1 hr 5 min

Winter Woes Quest4Confidence

    • Hobbies

Our Social media feeds are painting a picture of a growing pandemic for equestrians everywhere - making us fed up, tiered, grumpy, skint and wondering why oh why do we have horses?! When you hit the point of feeling like you’ve had enough - you’ve probably got a bad bout of “winter-itous” and while there is no jab or cure for surviving winter with horses - there’s pleanty you can do to get by and find the joy! Anna & Gregg discuss over a cuppa with Questie Stu and Annas reluctant horse husband - even he has some hints & tips that can help make the cold wet dark season a bit more bearable! So tune in while doing your chores or pop the kettle on for a warm brew and a listen and know this….it’s wet, it’s windy but you ain’t alone! #horse #horse riding# #confident rider # confidence riding #stubbs #hay #hay roller #nibbleze #screwfix #toolstation #baleno #briers #easipak #concordequestrian #egeorge&son #erbauer #lights #floodlights #musto #wheelbarrow

Our Social media feeds are painting a picture of a growing pandemic for equestrians everywhere - making us fed up, tiered, grumpy, skint and wondering why oh why do we have horses?! When you hit the point of feeling like you’ve had enough - you’ve probably got a bad bout of “winter-itous” and while there is no jab or cure for surviving winter with horses - there’s pleanty you can do to get by and find the joy! Anna & Gregg discuss over a cuppa with Questie Stu and Annas reluctant horse husband - even he has some hints & tips that can help make the cold wet dark season a bit more bearable! So tune in while doing your chores or pop the kettle on for a warm brew and a listen and know this….it’s wet, it’s windy but you ain’t alone! #horse #horse riding# #confident rider # confidence riding #stubbs #hay #hay roller #nibbleze #screwfix #toolstation #baleno #briers #easipak #concordequestrian #egeorge&son #erbauer #lights #floodlights #musto #wheelbarrow

1 hr 5 min