Fitness Radio

Priya Dogra
Fitness Radio Podcast

Fitness Radio by Priya Dogra is an exploration of the process and power of successful weight loss and wellness. Born and brought up in the hill town of Shimla, Priya is a hands-on mother of two adorable daughters. Her bittersweet journey of being overweight to “fit” and the will to help other individuals achieve their goals of health and fitness, is the inspiration for this Podcast channel. Listen to her while she shares her anecdotes of other people seeking advice, gives tips on the Ketogenic lifestyle, learn how to go about losing weight without losing the motivation, and also her take on present-day relevant topics like mental and physical wellness to strike a perfect work-life balance. Priya is a Certified Nutrition Coach and Fitness Trainer from ISSA, California. Learn more about her at

  1. 04/07/2020

    Episode 20: Zen – The Book That Will Help You Find Inner Peace and Happiness

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription  Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 20, and you are back with Priya Dogra. So, these times of lockdown when are all adjusting to new normals. I’m reading books that help you find focus in life, help you feel much more at peace, and help you in making the best of the situation in hand because it is not much you can do what is happening outside your house. So, you might as well try and create a peaceful environment at home, so that everybody has pacified nerves and you don’t feel as if the world is going to end. So, I’m reading the book which a lot of might have heard, and it’s called Zen- Art of Simple Living. So, Zen is all about changing your habits, ideas and it gives you hints for living a happy life. Happiness is a typical question because we all have different benchmarks for it. But for me I think if I’m at peace I’m more or less happy. If I’m not at peace, I’m not happy. The same might work for a lot of you, and this book gives you simple tips on how to be at peace, how to feel that life is good and this is not the end world, how to remove all your negative thoughts from your life.   Now, I’m going to share some tips with you which have been given in the book to energize yourself, because we are reading the news, figure and death rates, and recovery rates, and our energy levels are going for a toss. We might wake up every morning thinking that everything will be fine by the end of the day everything is going down. * You should make time for emptiness * Take out some time for yourself, shut out everything and just relax * Shut down your devices for some time and have peace within yourself * Start a habit of reaching everywhere 15 minutes earlier so that you don’t get anxiety of getting late * Wake up 15 minutes earlier to your alarm time * Do a little bit of stretching after waking up * Enjoy your favorite cup of tea or coffee in the morning, and just relax * Don’t rush for other works that are pending, make a mental note of what you want to do today * Enjoy the morning air, it makes you feel alive * When you come home; don’t throw your shoes all over the house, line them properly * Do introspection, discard mental and physical baggage * Give your unused clothes or shoes to someone who is needy * Be kind, focus on good things in life * Say thank you and sorry to people you have been wanted to say from a long time * Sort out things, organize yourself and move on * Organize your workplace and desk, don’t make it look untidy * Give yourself a break, enjoy your favorite beverage at your favorite place * Take a moment to thank god for your blessings and giving you people or family who loves you * Talk to everyone in the family, don’t come to the dinner table with your phones on * Have quality time with your family and friends * Cherish your meal, you will feel much more relaxed * When tensed, walk barefoot indoors or on grass * Exhale your anger and then take a call * Be kind to other people, they might be going through a rough phase So guys, these are the points I had for you, all of them make sense to me. If you can remember them work on them, you will be a happy person. Keep everybody happy at home,

    14 min
  2. 13/06/2020

    Episode 19: How to Care For Dry Hands After Over-Sanitizing and Washing Amid Covid-19

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 19, and you are back with Priya Dogra. Today, I am here to talk about something very important that many of us are ignoring amid the serious Coronavirus pandemic.  Yes, the situation is getting worse, and we already are reading a lot about it from the past several months. But this time, I want to talk about how to properly care for your dry hands caused by over-sanitization and washing amids the Coronavirus threat.  I am the type of person who is very fond of soft and nice-looking hands. Generally, what we do is in our attempt to look pretty and presentable, we tend to forget our hands and feet. So I made a habit of keeping a hand cream in my bag, on my bedside table, at my desk, and lots of people used to wonder at it, but honestly I didn’t care. It’s a nice habit to pamper your hands, and to make them look nice and smell nice. Since the pandemic came in, we are washing our hands all day long, and then we are sanitizing them.  Sanitizing them to the extent that our phones are not recognizing our fingerprints.  Even if when we try to use our hands to do other things, our hands feel so dry and lifeless, as if the outer layer has been peeled off.  Washing is important, but then we need to take care of our hands too. Also, there are many reports which suggest that too much sanitization is not actually good. Eventually, a sanitizer penetrates the first layer of the skin of our hands, and somewhere there will be some side effects. So ensure you are using a good sanitizer, and ensure that you are keeping your hands soft and taking care of them too. I have some basic tips that you can do, and for that you don’t have to buy a fancy cream or something which is expensive. There are so many things that you can do at home. * Take a small spoon of Malai/milk cream and just rub it over your hands, and just let it be * Have Omega 3 supplements * Have Vitamin D and Vitamin C supplements too * Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda in water with you are washing your dishes or start wearing washing gloves * Massage your hands with equal parts of dried coconut and sugar, after washing your dishes, do it every two days * Keep a bottle of your favorite body oil near the sink where you wash your hands, and apply two drops of it every time after you finish washing your hands * Put a thick layer of Vaseline on your dry hands/feet, then wear gloves/socks overnight * Apply sweet almond oil * You can use aloe vera creams or gel * Stay hydrated, drink a lot of water * Use a good sunscreen, especially when driving These were some handy tips to take care of dry hands and skin that we are facing nowadays. Take out some quality time for yourself, pamper yourself, and give yourself a home manicure or pedicure. If you don’t have time for this, just moisturize your hands, or put a drop of lavender or any essential oil in Malai or whatever oil you are using to keep your hands soft. Believe me, when your hands are smelling nice, your day is made. Till then take care of your health, mental health, stay positive, and be safe.

    10 min
  3. 05/06/2020

    Episode 18: How Safe is it to Send Kids Back to Schools Post Lockdown?

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 18, and you are back with Priya Dogra. So there has been a survey done in which parents of children of all ages are asked that are they ready to send their children back to schools. So I thought that’s the burning question for every parent today. Since the lockdown opened, and I have children of my own, I am worried what are we going to do? Because everybody is worried about every other thing, but nobody is thinking about our state of mind. Are we really ready to send children back to schools? So from the online survey, the figure which came out says that 90% of parents are unwilling to send their children to schools back. And I am happened to be one of them. 56% said that they will watch for a month or two and then they will send them back. 8% said that yes they will send kids back to schools. One day the school will open then, what are we going to do after 50 days of lockdown? There is no vaccine, there is no cure, there are clustered areas with positive Coronavirus cases and cases are still coming. I don’t think we just have two choices, whether to send them or whether to not send them, because education is important and how long we can keep them at home? But then the debate actually comes down to dropping a year.  Because when the schools are open teachers will not provide them online classes. They will teach them in the physical classes, and you left with no choice other than sending them back to schools. In the same survey, 64% of parents said that they are not going to send their children to social gatherings like birthday parties, pajama parties, or group studies. So when we are not comfortable sending them to each other’s home then how can we send them to schools?  That’s a very valid question. Only 1% of the parents said that they would be comfortable taking their children to malls again. I will not be. What is the burning need to go to a mall or a public place, which is air-conditioned, where people are walking out in the whole day? Why? What is the urgency? 35% of parents said they would be willing to let their children to go out to the parks, to play with their friends, till the time they maintain social distancing. 45% of parents said that they will not let their kids play any sport this year. Then what how our post lockdown will look like? I have no clue. How will schools manage a mishap of a school person or child due to a positive case? 1% of the parents also said that they will not be taking their kids to any holidays. It makes sense to me. Nothing is important than our kids’ security. So please think thousand times before taking the call to send your children back to school this year. I am hoping for better times and more clarity. Till then be safe and stay healthy!

    11 min
  4. 28/05/2020

    Episode 17: How to Find “Me Time” During The Pandemic

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 17, and you are back with Priya Dogra. So today I am going to talk about how to make time for yourself in the noisy homes we are living in, during this lockdown. There is really no ‘me time’ for mommies and people like you and me. Even for daddies. So what do we do? We either go insane and become robots, where we are doing one task after the other, where we keep balancing our role between online classes, household work, office work, or taking care of all the family members, and we forget about ourselves and importance of me time. Firstly, 'me time' is not supposed to make you feel guilty. Believe me, when you will schedule a slot for yourself, which is called me time actually, your productivity increases, your relationships get better and it also reboots your brain. If you feel you are snapping at everybody, losing patience or you are not feeling like your old self then it’s high time for you to think to spend some time with yourself. So what you need to do for that? Firstly, you need to schedule the ‘me time’. I am not somebody who can do random things; I do that when I am in a break or when I know I have the leisure of free time. But otherwise, in these times I like to schedule things. What do you do in that ‘me time’? Firstly, you switch off all your gadgets like your phone, your desktop, or laptop. Sit in the most favorite corner of your house and just stretch your legs, and just shut out the world.  Forget about what you are going to cook in dinner, what you are going to pack for a breakfast tomorrow, what you are going to wash in the machine tomorrow, just forget about everything without feeling any guilt. This is your time to focus on yourself. If you are really tired, you can take a nap, relax and just rejuvenate your energy. Believe me, these power naps, which are in a jiffy really feel good. Also, remember when we used to pen down poetry, sketch, or draw things just to express ourselves. Probably this ‘me time’ is the right time to recall your old hobbies and create something out of the box. Those were the things that gave you actual satisfaction or pleasure, which no amount of any other thing or activity can do. Give time to your forgotten hobbies. Do some painting, gardening, or just take out some old albums to revisit old memories. There is so much you can do. If you think expressing yourself makes you feel better, then why don’t you write a journal? Pen down your few thoughts on your favorite diary, or on your phone. Pen down how was your day, and you will feel much better. If you want to pamper yourself, download your favorite movie and watch that. One more thing you can do relax your soul is to stop having those jiffy showers. A shower is supposed to be a relaxation time. Pamper your body, buy some fancy shampoo and shops and just relax your mind and body. Breathe in and just relax, because that’s the best time when nobody will bother you. If you like to eat, take some time to give yourself a treat by cooking your favorite dessert or a cup of coffee. Just make a batch of ice-cream you have been waiting to have and share it with the family. These small treats will rejuvenate you and will give you a boost of energy. It’s all about feeling good inside. No matter how many good clothes we wear, if we don’t feel good from inside then everything feel...

    8 min
  5. 16/05/2020

    Episode 16: Take a Moment to Thank Help That Plays a Big Role in Your Life

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription  Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 16, and you are back with Priya Dogra. So toady’s podcast is very special to me, and I am sure many of you will be able to relate to it. Today we are going to say thank you to all the people whom we ignored or took for granted. In this lockdown, I have realized that we should appreciate the existence of people who play such an important role in our lives. When they are there we don’t even realize their contribution they are doing to make our life comfortable. To start off the list, I want to give a sincere thanks to all the people who work in our homes. The maids, the cleaners, the driver, the gardeners, the cooks, and the list go on.  We just take them for granted, we think, they are paid to do things they are doing, and we are paying them. It’s not the right attitude.  We get paid for our work in our workplaces, but then why we sulk when the boss shouts on us, and ask us to lay back late? The same rule we should apply to the home workers also. They are also a human being, they also have to go back to their families and play s many parallel roles. So, big thank you to them for bearing our moods and tantrums. We generally take out the boss’s anger on them. We shout on them when our children make the mess for no reason. We all should thank them for bearing with us and not leave us. We should thank them for coming to work every single day so that we can go to work. So after the lockdown when they come back, remember, this they are there as a fellow human being but not as somebody we have bought just because we are paying them. Be grateful for them for being there and helping us out for keeping our house clean and for making it function properly.

    13 min
  6. 06/05/2020

    Episode 15: Beating the Lockdown Blues With My Favourite Bollywood Movies

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 15, and you are back with Priya Dogra. So last time I shared you a list of my most favourite Hollywood movies. Since the lockdown started, we have been looking for ways to spend some quality time with our children and family at home. And I believe there is no better way to watch some good movies with them. I am always on the lookout for movies that can be seen with the children and the entire family, and then you can spend the evening laughing and having fun.  This time I have got you a list of my favorite Bollywood movies that you can watch during the lockdown. These are some movies which I have been watching with my children, and they are enjoying them. So let’s go! 1 Mr. India It is one of my most favourite movies that I wanted to show to my children for a long time. Perfect villain played by legendary actor Amrish Puri. Anil Kapoor and Sridevi both are 100% towards their characters. It is an iconic film. Everything is very entertaining and all the actors including those children bring so much emotion to viewers. Where to watch: Youtube IMDb Rating:  7.8 2. Hera Pheri Hera Pheri is one of the hilarious movies, and I guarantee you will fall off laughing from your sofa or chair watching this. It is a series of comedy films and I love all its parts.  It has Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal and Sunil Shetty in the lead role.  It is like a cast that gel together and give excellent performances, pushing each other to excel and raise the benchmark. Every dialogue, every scene, and every expression of the characters in this movie is worth remembering. Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video/Youtube IMDb Rating:  8.2 3. Sholay It is one of those iconic movies which no one can miss watching. The most complete action, adventure, drama film ever made in India. It is a story of Jai and Veeru, two ex-convicts who are hired by Thakur Baldev Singh, a retired policeman, to help him catch Gabbar Singh, a notorious dacoit, who has spread chaos in the village of Ramgarh.  The movies have an amazing cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Jaya Bhaduri,  Hema Malin, Amjad Khan, and Sanjeev Kumar. It has everything- Comedy, Romance, Action, Masala, Thrill, Suspense, Tragedy, and larger than life Villain. Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video IMDb Rating:  8.2 4. Rangeela It is 100% entertainment for the entire family. Best ever Hindi movie made for an Indian audience who looks for pure fun, thrill, emotion, drama, music, and entertainment. This is my favourite blockbuster movie till the date. It's a kind of a benchmark that no one has been able to reach or cross. Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video IMDb Rating:  7.5 5. Dil It is a powerful love story of Raja (Aamir Khan) and Madhu ( Madhuri Dixit), who fall in love with each other and get married against their parents' wishes. The movie has everything in it for your entertainment, especially if you like love stories.  You will laugh, cry,

    13 min
  7. 25/04/2020

    Episode 14: Beating Lockdown Monotony With My Favourite Hollywood Movies

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 14, and you are back with Priya Dogra. So guys how is your lockdown going on ? You can share your stories and your daily routine with me. This is the first time our generation is going through a condition like this.  Maybe our parents have gone through something like this during the world war. But for us and our children, this is a very strange time, and we are getting used to it, and hopefully, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. So after the shayries I shared with you a few days back, I am back with you with more happy news. I made a list of English movies which I have been watching with my children while at home.  For your information, my children are of ages 11 and 17, so I always have to pick something which both of them can relate to.  And especially the younger one, because this generation just has no patience for emotional stuff. So I had to pick movies which are easy to understand, and they don’t have to think about those movies later. These are some of my favorite English movies, and I want you to see them during the lockdown to have a fun good time with your entire family. I am sure you’ll love all of them.  Some of them are on Netflix, some of them are in Amazon Prime, and you can also find some of them on Youtube too.  These are in no order, but I am sure these movies will bring so much quality, positivity, and inspiration in your life.  So let’s began. 1. Notting Hill It is a story of William, a British bookseller who meets and falls in love with Anna, a high-profile American actress. However, their relationship goes through many crises due to their different social statuses. The movie has such a fairy tale happy ending, and it will definitely make you believe in love. Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video IMDb Rating:  7.1 2. Baby's Day Out It is a story of three bumbling crooks pose as photographers to kidnap the baby son of a millionaire. But the cute little baby turns out to be smarter than them, making it difficult for them to hold on to him. It is a very happy movie and you must watch it if you love cute babies. Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video IMDb Rating:  6.1 3. The Pursuit of Happyness This is the most inspirational movie in the list. Will Smith and his son, Jaden, bring to life the true story of a father-son family bravely struggling to step up from the bottom rung of the ladder in 1980s San Francisco. Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video/Youtube IMDb Rating:  8.0 4. Billy Elliot It is an inspiring movie of an 11-year-old young boy who wants to become a ballet dancer, but he doesn’t understand the idea of a boy doing ballet. It is an amazing story of his struggle, his performances, and the problems that he has undergone to live his dream in reality. Where to watch: Netflix/Youtube IMDb Rating:  7.7 5. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind It’s a story of a 13-year-old boy who is thrown out of the school he loves when his family can no longer afford the fees. He sneaks into the library and learns how to build a windmill to save his tow...

    11 min
  8. 22/04/2020

    Episode 13: Poetry in Times of Covid-19 Lockdown to Keep us Positive

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | RSS | More Transcription  Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 13, and you are back with Priya Dogra. It’s been a long time since I last spoke to you, and honestly, nothing much has changed since then.  We are still fighting the pandemic sitting in our homes during the lockdown. The situation is getting depressing day by day, not because there is no good news. So many people are recovering. There so many people who are setting examples for us of how braves we humans are to handle the situation. There are also frontline workers who are doing every possible thing to protect us. But a common man like you and I know that nothing much has changed.  We are still in the lockdown; we still don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. And the news from the morning till the night is starting to bug us. To lessen the stress of coronavirus, I made a rule in the house to listen to the news only once in the morning and once in the evening. I try not to let it affect us so much. Since the time when we are at home and we have so much time, I was going through Instagram profiles and found some new pages with upcoming poets who are writing beautiful poetry.  Their motivational coronavirus poetry will make you forget what is happening outside for a few moments.  I really wanted to share some of these poetry with you guys, so I am here today to boost you up and make you feel positive during this tough time of the year. Also, I wanted to appreciate the artists like these who we have forgotten in this new era where everything is a big bang, loud, and too fast.  These are artists who are still churning out and writing the stuff which is really incredible. I am sure you’ll like these motivational coronavirus poetry.

    11 min
out of 5
2 Ratings


Fitness Radio by Priya Dogra is an exploration of the process and power of successful weight loss and wellness. Born and brought up in the hill town of Shimla, Priya is a hands-on mother of two adorable daughters. Her bittersweet journey of being overweight to “fit” and the will to help other individuals achieve their goals of health and fitness, is the inspiration for this Podcast channel. Listen to her while she shares her anecdotes of other people seeking advice, gives tips on the Ketogenic lifestyle, learn how to go about losing weight without losing the motivation, and also her take on present-day relevant topics like mental and physical wellness to strike a perfect work-life balance. Priya is a Certified Nutrition Coach and Fitness Trainer from ISSA, California. Learn more about her at

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