59 min

How a side project helped Gaby find her passion and first job in community Beginner Maps

    • Careers

Gabrielle Leith is the Community Manager at Grapevine.

She has a really interesting career path going from working in films at Toronto Film Festival to getting her first community role using a side project she started - Supper Club Cinema.

In this episode -

4:50: How she started a side project in community building

16:55: Getting her first job before she even knew about community management

19:17: Why side projects are a great way to discover your passion

25:30: How she found her latest role at Grapevine through CMX Slack

30:30: Why feeling personally connected to the mission of the community makes your job easier

34:50: Working as the solo CM in a 40,000 member community

40:52: Pros and cons of working at an energising role in a startup

48:41: Is CMX a scam?

55:00: Rapid-fire round

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Teaser of Gaby’s side project, Supper Club Cinema: https://youtu.be/iUs0E11X9R8

Connect with Gabrielle on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielleleith/

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Thanks for listening! If you have come this far you’ll love other episodes. But you probably don’t have 1 hr every week to listen to all the episodes. That’s why you should sign up for our newsletter.

We recently started it to share the key insights from these conversations in a more digestible, readable format.

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Gabrielle Leith is the Community Manager at Grapevine.

She has a really interesting career path going from working in films at Toronto Film Festival to getting her first community role using a side project she started - Supper Club Cinema.

In this episode -

4:50: How she started a side project in community building

16:55: Getting her first job before she even knew about community management

19:17: Why side projects are a great way to discover your passion

25:30: How she found her latest role at Grapevine through CMX Slack

30:30: Why feeling personally connected to the mission of the community makes your job easier

34:50: Working as the solo CM in a 40,000 member community

40:52: Pros and cons of working at an energising role in a startup

48:41: Is CMX a scam?

55:00: Rapid-fire round

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Teaser of Gaby’s side project, Supper Club Cinema: https://youtu.be/iUs0E11X9R8

Connect with Gabrielle on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielleleith/

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Thanks for listening! If you have come this far you’ll love other episodes. But you probably don’t have 1 hr every week to listen to all the episodes. That’s why you should sign up for our newsletter.

We recently started it to share the key insights from these conversations in a more digestible, readable format.

So go to beginnermaps.com to sign up for our weekly newsletter.

59 min