8 episodes

The GDPR Series is a series of candid discussions with Philipa Jane Farley and ProPrivacy on data protection, privacy and cyber security with real business owners designed to help you with your data compliance programmes in a practical way.

The GDPR Series Philipa Jane Farley

    • Business

The GDPR Series is a series of candid discussions with Philipa Jane Farley and ProPrivacy on data protection, privacy and cyber security with real business owners designed to help you with your data compliance programmes in a practical way.

    Connecting, the Power of Networks and Professional Sales with Mike Roberts

    Connecting, the Power of Networks and Professional Sales with Mike Roberts

    Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we talk connection, networks and messaging. Our guest is a solutions provider in the field of keeping mail safe, physical and digital. He is also a well-known LinkedIn personality who is passionate about professional selling. Listen on to find out how he uncovered successful ways to network, connect and sell professionally on LinkedIn through selling a solution for secure mailing.

    Our guest today is Mike Roberts the sincere and friendly helping hand behind ‘LinkedIn 101’ and the seamless secure and confidential mail communication solution Frama Rmail ™. Frama Rmail ™ is a solution that encompasses email encryption, tracking, large document delivery and e-signatures. Installation is fast and painless and help is always at hand with Mike as part of your vendor team. Through selling this solution online, Mike came to realise he had developed a successful method for connecting with and selling to his professional network on LinkedIn. Thankfully for us, Mike realised people might want to know the secret sauce. Mike offers a one-to-one 90 minute online session where he gets hands-on with you and your LinkedIn presence. This is followed up with a comprehensive report which serves as a guide for you going forward.

    Mike is a great believer in connecting with his clients in a personal way and also a great believer in building networks. In this episode, Mike shares some great advice about the type of messaging we should be focusing on that is client-centric and presenting information in a way that people can receive it. We hope that you enjoy it and that you do reach out to Mike be it for a seamless security solution or for a LinkedIn revamp.

    Tel: +447545292184

    E-mail: mike.roberts@frama.co.uk

    LinkedIn 101 Website

    Frama Rmail ™ Website


    Philipa Farley:  Hi, and welcome to our podcast called the GDPR Series, where we discuss data protection, privacy and cyber security matters that ordinary people in everyday businesses face. We have a series of really interesting and lovely guests, and we hope you enjoy listening.

    Philipa Farley:  Today, we’ve got Mike Roberts on The GDPR series. I met Mike on LinkedIn, which is a great place to meet professional contacts. I think Mike, we kind of met probably when you were I don’t know if you had started with RMail, or how far along the lines you were a bit. It’s quite a while ago now that we’ve been connected. Mike is going to chat to us today about professional selling on LinkedIn. I’ve got his website open here, www.mikedroberts.co.uk. The links will be in the podcast web page with other links that Mike will provide us. Do you want to introduce yourself? Mike, you probably do it far better than then I will and then we can get chatting.

    Mike Roberts:  Yeah, of course. Thank you so much for having me on today. I really, really appreciate it. And, and for all your support recently as well, it’s been absolutely fantastic. Yeah. So a little introduction about me. So for the last 15 years, I have been helping people with their mail. And that was in the physical format. So I started off as a young, fresh straight out of college salesperson selling mailroom equipment for law firms and regulated industries. And I have progressed into the digital age. Yeah, so now I’m still helping all of those same clients and all those same customers of mine, protecting their mail, but in a digital format, so there’s two sides to me. One,

    • 37 min
    We’re on a GDPR mission with Andrea Manning

    We’re on a GDPR mission with Andrea Manning

    Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is bringing the GDPR back down to earth.  I chat with a rare woman in cyber (and data) who presents her GDPR message to businesses through the lens of real life cyber security issues.  With a very interesting background in the hotel, travel and leisure industry, we are treated to a discussion with somebody who knows all about taking care of masses of far and fast moving data!  Listen to find out more.

    Our guest today is Andrea Manning.  Andrea set up Data Influence with the intent to influence how we think about data. She is on a mission to change some of the negative perceptions and scaremongering that sprung up around GDPR.  An eternal optimist she highlights the benefits of doing GDPR and likens it getting a full health check for your business.  She talks about how we all now have a duty around cyber security and that it should become more user-focused.  A passionate champion for small business which often gets left behind, her focus is on plain speaking and practical solutions.  In her own business, she advocates training for everyone in the organisation and creating a culture of curiosity.  In her words, make your staff part of the solution, not the problem.

    It’s clear from listening to Andrea that she also has another agenda.  And this is to attract more women into cyber security and data protection.  A natural mentor and a diverse role model herself, Andrea is keen to highlight how women bring varied backgrounds, mindsets, challenges, world views and family dynamics to the table making them natural problem solvers and an ideal fit for the world of cyber security.

    Drawing on an extensive career in Information Systems and Marketing, Andrea brings a fresh approach to Data Protection.

    Andrea’s Links:

    Read more and contact: https://www.datainfluence.ie

    Free training resources: https://www.datainfluence.ie/resources

    Interview transcription:

    Philipa Farley 0:01

    Hi, and welcome to our podcast called The GDPR Series, where we discuss data protection, privacy, and cyber security matters that ordinary people in everyday businesses face. We have a series of really interesting and lovely guests, and we hope you enjoy listening along with us.

    Good morning, Andrea. It is fantastic to have you here. Thank you for joining us.

    Andrea Manning 0:26

    Hi, Philipa. Thank you for having me. Very excited.

    Philipa Farley 0:30

    Okay, so as you know, we’ve been doing a series called The GDPR Series. In my head, I keep thinking the GDPR issue, which it really is, but anyway, it’s The GDPR Series. And we’re talking to people across business, SME owners, as well as people who work in the industry, and you are actually both. Your focus is not entirely on the GDPR and Data Protection. You have an extended focus. I will leave you to introduce yourself. Okay, while I go over and find your website on a screen, so go for it. Give us your pitch Andrea.

    Andrea Manning 1:16

    Okay, so I have a very varied background and the best way to describe me is: I am a square peg that does not want to fit into a round hole. I set up life in the hospitality industry, but I’ve always been in marketing and in sales, but I was that child who could programme the video recorder, and I’ve always loved tech. And, with everything I do in life, I always start at the position of “yes!” and then I go and figure out how. And that’s tech, that’s business, that’s everything. So I went back to college and did a degree in Business Information Systems. Same thing, I just said yes, and then kind of figured it out. I had no idea what I was taking on, and the next thing,

    • 42 min
    The (Undiscovered) LinkedIn Data Protection and Privacy Champion with Louise Bunyan of SmartFox

    The (Undiscovered) LinkedIn Data Protection and Privacy Champion with Louise Bunyan of SmartFox

    Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we have a bit of a different guest. My challenge to digital marketing consultant and LinkedIn trainer, Louise Bunyan of SmartFox, was to join me in discussing data protection even though she kept insisting it wasn’t really in her sphere of influence, so to speak. But I knew from many previous work-related discussions that it most definitely was!

    We invite you to listen to our chat on the challenges job seekers and employees face in a digital world, curating their identities online via LinkedIn especially while looking for opportunities for growth. As it turns out, Louise is in fact a privacy and data protection champion who has helped more than a few people ‘save face’ on LinkedIn. And as a writer and storyteller, Louise entertains with some great stories throughout our chat!

    Louise Bunyan is the enthusiastic and very thoughtful lady behind SmartFox, offering digital marketing consultancy and social media training. However, she is perhaps most well known as one of (if not the!) ‘Ireland’s leading LinkedIn experts’, also acquiring the nicknames the LinkedIn Legend and the LinkedIn Queen. Louise offers a wide range of specialised LinkedIn training services from one-on-one online sessions, in-house on-site corporate training on LinkedIn for Sales, regularly speaks at conferences and seminars and delivers talks to students on how to use LinkedIn for jobseeking.

    And Louise had some very exciting news to share with us – an exclusive announcement of her new venture www.smartfoxtraining.com which is her just-launched automated online training courses that will teach you how to become a smarter LinkedIn jobseeker with easy and expert step-by-step videos and tasks.

    A message from Louise: I’ve created a 50% discount code for everyone across both courses. People just have to go to https://www.smartfoxtraining.com/buy-linkedin-jobseeker-course, select their course, and enter the coupon code ‘upskillme‘ in the ‘coupon code’ box at the end and click redeem. At the moment, there is no expiry date but I think I might let it run until the end of April or see what happens.

    Thanks, Louise!

    If you could do with some savvy LinkedIn advice or need to boost your profile because you’re jobseeking, contact Louise through her site or find her on LinkedIn! It takes a smart fox to know a smart fox.

    Contact on Site: https://www.smartfox.ie/contact.html

    Louise on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louisebunyan/

    Online Training: https://www.smartfoxtraining.com/


    Philipa Farley:  Hi, and welcome to our podcast called the GDPR Series, where we discuss data protection, privacy and cyber security matters that ordinary people in everyday businesses face. We have a series of really interesting and lovely guests, and we hope you enjoy listening.  Thank you, Louise, so much for joining us. Louise is from SmartFox. We’re going to have a short chat about GDPR in the context of a real business, okay? Not from the perspective of, you know, the GDPR consultants that you would have seen kind of in other videos or GDPR service providers. Louise is a fantastic personality in Cork and online. Louise is very involved in Network Cork, besides promoting her own services, LinkedIn services online. And, I’d just like to say personally Louise, like,

    • 46 min
    GDPR Management Strategies with Claude Saulnier (in his lovely French accent) of Bizoneo

    GDPR Management Strategies with Claude Saulnier (in his lovely French accent) of Bizoneo

    We all have days where we feel truly overwhelmed with our GDPR compliance obligations.  We’ve said before, eat the elephant one bite at a time, but how do you decide where to start?  Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is an application (and the creator) that guides you through a logical way to manage your GDPR compliance obligations, and yes, it’s mostly about you, smaller businesses.  Listen up for some nuggets that will save you a lot of time and effort, especially when dealing with pressurised and complex data access requests!

    Our guest today is Claude Saulnier, the man behind Bizoneo™.  Claude shares his journey into data protection and the creation of Bizoneo™, which highlights his unique approach to inventory as the start of risk and data management.  In the context of a client facing malicious emails sent out of their system, we discuss the absolute necessity of ensuring the applications you use provide you with the information you need in the form of logs and audit trails when you’re dealing with such incidences and data breaches, especially when you need to report back to your supervisory authorities.

    If you have the pleasure of getting to know Claude, you’ll become well-acquainted with his unquestionable logic, quick wit, incessant appetite for new information and learning, and his interrogation of typical ‘GAFA’ practices, which, of course we fully support.  We can only admire Claude’s deep ethical and personal sense of responsibility toward data protection (and privacy) issues that we’re faced with today in business and personally.  Claude’s wisdom includes: prevention is better than cure, input the data once and use it many times in different contexts, and consider the actual cost in time, money and efficiency when you’re using your collection of ‘free’ applications.

    If your interest is piqued after listening, please contact us at ProPrivacy for a demo of Bizoneo as you can only benefit from the input of Claude’s complex and layered understanding of integrated systems and data management in the context of data protection.

    Learn more about Bizoneo™ Data Protection & Compliance: https://www.bizoneo.eu/

    Find Claude on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudesaulnier/

    The GDPR Series: Claude Saulnier of Bizoneo


    Philipa Farley:  Hi, and welcome to our podcast called the GDPR Series, where we discuss data protection, privacy and cyber security matters that ordinary people in everyday businesses face. We have a series of really interesting and lovely guests, and we hope you enjoy listening.  Hi Claude, thank you for joining us. It’s fantastic to have you on video instead of just the usual voice chats. I’m looking forward to chatting a bit more about GDPR and your experience with the GDPR, data protection, and your business, that services clients who need – how can I say? risk management in their business. And, you know, data management. I’ve got a screen open I’m going to share here. And while I share it, would you like to say Hi, and tell us a bit about yourself?

    Claude Saulnier:  Hi, so my name is Claude Saulnier. And I am French, and I live in Ireland. And, I am the founder of Bizoneo. Bizoneo is a platform to assist SMEs and, you know, businesses, organisations in general, to document their processing activity. And that’s something that’s required under the GDPR. But, even if you put the GDPR aside, the tool is there to assist the governance of any business. In order – you mentioned risk in your opening line – an...

    • 50 min
    GDPR, Children’s Data and Moving from Paper to Digital with Steph McSherry of Kinderama

    GDPR, Children’s Data and Moving from Paper to Digital with Steph McSherry of Kinderama

    Today on The GDPR Series podcast, our focus is straight business talk, children’s data and moving from paper to digital!  I chat with a creative business owner who deals with most of her data protection compliance tasks herself.  Besides helping me translate data protection compliance language into plain speak,  she shares with us how to just get on and do what needs doing.  This business owner writes her own policies and does her own vendor risk assessments!  Listen to find out more.

    Our guest today is Stephanie McSherry the creative, and all-round wonder(ful) woman, owner of Kinderama.  Kinderama is a unique multi-activity series of classes developed for the younger child’s abilities and attention span where every week has a different theme.  Steph knows kids and kids love to try new things so Kinderama offers a huge variety of activities including dance, drama, music, gymnastics, yoga, sport and mindfulness.  Besides classes, Kinderema offers holiday camps and voucher sales.

    In this episode, Steph shares how she goes about meeting her data protection compliance requirements in really practical, no-nonsense ways.  Steph has a common sense and direct approach which really works for SME GDPR compliance.  We discuss the responsibility involved in minding children’s data, including special categories of data (health data), minding the movement of data between locations, assessing vendors and the responsibilities of paper-based data versus digital data.  If you’d like to learn more about Kinderama or book your smallies into classes or camps, you can use the contact details below.

    Tel: 086 2446433

    E-mail: info@kinderama.com

    Kinderama Website

    Interview Transcription:

    Philipa Farley 0:01

    Hi, and welcome to our podcast called The GDPR Series, where we discuss data protection, privacy, and cyber security matters that ordinary people in everyday businesses face. We have a series of really interesting and lovely guests and we hope you enjoy listening along with us.

    Thank you so much for joining us, Steph. Stephanie McSherry, your business is Kinderama. I’m going to let you do the introduction for the business because you know it best, but I just want to say thank you for your time. And, it’s a real pleasure to chat to you as a real business out there dealing with what we consider to be a vulnerable group of people: children, and looking after children’s data. So just a short discussion on that but yeah, tell us a bit about Kinderama.

    Stephanie McSherry 0:50

    Okay, so Kinderama is a programme that pre-schools and creches can buy in, or the parents can buy in. It’s a multi-activity programme. So we do a little bit of everything: dance, drama, sports, music, yoga, and just for pre-school aged children. So they’ve got a little bit of everything to try. And we also run kind of mini camps during the school holidays: kind of two or four day camps, for pre-schoolers, getting them ready for the school environment.

    Okay, so when I hear that story, what I hear is that you have actually quite a fast turnover of quite large amounts, or groups, of data subjects: children. So, your records must be massive, and your record management must be quite intense for you, besides the, I suppose, the management within programmes of records, the retention is quite an issue, in terms of data protection. Yeah. Those are the words I hear when you’re talking. Other people will hear beautiful classes, you know, fun stuff, and I’m kind of going like: “Oh my god, how do you actually even stay on top of that?” Because it’s really intense and it takes up a lot of time. And that’s kind of what we’re focusing on with these chats with business owners is managin...

    • 17 min
    Do you want to hear some DPO Stories? Anonymised, obviously. Listen on with Stuart Anderson of XpertDPO

    Do you want to hear some DPO Stories? Anonymised, obviously. Listen on with Stuart Anderson of XpertDPO

    Today on The GDPR Series podcast, we talk generally about life as a DPO and a few of the challenges that can arise, particularly independence and having to give the medicine when it’s needed!  Our guest today values relationships and lives his motto – your partner for compliance.  Need a DPO or thinking about becoming one?  Listen to find out more.

    Our guest today is Stuart Anderson the multifaceted and talented man behind XpertDPO!  Stuart shares some real life experience around getting to know clients intimately, giving difficult advice and dealing with data subjects exercising rights.  We discuss how an expert can save you time and money especially when dealing with subject access requests.  Stuart has been instrumental in putting together and delivering Ireland’s first QQI accredited data protection course.  We take on board his advice to keep the training budget in as a line item – upskilling and keeping current is so important!  Stuart’s services cover data protection (GDPR) and cyber security and he offers practical, tailor-made solutions for your organisation.

    If you need a DPO, EU Rep or some consulting or an audit done, give Stuart a call or drop him an email!

    Tel: +353(0)16788997

    E-mail: info@xpertdpo.com

    Stuart’s Links:

    * XpertDPO Website

    * A to Z of the GDPR

    Philipa Farley:  Hi, and welcome to our podcast called the GDPR Series, where we discuss data protection, privacy and cyber security matters that ordinary people in everyday businesses face. We have a series of really interesting and lovely guests, and we hope you enjoy listening.  Thank you so much Stuart Anderson, from XpertDPO, for joining us today for a small chat on GDPR and data protection.

    Stuart Anderson:  Super, it’s great to be here.

    Philipa Farley: I know, it’s fantastic! We met on LinkedIn, and for those of you who don’t know us, we, it’s kind of like, I suppose, we are an unofficial support group, professionally and personally, because this work is not easy. You know, it’s kind of what I was saying yesterday on Twitter, we absorb a lot of what humanity has to offer, and some days can get quite difficult. So, it’s great to have friends in this space. And, I really do consider you to be a good friend at this stage. So, thank you. Yeah, thanks for the chats and the time. Okay, so we have got your website open here, and you go under XpertDPO.com: your data protection partner. You do consultancy and outsourced DPO services. But I do know that you are in-house, in some places, we won’t sort of talk about clients on this chat. We have said to just keep it general. But yeah, do you want to give a brief introduction?

    Stuart Anderson:  Yeah. So yeah, I’m Stuart. It’s great to be here. And before we get into that, I mean, I think it’s really important the point that you just made, you know, that there’s a few of us that talk in the group chat on LinkedIn. And I think that’s really important because, you know, we’ll go into a little bit about what we do on the outsourced stuff, but I’m in the peculiar position that I do work in-house for some clients, a number of days per month and we also do outsourced things. So, we see both sides of that and really, at this stage, my opinion is that, whether you work internally inside a client or externally, it can be pretty lonely sometimes. And, you know, we don’t always deal with the nice, you know, rose-tinted view of the world. Sometimes, we have to make decisions that aren’t easy. Sometimes,

    • 56 min

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