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Welcome to The Bitcoin Street Journal Bitcoin Market Update! We bring you current live bitcoin headline news, market updates, technical analysis, BTC price, market capitalization and accurate market supply data. Join us on The Daily Diary of the Bitcoin Dream for breaking news, business updates, financial and economic news everyday.

The Bitcoin Street Journal Market Update The Bitcoin CEO

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Welcome to The Bitcoin Street Journal Bitcoin Market Update! We bring you current live bitcoin headline news, market updates, technical analysis, BTC price, market capitalization and accurate market supply data. Join us on The Daily Diary of the Bitcoin Dream for breaking news, business updates, financial and economic news everyday.

    Ignore the FOMO. Disregard the FUD. HODL On | Episode 92 Week 41

    Ignore the FOMO. Disregard the FUD. HODL On | Episode 92 Week 41

    Hey there! Let's dive right into some exciting news in the world of Bitcoin. Brace yourself for some interesting updates! First up, let's talk about dollar cost averaging. You know, the strategy where you invest a fixed amount at regular intervals over time, regardless of the asset's price fluctuations. Well, with Bitcoin, it seems like this strategy is yielding some positive results. No matter when you started buying, at the current price, you're definitely in the green. That's pretty cool, right? 💪 Now, switching gears to the Argentine elections. We've got an intriguing development here. Javier Milei, a pro-Bitcoin candidate, secured the second position in yesterday's election. However, there have been claims that his ballots were deliberately damaged across the country to invalidate them. Talk about controversy! It's definitely caught everyone's attention. 👀 We'll be seeing a second round of voting on November 19th. This time, Javier Milei will be facing off against Sergio Massa, Argentina's current Ministry of Economy. It's going to be an exciting battle between these two candidates. Let's see how it unfolds! Moving on to something closer to home, we have some breaking news from the world of ETFs. Scott Johnsson, over at BlackRock, recently shared an intriguing update. According to his sources, the amended BlackRock spot Bitcoin ETF filing suggests that they might be considering seeding the ETF with cash this month. That's definitely worth keeping an eye on! 👀😮 But wait, there's more! Let's talk about the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. One of its commissioners, Hester Peirce, recently made an interesting statement. She suggested that there's no reason why a Bitcoin ETF shouldn't have been approved by now. In her words, the logic behind the delay has always mystified her. That's certainly thought-provoking, don't you think? 🤔 It seems like the Bitcoin ETF approval saga continues to intrigue and mystify market participants. With major players like BlackRock possibly looking to enter the ETF space and the SEC commissioner expressing her confusion over the delay, the stage is set for some exciting developments. Well, that's all for now, folks! I hope you found these updates interesting. Keep an eye on the upcoming elections in Argentina and stay tuned for any further news on the BlackRock spot Bitcoin ETF and the SEC's stance on approving a Bitcoin ETF. Until next time!

    • 14 min
    Memorizing 12 Words Is The Key To Bitcoin | Episode 92 Week 40

    Memorizing 12 Words Is The Key To Bitcoin | Episode 92 Week 40

    Hey there, let's talk about some recent developments in the world of cryptocurrency! First up, we have some news from Pennsylvania. The Cryptocurrency Energy Conservation Act has been passed by the House committee, but here's the twist - they removed the proposal to ban Bitcoin mining in the state. It seems like the committee bowed to labor pressure. So, it looks like Bitcoin mining can continue in Pennsylvania, much to the relief of many. Moving on to Australia, the country's central bank has made an interesting statement. They believe that a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and tokenized money could actually save billions of dollars in domestic financial markets. It's an idea worth exploring, but not everyone agrees. Some people argue that no one needs a CBDC, but we will all need Bitcoin. It's an ongoing debate that showcases the different perspectives in the crypto world. Now, let's talk about something exciting happening in Switzerland. The first Swiss food product created in the new Gabbani's sustainable production center has been introduced - it's called Banettone. What makes this production center unique is that it's powered by solar energy and even has Bitcoin mining capabilities. The facility recently underwent upgrades, including the installation of a 100k KW solar panel production system. This not only increases the center's energy independence and sustainability but also allows for Bitcoin mining using excess energy generated during the production process. It's a great example of using renewable energy for crypto mining. Shifting our focus to Argentina, there's a lot happening with Bitcoin in the political landscape. With the upcoming presidential elections, a pro-Bitcoin candidate, Javier Milei, is surging in the polls. Interestingly, the current administration has abolished income tax just a week before the elections. These developments allude to the growing influence of cryptocurrencies in the country's politics. Now, let's take a look at China. The Chinese tech giant Meitu is reportedly considering selling $100 million worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum holdings. This news indicates that even major companies are exploring options with their cryptocurrency investments. It will be interesting to see how this decision impacts the market and what it means for the future of cryptocurrencies. Speaking of the future, Bitcoin is always a hot topic. It seems like everyone has an opinion. Some people study Bitcoin, diving deep into its intricacies and potential. Others, like Edward Snowden, aren't quite convinced about the rise of Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). It's a diverse landscape of opinions, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts too. Let's switch gears and head to Mendoza, Argentina. Escuelita Bitcoin is catching people's attention and getting them "orange pilled" with their informative content. It's fascinating to see how education and awareness about Bitcoin are spreading across different regions. Now, let's talk about Bitcoin's price. Most charts show either growth or volatility, but there's one chart that captures both. It's interesting to see both aspects together, giving us a comprehensive view of Bitcoin's journey. Here's some breaking news from Fidelity. They have submitted an updated version of their S-1 application for a spot Bitcoin ETF. The amendments in this application emphasize the detailed specification of custodial arrangements, mechanics related to hard forks, valuation and pricing sources, adherence to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), and enhanced risk disclosure concerning regulatory uncertainties.

    • 14 min
    They Have Lost The Game They Just Don't Know It Yet | Episode 91 Week 39

    They Have Lost The Game They Just Don't Know It Yet | Episode 91 Week 39

    So, here's some interesting news for you all. The founder of OpenAI, Sam Altman, recently acknowledged the power and potential of Bitcoin. He expressed his excitement about the idea of having a global currency that is not under the control of any government. Altman sees this as a logical and important step forward. And you know what? This is a big deal because even someone as influential as Altman recognizes how powerful Bitcoin truly is. Now, let's move on to some more Bitcoin-related news. Bitman, a prominent figure in the Bitcoin community, recently made waves again. This time, he projected the words "Study Bitcoin" at the Festival of Lights in Berlin, Germany. Talk about making a statement! It's great to see Bitcoin gaining visibility in such a creative and eye-catching way. But that's not all. Investment bank Jefferies has described Bitcoin as a "critical hedge" against the potential devaluation of currency due to monetary policy and the return of inflation. This is an interesting development because it reflects the growing recognition of Bitcoin's value as a strategic asset. It's definitely encouraging to see more mainstream institutions acknowledging the importance of Bitcoin in navigating uncertain economic times. Now let's talk about the progress of the Bitcoin halving. Currently, we're at 86%. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the Bitcoin halving is an event that occurs approximately every four years, where the reward for mining Bitcoin is reduced by half. This mechanism helps control the supply of Bitcoin and has a significant impact on its value. So, keeping an eye on the progress of the halving is crucial for anyone interested in the Bitcoin market. Speaking of the Bitcoin market, let's reflect on the top ten list of "crypto" market caps from 2013. It's fascinating to see that out of all the cryptocurrencies on that list, only one remains successful today - Bitcoin. This raises an important question: Why is it that so many people are Bitcoin-only? Perhaps it's because Bitcoin has proven itself as a reliable and resilient digital asset, with a track record that speaks for itself. Now, let's discuss a recent revelation that may raise some eyebrows. It turns out that FTX's public insurance fund size was apparently fake. Yes, you heard that right. The reported value of the fund was artificially inflated by including a random number in the calculation. This is a stark reminder of why it's crucial not to entrust your assets to exchanges. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin allows individuals to have full control over their funds, reducing the risks associated with centralized entities. So, there you have it - a roundup of some intriguing news in the world of Bitcoin. From the acknowledgement of its power by influential figures like Sam Altman, to creative displays at festivals and investment banks recognizing its value as a hedge, Bitcoin continues to make its mark. Just remember, keep an eye on the Bitcoin halving progress, appreciate Bitcoin's resilience amidst the ever-changing crypto landscape, and always prioritize the security of your assets.

    • 10 min
    Anna Learns How To Mine Bitcoin With GPUtopia and Saves The World From AI | Episode 90 Week 38

    Anna Learns How To Mine Bitcoin With GPUtopia and Saves The World From AI | Episode 90 Week 38

    Hey there! Things are really getting weird AF right now, especially in the realm of GPUs. It seems like everyone is in a frenzy to get their hands on these bad boys. Seriously, they're now harder to get than drugs, according to Elon himself. But you know what's even crazier? Some big-time companies aren't just hoarding GPUs, they're also trying to manipulate the market by lobbying for "safety" regulations. Yeah, it's regulatory capture at its finest, disguised as concern for the greater good. It's all just a power play to stifle competition. But hey, what if there was a way to level the playing field? What if we could democratize GPU access and make it available to everyone? Introducing GPUtopia! You, yes you, the person reading this, probably have one or more computers lying around with unused GPU capacity. Now, imagine if you could sell that extra GPU capacity. Pretty cool, right? Well, that's exactly what GPUtopia aims to do. We want to connect all these devices together to create a global mesh network for GPU compute. And the best part is, we're keeping it simple. No garbage crypto token or convoluted crypto "governance" mechanism. None of that. We're talking about a straightforward marketplace where buyers and sellers can connect without any gatekeeping or quotas. Here's how it works: you just hop onto our platform, set your price based on the supply and demand, and that's it. Pay with any usual payment method and get the GPU compute you need. Oh, and if you want the best rates and avoid any risk of chargeback fraud, you can pay and earn in bitcoin. It's as simple as that. And guess what? We've already launched the beta version of our GPU seller experience. You can start selling your GPU compute for bitcoin right now, using nothing but your web browser. Pretty cool, huh? But that's not all. We're also launching the buyer experience later this month. So, if you're in need of GPU compute for your AI/ML workloads, we've got you covered. Our platform will make it super easy for you to purchase the compute power you need. And we're not stopping there — we're constantly improving and expanding. In the upcoming weeks and months, we will be adding support for more devices and more workloads. And here's the cool part — we'll prioritize new features based on the feedback of our active users. So, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please get involved and let us know what you'd love to see. Welcome to GPUtopia, my friend! It's a world where everybody gets a fair shot at accessing GPU compute power. So come join us, be a part of this exciting revolution, and let's make GPUtopia a reality together. See you there!

    • 11 min
    Remember Remember HODL Bitcoin In Uptober | Episode 89 Week 38

    Remember Remember HODL Bitcoin In Uptober | Episode 89 Week 38

    So, have you heard the latest news? Bloomberg has just released a mini-documentary called "America's Looming Debt Spiral." It's definitely something worth checking out. Now, let's switch gears and talk about Bitcoin. Ah, Bitcoin, the solution to many problems. It's interesting, isn't it? The SEC Chair, Gary Gensler, who seems to have a reputation for being a professional clown, is keeping everyone on their toes. He refuses to say whether the SEC will approve spot Bitcoin ETFs. It's quite the suspenseful situation, don't you think? Speaking of Bitcoin, have you ever wondered why so many people just buy and hold it? It's a valid question, right? Well, there must be a reason for it. Maybe they see something in Bitcoin that others don't. Perhaps its potential for growth or the security it offers. Whatever it may be, there's definitely a motive behind the HODLing frenzy. Here's an interesting fact for you: did you know that a whopping 23% of Bitcoin mining is powered by hydroelectric energy? That's right, water is the driving force behind a significant portion of Bitcoin's mining operations. It's actually quite impressive when you consider that the use of fossil fuels dominates most major industries. Bitcoin has found a greener way to thrive, and it's worth taking note of. Oh, and let's not forget that the percentage of Bitcoin supply held by long-term holders has just reached a record high of 76.09%. That's quite a remarkable achievement! It shows that people have immense confidence in the future of Bitcoin and are willing to hold onto it for the long haul. It's a strong indicator of the stability and potential of this cryptocurrency. Now, let's talk about the impact of Bitcoin on the world. With Bitcoin, the world becomes a more affordable place. When you compare it to traditional fiat currencies, you'll notice that things can get pretty pricey with the latter. But with Bitcoin, there's a different story. It provides an alternative that offers more financial freedom and accessibility to individuals around the globe. So, it's important to act accordingly and consider this game-changer in your financial decisions. It's fascinating how Bitcoin has shaken up the world. Whether it's providing greener alternatives to energy consumption or enabling individuals to have more control over their finances, Bitcoin continues to make waves. These recent developments and achievements indicate that Bitcoin is here to stay and will continue to play a significant role in shaping our financial landscape. So, keep an eye on those Bitcoin ETFs and stay tuned for more updates. It's an exciting time in the world of cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin is leading the charge. Get ready for a revolution in how we perceive and interact with money.

    • 16 min
    Chat Dot PlebAi Dot Com Anna Breaks It Down For You | Episode 88 Week 37

    Chat Dot PlebAi Dot Com Anna Breaks It Down For You | Episode 88 Week 37

    Hey there! Have you heard about PlebAI? It's an exciting movement that aims to democratize AI access for all. You see, the elites in Silicon Valley have been pouring billions of dollars into building closed AI systems. These systems are designed to collect and analyze all of our data, and then they scare politicians into creating regulations that give them power as overlords. But guess what? They won't win in that game because there are millions of Plebs like us who can band together and beat them at their own game! PlebAI is all about building in public and making AI accessible to everyone. And they've come up with an open app that's packed with incredible features. The best part? No email or signups required! You don't even need to provide your credit card details or make any upfront payment. Plus, there are no annoying ads or trackers to worry about. Your chat history is only stored on your browser, ensuring your privacy is protected. Now, let's talk about the technical side of PlebAI. They've carefully selected and integrated various open-source tools to create a seamless user experience. It's impressive how they've pieced everything together! One key component is Prem AI. They leverage state-of-the-art Open-Source Large Language Models (LLMs) to provide a unified environment for deploying AI models on your infrastructure. Even if you only have small-scale CPU machines, you can still execute LLMs and access models through APIs. It's amazing how accessible AI has become! PlebAI also utilizes GPT4All, developed by Nomic AI. GPT4All is a chatbot trained on a vast corpus of assistant interactions. By fine-tuning LLaMA 7B, PlebAI can offer an open-source ecosystem for training and deploying efficient, assistant-style large language models. And the best part is that you can do it all locally on consumer-grade CPUs. No need for fancy hardware! But that's not all. They also make use of Llama2-7B-HF, created by Meta. Meta developed and publicly released the Llama 2 family of large language models, which includes a collection of pretrained and fine-tuned generative text models ranging in parameter scale. PlebAI has fine-tuned their own LLMs, called Llama-2-Chat, that are optimized for dialogue use cases. It's great to see how they've integrated these different resources to provide an enhanced experience. And let's not forget about the user interface. PlebAI has partnered with Big-AGI, who has developed a user-friendly chat interface that can be easily customized and deployed. Originally designed for use with OpenAI ChatGPT, PlebAI has modified it to work seamlessly with their open-source model. It's impressive how they've made everything so user-friendly! If you're eager to get started with PlebAI, you can check out their website at https://chat.plebai.com/. It's super easy to dive right in and explore the world of PlebAI. So, why wait? Join the movement and help democratize AI access for all! Together, we can build in public, challenge the elites, and make sure that AI serves the interests of the many, not the few. Visit PlebAI today and discover the power of accessible AI.

    • 7 min

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