health, Social Media Usage Tips, Marketing Success Stories, Digital Marketing Insights, Business Growth Strategies, Healthy Social Media Habits, Practical Marketing Advice, Inspirational Business Stories, Social Media Influence, Mindful Marketing Practices, Personal Growth and Business Success, Social Media Strategies, Real-World Marketing Examples, Strategic Mindset Insights, Business and Mindset Integration, Marketing for Personal Growth, Online Presence Optimisation, Business Mindset Tips, Practical Marketing Techniques, Personal and Professional Development, Enhancing Digital Connections, Marketing and Mindset Tips, Strategic Business Development, Social Media and Mental Health, Effective Digital Marketing, Social Media Strategy Tips, Marketing Mindset Mastery, Business and Personal Success, Influential Marketing Strategies, Personal Growth Techniques, Business Development Insights, Positive Mindset Techniques, Practical Digital Marketing Advice, Mindset And Marketing Academy.

    #MindsetAndMarketingMastery #SocialMediaImpact #PositiveMindsetStrategies #EffectiveMarketingTechniques #PersonalDevelopmentTips #DigitalDetoxAdvice #EnhancingMentalHealth #SocialMediaUsageTips #MarketingSuccessStories #DigitalMarketingInsights #BusinessGrowthStrategies #HealthySocialMediaHabits #PracticalMarketingAdvice #InspirationalBusinessStories #SocialMediaInfluence #MindfulMarketingPractices #PersonalGrowthAndBusinessSuccess #SocialMediaStrategies #RealWorldMarketingExamples #StrategicMindsetInsights #BusinessAndMindsetIntegration #MarketingForPersonalGrowth #OnlinePresenceOptimisation #BusinessMindsetTips #PracticalMarketingTechniques #PersonalAndProfessionalDevelopment #EnhancingDigitalConnections #MarketingAndMindsetTips #StrategicBusinessDevelopment #SocialMediaAndMentalHealth #EffectiveDigitalMarketing #SocialMediaStrategyTips #MarketingMindsetMastery #BusinessAndPersonalSuccess #InfluentialMarketingStrategies #PersonalGrowthTechniques #BusinessDevelopmentInsights #PositiveMindsetTechniques #PracticalDigitalMarketingAdvice #MindsetAndMarketingAcadmey

    • 37 min
    From 9-5 to Financial Freedom: Transforming Expertise into Online Profits With Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    From 9-5 to Financial Freedom: Transforming Expertise into Online Profits With Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    In this episode of the Mindset and Marketing Podcast, hosts Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick explore the essential elements of starting an online business, highlighting that this is possible for everyone. Emphasising the importance of mindset and marketing, they guide listeners through the process of transforming expertise into profitable products. Matthew and Sharon delve into the benefits of leveraging one's knowledge and skills, encouraging listeners to monetise their unique experiences without feeling overwhelmed by technicalities.

    The episode blends personal anecdotes and professional insights, offering a comprehensive overview of online business fundamentals. Matthew and Sharon discuss key topics such as identifying your target audience, building a compelling customer journey, and mastering traffic generation. They share success stories and practical tips, making the journey of starting an online business accessible and actionable. With a focus on simplicity and practicality, this episode provides valuable strategies to help listeners achieve financial freedom and fulfilment through online entrepreneurship. Tune in to discover how to turn your expertise into a thriving online business.

    For more information on the Life’s A Beach Course visit: https://mindsetandmarketingai.com/lifes-a-beach/ 

    ✅Connect with Matthew:



    👉  / matthewtoman  

    👉  / matthew.toman  



    More related tags: Online Business Creation, Monetising Expertise, Customer Journey Strategies, Digital Marketing Tactics, Marketing Success Stories, Building Online Revenue Streams, Simplifying Business Startups, Target Audience Identification, Profitable Product Development, Business Mindset Tips, Entrepreneurship Fundamentals, Mastering Traffic Generation, Practical Online Business Advice, Enhancing Digital Presence, Effective Business Marketing, Online Entrepreneurship, Business Growth Techniques, Real-World Business Examples, Strategic Marketing Insights, Marketing for Entrepreneurs, Business Development Tips, Simplifying Online Businesses, Digital Product Creation, Customer Engagement Strategies, Revenue Maximisation, Business Automation Tools, Online Business Trends, Startup Marketing Tips, Entrepreneurial Success Stories, Strategic Business Planning, Building Customer Relationships, Optimising Online Presence, Effective Marketing Techniques, Practical Business Strategies, Marketing Trends for Entrepreneurs, Business Success Tips, Real-World Business Advice, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Mindset And Marketing Academy, Digital Marketing Strategies.

    #OnlineBusinessCreation #MonetisingExpertise #CustomerJourneyStrategies #DigitalMarketingTactics #MarketingSuccessStories #BuildingOnlineRevenueStreams #SimplifyingBusinessStartups #TargetAudienceIdentification #ProfitableProductDevelopment #BusinessMindsetTips #EntrepreneurshipFundamentals #MasteringTrafficGeneration #PracticalOnlineBusinessAdvice #EnhancingDigitalPresence #EffectiveBusinessMarketing #OnlineEntrepreneurship #BusinessGrowthTechniques #RealWorldBusinessExamples #StrategicMarketingInsights #MarketingForEntrepreneurs #BusinessDevelopmentTips #SimplifyingOnlineBusinesses #DigitalProductCreation #CustomerEngagementStrategies #RevenueMaximisation #BusinessAutomationTools #OnlineBusinessTrends #StartupMarketingTips #EntrepreneurialSuccessStories #StrategicBusinessPlanning #MindsetAndMarketingAcademy #BuildingCustomerRelationships #OptimisingOnlinePresence #EffectiveMarketingTechniques #PracticalBusinessStrategies #MarketingTrendsForEntrepreneurs #BusinessSuccessTips #RealWorldBusinessAdvice #EntrepreneurialMindset #DigitalMarketingStrategies

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Email Marketing Made Easy: Boost Your Engagement and Revenue Today With Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    Email Marketing Made Easy: Boost Your Engagement and Revenue Today With Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick

    In this episode of the Mindset and Marketing Podcast, Matthew Toman and Sharon Kirkpatrick dive into the often-overlooked power of email marketing. As they return to their standard format, they highlight the importance of mindset and marketing in achieving success. Matthew shares his experience with utilising email marketing to grow businesses, emphasising that technical inexperience or feeling overwhelmed should not hold anyone back. Joined by Sharon they navigate through practical tips and real-life examples, making the complex world of email marketing accessible and actionable for all.

    The episode is a blend of personal anecdotes and professional insights, reflecting on how email marketing can be a game-changer for businesses. Matthew and Sharon discuss various types of email flows, such as welcome series and abandoned cart emails, and how these can significantly boost customer engagement and revenue. They share success stories, including a makeup brand that saw tremendous growth through effective email strategies. With a focus on simplicity and practicality, this episode offers listeners valuable strategies to enhance their marketing efforts. Tune in to learn how to turn email marketing into a powerful tool for your business success.

    ✅Connect with Matthew:



    👉  / matthewtoman  

    👉  / matthew.toman  



    More related tags: Email Marketing Strategies, Business Growth Tactics, Customer Engagement Tips, Automated Marketing, Marketing Success Stories, Practical Email Marketing, Overcoming Marketing Challenges, Simplifying Email Campaigns, Building Customer Relationships, Effective Marketing Flows, Marketing Automation Tools, Boosting Sales, Email Campaign Insights, Lead Generation Techniques, Personalisation in Marketing, Marketing Optimisation, Business Communication, Marketing Analytics, Enhancing Customer Loyalty, Creative Marketing Ideas, Maximising Revenue, Data-Driven Marketing, Marketing for Entrepreneurs, Marketing Challenges, Scaling Your Business, Digital Marketing Strategies, Business Automation, Marketing Tips for Small Businesses, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Improving Open Rates, Strategic Email Campaigns, Marketing Automation Platforms, Customer Retention, Business Marketing Plans, Marketing Inspiration, Real-World Marketing Tips, Effective Business Strategies, Practical Marketing Advice, Marketing Trends, Mindset And Marketing Academy. 

    #EmailMarketingStrategies #BusinessGrowthTactics #CustomerEngagementTips #AutomatedMarketing #MarketingSuccessStories #PracticalEmailMarketing #OvercomingMarketingChallenges #SimplifyingEmailCampaigns #BuildingCustomerRelationships #EffectiveMarketingFlows #MarketingAutomationTools #BoostingSales #EmailCampaignInsights #LeadGenerationTechniques #PersonalisationInMarketing #MarketingOptimisation #BusinessCommunication #MarketingAnalytics #EnhancingCustomerLoyalty #CreativeMarketingIdeas #MaximisingRevenue #DataDrivenMarketing #MarketingForEntrepreneurs #MarketingChallenges #ScalingYourBusiness #DigitalMarketingStrategies #BusinessAutomation #MarketingTipsForSmallBusinesses #EntrepreneurialMarketing #ImprovingOpenRates #StrategicEmailCampaigns #MarketingAutomationPlatforms #CustomerRetention #BusinessMarketingPlans #MarketingInspiration #RealWorldMarketingTips #EffectiveBusinessStrategies #PracticalMarketingAdvice #MarketingTrends #MindsetAndMarketingAcademy

    • 40 min
    1 Year Goals Vs 10 Year Transformation: How To Shift Your Thinking For Long-Term Success

    1 Year Goals Vs 10 Year Transformation: How To Shift Your Thinking For Long-Term Success

    In this episode of the Mindset and Marketing Podcast, Matthew Toman returns from his break of travel adventures in Japan! Joined by co-host Sharon Kirkpatrick, we celebrate 10 years of business with Bankhouse and all the lessons that have been learned. Matthew shares his journey from being a refrigeration engineer to becoming a successful business owner and all the craziness that has happened in between. He talks about overcoming challenges like financial setbacks and unemployment, stressing the importance of self-belief, resilience, and continuous learning. A big theme of this episode is how people typically overestimate what they can accomplish in 1 year and underestimate what they can accomplish in 10 years.

    The episode covers the growth of Bankhouse Productions into Bankhouse Media and the Life's a Beach online course which is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs start their ventures. Matthew also shares insights from his recent travels to Japan, providing a fresh perspective on setting goals and then re-assessing them. Tune in to be inspired by Matthew's story, learn actionable strategies for your business, and discover how you can turn obstacles into opportunities. This episode is packed with motivation and practical advice that can propel your entrepreneurial journey to new heights.

    ✅Connect with Matthew:
    👉  / matthewtoman  
    👉  / matthew.toman  

    More related tags: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Business Success Strategies, Overcoming Challenges, Self-Belief in Business, Resilience Tips, Continuous Learning, Business Growth Insights, Financial Setback Recovery, Career Transformation, Personal Development, Bankhouse Media, Life's a Beach Course, Starting a Business, Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Goal Setting Techniques, Personal Growth Stories, Transformational Journeys, Motivation for Entrepreneurs, Success Stories, Practical Business Advice, Entrepreneurial Inspiration, Achieving Work-Life Balance, Building a Business, Effective Networking, Creative Problem Solving, Mindset Shifts, Business Strategies, Strategic Planning, Marketing Insights, Success Mindset, Real-World Business Tips, Entrepreneurship Fundamentals, Travel Inspiration, Adapting to Change, Business Lessons, Entrepreneurial Tips, Digital Nomad Life, Learning from Setbacks, Finding Opportunities.

    #EntrepreneurialMindset #BusinessSuccessStrategies #OvercomingChallenges #SelfBeliefInBusiness #ResilienceTips #ContinuousLearning #BusinessGrowthInsights #FinancialSetbackRecovery #CareerTransformation #PersonalDevelopment #BankhouseMedia #LifesaBeachCourse #StartingABusiness #AspiringEntrepreneurs #GoalSettingTechniques #PersonalGrowthStories #TransformationalJourneys #MotivationForEntrepreneurs #SuccessStories #PracticalBusinessAdvice #EntrepreneurialInspiration #AchievingWorkLifeBalance #BuildingABusiness #EffectiveNetworking #CreativeProblemSolving #MindsetShifts #BusinessStrategies #StrategicPlanning #MarketingInsights #SuccessMindset #RealWorldBusinessTips #EntrepreneurshipFundamentals #TravelInspiration #AdaptingToChange #BusinessLessons #EntrepreneurialTips #DigitalNomadLife #LearningFromSetbacks #FindingOpportunities

    • 1 hr 26 min
    Using Life Experiences to Launch a Thriving Business With Stephanie Coyne

    Using Life Experiences to Launch a Thriving Business With Stephanie Coyne

    In this episode of the Mindset and Marketing podcast, host Sharon Kirkpatrick sits down with Stephanie Coyne, founder of Face Aesthetic Clinic in Mayo. Stephanie shares her extraordinary journey from a young beauty enthusiast to a leading figure in the skincare industry. She opens up about the challenges she faced, including navigating the business through the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuous process of rebuilding and adapting. Stephanie’s story is a powerful testament to perseverance, emphasising the importance of passion, strategic planning, and maintaining a positive mindset amidst adversity.

    The conversation delves into the practical aspects of running a business, with Stephanie offering insights on balancing mindset and marketing to achieve success. She discusses the significance of understanding your market, leveraging social media for brand building, and staying adaptable in a competitive industry. Stephanie also highlights the value of having a dedicated team and fostering a supportive work environment. Packed with expert advice and actionable tips, this episode is a must-listen for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners alike. Don't miss this engaging and informative discussion with Stephanie Coyne, filled with valuable lessons on navigating the entrepreneurial journey.

    ✅Connect with Matthew:

    👉 https://mindsetandmarketingacademy.com/

    👉 https://bankhousemediagroup.com/

    👉   / matthewtoman  

    👉   / matthew.toman   

    👉 https://theevolutionofsuccess.com/

    👉 https://www.bankhousemedia.ie/

    ✅Connect with Stephanie:

    👉 https://faceaestheticclinic.ie/ 

    👉   https://www.instagram.com/face.aesthetic.clinic/ 

    More related tags: Entrepreneurial Journey, Skincare Industry Success, Starting a Beauty Clinic, Face Aesthetic Clinic Insights, Business Recovery Tips, Essential Business Strategies, Building Business Resilience, Setting Realistic Business Goals, Positive Mindset in Entrepreneurship, Navigating Business Setbacks, Marketing for Beauty Businesses, Skincare Expertise in Business, Transforming Vision into Reality, Streamlining Business Operations, Beauty Clinic Success, Inspiration for New Entrepreneurs, Passion-Driven Business Success, Expert Business Advice, Thriving Business Strategies, Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship, Building a Successful Brand, Entrepreneurial Perseverance, Business Startup Tips, Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs, Maintaining Business Positivity, Practical Business Insights, Business Ownership Journey, Elevating Existing Brands, Developing Resilience in Business, Mindset And Marketing Academy 

    #EntrepreneurialJourney #SkincareIndustrySuccess #StartingABeautyClinic #FaceAestheticClinicInsights #FaceAestheticClinic #BusinessRecoveryTips #EssentialBusinessStrategies #BuildingBusinessResilience #SettingRealisticBusinessGoals #PositiveMindsetInEntrepreneurship #NavigatingBusinessSetbacks #MarketingForBeautyBusinesses #SkincareExpertiseInBusiness #TransformingVisionIntoReality #StreamliningBusinessOperations #BeautyClinicSuccess #InspirationForNewEntrepreneurs #PassionDrivenBusinessSuccess #ExpertBusinessAdvice #ThrivingBusinessStrategies #PersonalGrowthInEntrepreneurship #BuildingASuccessfulBrand #EntrepreneurialPerseverance #BusinessStartupTips #GoalSettingForEntrepreneurs #MaintainingBusinessPositivity #PracticalBusinessInsights #BusinessOwnershipJourney #ElevatingExistingBrands #DevelopingResilienceInBusiness #MindsetAndMarketingAcademy #Podcast

    • 1 hr 7 min

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