32 episodes

New podcast weblog The Bart Show is a weekly podcast that brings you the world’s most interesting people. Hosted by author and world-famous handwriting expert Bart Baggett, each week he takes a look into the minds of some of the funniest, brightest, and even the strangest people you would never meet on your own.

If words like honesty, playfulness, success, authenticity, fun, and freedom resonate with you… The Bart Show will quickly become your favorite podcast. It’s a comedy show infused with personal development and psychology.

The Bart Baggett Show: The World’s Most Interesting People Podcast Bart Baggett

    • Comedy

New podcast weblog The Bart Show is a weekly podcast that brings you the world’s most interesting people. Hosted by author and world-famous handwriting expert Bart Baggett, each week he takes a look into the minds of some of the funniest, brightest, and even the strangest people you would never meet on your own.

If words like honesty, playfulness, success, authenticity, fun, and freedom resonate with you… The Bart Show will quickly become your favorite podcast. It’s a comedy show infused with personal development and psychology.

    Brittany Hunter: World's Worst X-Girlfriend

    Brittany Hunter: World's Worst X-Girlfriend

    “Moral of the story: be so good at what you do that not even attempted murder will hold you back.” Comedian Brittany Hunter is very good at the many things she does, including creating the content for a major nonprofit law firm which hired her despite genuinely believing that she had tried to stab her ex-husband. 
    She never actually did—though she admits to lying to avoiding getting into trouble, so perhaps we’ll never know. This was just one of many persistent rumors that arose from a live-Tweet tirade she went on throughout her messy divorce. 
    Brittany’s approach to revenge is much more psychological than physical. She explains how she undermines the dreams and careers of her ex-boyfriends—several DJs and even a professional magician— in retaliation for their cheating on her and ignoring her. She tells the story of setting the precedent for text harassment laws in her native Utah while still in high school. 
    It all contributes to her personal brand of “trauma-dy,” a taste of which she serves up on today’s episode of The Bart Baggett Show. Tune in to learn what her sloppy cursive reveals about her and how she sets herself apart in a sea full of ‘Brittanys.” It is pronounced BRIT-TI-NEY… but she will answer to any version as long as you call. 
    “I work at a nonprofit law firm. We have like 17 Supreme Court wins. I am not a lawyer. I'm a college dropout, not a lawyer. I do content. I’m a writer, first and foremost, so I storytell about the clients whom we represent, so I get to interview them, do all that. And surprisingly, all my coworkers and the general counsel of our firm are coming to see me tomorrow. I have done comedy in front of them. They hired me thinking I killed– or tried to kill–my ex husband.” (3:11 | Brittany Hunter) 
    “I've never tried to stab anyone. First of all I’m a good shot, so if I would have tried to stab him, I would have stabbed him. You’re calling me a bad stabber. I follow things through. I follow through. If I wanted to murder him, he’d be dead. I’m a finisher.” (5:16 | Brittany Hunter and Bart Baggett)
    “My first criminal record started when I was 18 years old. I was the precedent in Utah for text messaging harassment. Text messaging had been out one year. I texted my high school ex-boyfriend, who cheated on me, 200 times a day, every day, for two months until the police came. That is some persistence. It was persistence. It was hard work.” (11:52 | Brittany Hunter)
    Learn more and subscribe to the Bart Baggett’s Show The World’s Most Interesting People Fan Weekly Newsletter at https://thebartshow.com 
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    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

    • 18 min
    Larry Sharpe: The Secret to Wealth is Ownership

    Larry Sharpe: The Secret to Wealth is Ownership

    “Community is everything,” says today’s guest Larry Sharpe, a business consultant, entrepreneur and Libertarian political activist. Growing up with a single mother who was an addict and a felon, Larry learned first-hand that the government is not here to help you. In fact, it might be working to keep you down once you fall. On today’s episode of The Bart Baggett Show, he explains the importance of what he calls “ownership mindset” as the only way to truly build wealth and why community is its centerpiece.
    After graduating from the Marine Corps, he went into sales with the intent of making money, only to realize that he was the only one not profiting from his success. He explains why immigrant families who come to the U.S. are intent on owning something, and how they build community around it. He explains the root of capitalism, responsibility, and even  why devoutly religious people make the best employees.  Larry even covers  how to support nonprofits while keeping your money safe from the government’s greedy hands. 
    Larry learned a lot by losing it all and building it back from scratch.  He dispels the difference between guilt-based social conditioning in the West and shame-based conditioning in the East.  This episode is a delicious blend of psychology, politics, and capitalism.
    Join today’s episode of the Bart Baggett show the powerful and business savvy Larry Sharpe.  Larry ran for governor in 2022 and continues to be dedicated to libertarian free ideas through community, business, and politics.
    “Well, you can if you look at one important thing, the number one thing to consider in your life in general. And this is where most of the poor communities fail. Ownership. Ownership of your life, ownership of your business, ownership of your family, ownership of your job. Ownership mindset. And the ownership mindset doesn't say, ‘What kind of job can I get? How can I pay my bills today?’ It says what kind of value can I bring that people will want?” (4:45 | Larry Sharpe)
    “When I got to the Marine Corps, my mother had an even worse problem. She actually became an addict. And she was a felon. And I pulled her out of jail. And I tried to get her life set up again. And that was my first real understanding of how the system is not meant for someone who falls down. It is meant to keep you down.” (9:01 | Larry Sharpe)
    “Government is very good at servicing, not at helping. They will service you all day long. They will make sure you don’t die and stay in that terrible spot forever. And they’re good at that, that’s a skill set the government has: keeping you in a bad spot. But actually helping you? Oh, they’re terrible. Community is everything and I learned that from my mother.” (9:39 | Larry Sharpe)
    “This goes back to our ownership mindset. When you find immigrant families coming, most of them want to own something, immediately, immediately, they want to own something or they want to do business around a house, they own something because they know that where they were from, they own nothing. That's why they left when it comes to own something. That Ownership mindset, which is also an entrepreneur mindset, but isn't always entrepreneurial, but it is ownership based.” (10:55 | Larry Sharpe) 
    “The problem with so many nonprofits is they’re all getting government grants, which means you have government strings. So, basically, it’s a government agency that’s not unionized, that’s why the government loves it.” (12:52 | Larry Sharpe)
    Learn more and subscribe to the Bart Baggett’s Show The World’s Most Interesting People Fan Weekly Newsletter at https://thebartshow.com 
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    • 32 min
    Lou Perez: That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore

    Lou Perez: That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore

    Lou will still tell the joke that isn’t allowed in some circles.  His audience doesn’t want “woke comedy” or watered down dirty jokes.  It just has to be funny. Today’s guest standup comedian Lou Perez feels comfortable making the jokes that other comedians feel too scared to make.  
    In Lou’s new book, “That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore: The Death and Rebirth of Comedy” he reflects about the days when not only were you allowed to experiment, but encouraged to fail, and audiences were down for the ride.  The World’s Most Interesting People Podcast host Bart Baggett digs into the the last 20 years of Lou’s comedy career and the state of comedy in general.  
    Lou was surprised with the election of  Donald Trump to the American presidency, and more surprised at the short reign of woke comedy. You could start to see the punchlines from a mile away. Lou and Bart discuss the politics behind late night talk shows and how they found themselves unlikely defenders of free speech. 
    They also discuss some surprising findings in their respective DNA lineage, having each taken a 23andMe test. They consider how life would be different if they were more invested in identitarian politics, and the lasting influence of the greatest murderer in history, Genghis Khan. 
    If you’re looking for politically correct comedy, today’s conversation is not for you. Instead, Lou and Bart discuss the state of woke culture, why Twitter was once the best place for writing jokes, and why Joe hates to owe anyone anything. 
    “The book is a really great opportunity to look back at how lucky I was to start out doing comedy when I was doing it where you were expected to try stuff, experiment and make mistakes, to fail, to bomb, and to learn from that and come back and hopefully be funnier.” (3:54 | Lou Perez)
    “Suddenly, you had this huge population of comedians that were just aiming their weapons at the President, and you couldn’t stray from that, for a lot of people, you couldn’t stray from that. You couldn’t let this guy get an inch. You couldn’t even make jokes about your own party if you were a Democrat.” (5:43 | Lou Perez)
    "The TV writers all live in Los Angeles or New York. There's a heavy liberal element to it. Trump is a Republican president. So it's very easy for them to write those jokes. But if you're from another country, he just looks like a weird clown with orange makeup on. He's easy to make fun of.” (7:08 | Bart Baggett)
    “Yeah, that is one of the gifts and one of the gifts of 23andme is I found out I'm 4.8% indigenous American. It's funny, because does that really change anything about me like my day to day, it's kind of like, ‘Oh, that's kind of a cool thing. And then just sort of like taking that like, ‘Man, what if I leaned into that?’ Now what that now that just, if I leaned–if I was the type of person who really took identitarian politics seriously, and my bloodline really seriously, where can I go with that?” (12:52 | Lou Perez)
    “I’m glad they’re giving back, we raped and pillaged their land. OK, give them five percent of the oil money. Makes sense to me. Yeah, my body’s 4.8%; the rest of it’s been raped and pillaged. I would be a lot more if it weren’t for the conquistadors, or whatever, coming over and doing their thing.” (14:36 | Bart Baggett and Lou Perez)
    Learn more and subscribe to the Bart Show Fan Weekly Newsletter at https://thebartshow.com 
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    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

    • 21 min
    Elizabeth Nolan Brown: The Rise and Fall of Reasonable People

    Elizabeth Nolan Brown: The Rise and Fall of Reasonable People

    “We’re a conspiracy-loving people,” says Elizabeth Nolan Brown, senior editor at Reason, a magazine which prides itself on debunking myth and emotion-based arguments from both the Left and the Right. On today’s episode of The Bart Baggett Show, she debunks a number of popular myths, including that the media was only ever a stalwart bastion of truth and integrity. In fact, she argues, with so many citizens acting as fact-checkers, the media is held to account more than ever. 
    Of course, transparency has its drawbacks. She and host Bart Baggett discuss the intrusion of constant surveillance and the importance of end-to-end encryption to keep our communication private from an intrusive government. The excuse that encryption will allow bad people to hide their bad deeds is another way in which the government exaggerates danger and instills fear so that we’ll forfeit our civil liberties for a false sense of safety. 
    What’s really behind the widespread conspiracy of a major sex trafficking circuit operating throughout the U.S.?  Are aliens real? Are we really in a population decline? Elizabeth Nolan Brown, who also writes for libertarian feminist nonprofit Feminists for Liberty, answers these questions and more on today’s episode.
    “It’s a little bit of a myth, actually. I do think that standards are somewhat different today; there’s a lot more opinion in certain news outlets today than there used to be. But this idea that we used to have this objective press that was infallible is really wrong and it’s just that we didn’t have people to correct them.” (2:56 | Elizabeth Nolan Brown) 
    “And the other thing is that like a lot like with the war on drugs...they use this as an excuse to invade everyone's civil liberties. There have been a lot of laws passed over the past decade and a half that allow more surveillance by police, allow more monitoring of social media, allow all sorts of things that we wouldn’t stand for except that people say, ‘Oh, it’s to stop human trafficking,’ ad they they use it as sort of a backdoor way to invade civil liberties of everybody. (8:03 | Elizabeth Nolan Brown) 
    “Free speech. Freedom of religion. Freedom of assembly. Freedom to avoid government surveillance, either in your physical space or in your digital life. That’s a big thing now, is that we’re fighting the same battles we fought in physical space now so much when it comes to your internet activity, your emails, your text messages.” (10:58 | Elizabeth Nolan Brown)
    “Criminals are going to use everything. You have to find a way to stop criminals without invading everyone’s privacy.” (12:24 | Elizabeth Nolan Brown)
    “There are a couple countries that have a "Yeah, go have sex go make babies" day. Which is actually one of the more benign things though. You also have government's paying people, trying to bribe people into having babies. You have Nordic countries doing a lot of free childcare and free mandatory parental leave and all these types of social welfare state things happening. There is no evidence that any of it is really working.” (13:49 | Elizabeth Nolan Brown)
    Learn more and subscribe to the Bart Baggett Show Fan Weekly Newsletter at https://thebartshow.com 
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    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

    • 21 min
    Spike Cohen "Troublemaker"

    Spike Cohen "Troublemaker"

    “Even if Congress were the most intelligent and incorruptible people… they should not choose for you.  They are often idiots” —Spike Cohen discusses the problems with Democracy. 
    “We have to show people that liberty works, it’s something that makes sense, it’s not just a theory,” says Spike Cohen, founder of the organization “You Are the Power'', which works to see justice for community members who’ve been wronged by their local governments.
    In this episode of The Bart Baggett Show, Spike Cohen tells the story of one pastor who sheltered and fed the local homeless population in his church, and the local government responded by seizing the church.  Why are local community leaders not allowed to feed the homeless? The answer will surprise you.
    Politics is a dirty game, as Spike saw firsthand as vice presidential candidate for the Libertarian party in 2020. He and Bart talk about the real story behind the two World Wars and what he sees as the problem with handing power to a handful of power-hungry people like those who govern the US.
     If Spike had any aspirations toward power or status, a diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis in 2016 gave him a new perspective. He explains how, far from being an obstacle, this served as a catalyst for many great changes in his life. 
    Join today’s discussion as Spike Cohen and host Bart Baggett discuss imposter syndrome, dress swapping, and how Spike got his name (and why he had to steal it back from a dead dog). 
    “I want to kill the narrative that libertarians can't win and change it to not only can libertarians win, but when we win, the people win for a change, too.” (4:47 | Spike Cohen) 
    “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And the thing is, the more that you centralize that power into one person, or even a relatively small group of people. In DC we’re basically ruled over by 546 people, 435 in Congress, 100 in the Senate, nine in the Supreme Court and one in the White House. 546 people are making day to day life and death decisions for over 350 million Americans across a gigantic landmass and multiple islands and so forth. And even if these were the most intelligent and incorruptible people they still couldn't possibly know as well as you do what you need. And of course, they aren't the most intelligent people. They're often idiots, and they're certainly not incorruptible.” (10:42 | Spike Cohen) 
    “A lot of people who are successful have status, but their self esteem is actually pretty low. So the more successful they are the more they feel validated. And then temporarily, they feel good enough, but it's a never ending drug of validation.” (18:21 | Bart Baggett) 
    “In 2016, I was diagnosed with MS. It forced me to rethink every aspect of my life down from what I ate, to how I operated, to what I thought about myself and everything else. And now, I'm living on purpose. And that has completely changed my mindset on everything. I'm not chasing status anymore. I'm chasing a vision that I have for what I'm trying to do and that now when I go to bed at night, I am excited to wake up the next morning to do the next thing.” (18:55 | Spike Cohen)
    Learn more and subscribe to the Bart Show Fan Weekly Newsletter at https://thebartshow.com 
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    Connect with Bart Baggett
    Meet Bart Baggett and Spike Cohen at FreedomFest this year.
    https://freedomfest.com/  coupon code for $50 discount “bart50’ 
    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

    • 22 min
    Lily Tang Williams: Freedom is my Congressional Platform

    Lily Tang Williams: Freedom is my Congressional Platform

    “Liberty is my North Star. Without it…you are just a slave.”  Lily Tang Williams understands and appreciates freedom in a way that only someone who grew up without it truly can. Lily is running for Congress and she intends to win. 
    A U.S. citizen for many years now, she’s watched the country grow to resemble more and more the Communist China from which she originally fled. To help turn things around before it’s too late, she is running for U.S. Congress. She joins The Bart Show to discuss the warning signs of Communism and Marxism. Why is free market Capitalism under attack? There is a danger of trading security for freedom.
    As propaganda and revisionist history continue to blur the line between fact and fiction, Lily and Bart explain the importance of broadening and diversifying where we get our news. They discuss what governments do to people who speak up and Lily’s plans for Congress. Bart even announces her in good mental health when Lily’s handwriting reveals she’s a perfect fit for politics. 
    In a playful yet informative conversation, they discuss important questions like… Is healthcare a human right? What distinguishes fairness from justice, equity from equality? Join today’s discussion to learn from a woman who has been on either side of freedom and knows exactly where she wants to be.
    “I'm an American. I want freedom. You know, 90% of people in New Hampshire are white people. I feel very welcome there. Most people have the traditional value of the New Hampshire motto ‘Live free or die’. They say that if she gets it, she will be a fierce fighter for freedom and challenge the socialists in Congress. I'm kind of new, they don't know me that well. But once they find out what I stand for, they respond very positively.” (3:37 | Lily Tang Williams) 
    “This goes so deep, because I've spoken in Beijing.  I have many, many fans across Europe. I've spoken in Poland, which was Communist just 20 years ago. And when I'm interacting with these amazing people, and they really, really want the idea of being an entrepreneur is very foreign. The idea of “No, I gotta make my business, I gotta make my paycheck. I have to hire employees.” And they're like, Well, what about you know, we just want to work for the government. We just, we expect security…trading your liberty for security for things like communism is such a disastrous road.” (4:44 | Bart Baggett)
    “It’s a form of limited free market Capitalism.. China took off economically. What do you know about today's China? People want to be entrepreneurs and want to become rich…When you have a bad system like Socialism or Communism, these individuals have no incentive because you don't get rewarded when you work hard. Remember, Obama said, ‘You did not build that. I took that as such an insulting attack on my free entrepreneurship.’” (10:38 | Lily Tang Williams)
    “To me, political freedom and economic freedom go together. In China today, it may be like in the 80s or 90s you could start a business pretty easily. But without the rule of law as private property owners, private corporation owners, you don't have the guarantee of the protection of your private property. Look at what happened to Jack Ma, the billionaire who disappeared for a few months in China. Well because he criticized Chinese regulators.” (14:50 Lily Tang Williams) 
    Learn more and subscribe to the Bart Show Fan Weekly Newsletter at https://thebartshow.com 
    Connect with Lily Tang Williams:
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    Sponsored by Freedomfest.  https://freedomfest.com  coupon code “bart50”

    • 30 min

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