1 min

People are not keen to come to office: Wipro HR chief on return to work 工程師學英文

    • Language Learning

Wipro Chief Human Resources Officer Saurabh Govil said the pandemic taught that the future of work is hybrid. He, however, said people are not keen to come to work when "you are saving three hours of commute". "So our biggest challenge is how we provide flexibility as well as connectedness…we are encouraging people to come to work," he told Moneycontrol.

# 單字

keen to 熱衷於
They were very keen to* startwork as soon as possible.*

commute 通勤
*It's *exhausting* commuting from Brighton* to* London every day.*

Wipro Chief Human Resources Officer Saurabh Govil said the pandemic taught that the future of work is hybrid. He, however, said people are not keen to come to work when "you are saving three hours of commute". "So our biggest challenge is how we provide flexibility as well as connectedness…we are encouraging people to come to work," he told Moneycontrol.

# 單字

keen to 熱衷於
They were very keen to* startwork as soon as possible.*

commute 通勤
*It's *exhausting* commuting from Brighton* to* London every day.*

1 min