264 episodes

Wade T. Lightheart, a host of the Awesome Health Podcast, is a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute and Director of Education at BiOptimizers, one of the world’s most innovative nutritional supplement companies.

Wade has been involved professionally in the nutritional supplement industry for over 15 years. After his digestion totally broke down and he gained 42 pounds following a bodybuilding competition, he began to search for answers. Through a revolutionary doctor, he discovered the power of specific enzyme and probiotic strains for healing digestion and turned his health and life around.

The Awesome Health Podcast reflects Wade’s passion and mission to end needless physical suffering while helping individuals fix their digestion and transform their health.

This podcast is a fun, yet informative show about cutting-edge health tools, technology, principles and nutritional science that rapidly transform anyone’s digestion, overall wellness, and life. It’s both light (and at times hilarious), and highly instructional. Each week, worldwide leaders in their respective areas of health or nutrition are interviewed so that listeners can take their best insights and rapidly upgrade their bodies and quality of life.

BIOptimizers - Awesome Health Podcast Wade Lightheart

    • Health & Fitness

Wade T. Lightheart, a host of the Awesome Health Podcast, is a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute and Director of Education at BiOptimizers, one of the world’s most innovative nutritional supplement companies.

Wade has been involved professionally in the nutritional supplement industry for over 15 years. After his digestion totally broke down and he gained 42 pounds following a bodybuilding competition, he began to search for answers. Through a revolutionary doctor, he discovered the power of specific enzyme and probiotic strains for healing digestion and turned his health and life around.

The Awesome Health Podcast reflects Wade’s passion and mission to end needless physical suffering while helping individuals fix their digestion and transform their health.

This podcast is a fun, yet informative show about cutting-edge health tools, technology, principles and nutritional science that rapidly transform anyone’s digestion, overall wellness, and life. It’s both light (and at times hilarious), and highly instructional. Each week, worldwide leaders in their respective areas of health or nutrition are interviewed so that listeners can take their best insights and rapidly upgrade their bodies and quality of life.

    263: Unlocking Potential with Energetic Literacy - with Jessica Corbin

    263: Unlocking Potential with Energetic Literacy - with Jessica Corbin

    Jessica Corbin's journey into understanding and addressing burnout began with early creative expressions in her grandparents' backyard. As a child, she thrived in activities that allowed her to channel her energy creatively, such as building obstacle courses. This creativity extended into her athletic pursuits, where she found joy and expression through the power, strength, and agility of her body.
    Her unexpected success in cross country during high school, where she joined Nina Lennon, led her to become an All-American athlete and later attend UCLA. This journey taught her the importance of aligning willpower with right action and principles, a lesson that would become crucial in her later work.
    The Reality of Burnout and the Road to Recovery
    Despite her achievements, Jessica's unchecked ambition led to severe burnout and adrenal fatigue before she turned 30. This experience highlighted the dire consequences of the relentless grind culture and underscored the necessity of addressing burnout and promoting energetic literacy.
    Energetic literacy involves understanding one's energy and its impact on relationships and work. Jessica critiques the mechanistic age for creating a disconnect between inner truth and external actions, causing friction within individuals. She advocates for a paradigm shift towards a living system paradigm, which values creativity, intuition, and right-brain thinking alongside logic and rationality.
    Heart Rate Variability (HRV): A Tool for Energetic Literacy
    Organizations can benefit immensely from visualizing energy patterns through metrics like heart rate variability (HRV). HRV serves as a truth-teller, helping individuals maintain integrity and decondition harmful patterns by trusting their inner wisdom. For Jessica, HRV was instrumental in her recovery, enabling her to understand her stress responses and manage them based on her bio-individuality.
    HRV assesses various aspects, including physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and relational health, distilled into a single data point. Sorce.io, the platform Jessica developed, uses HRV to help individuals understand how previous activities or stressors affect their health and guide them to adjust accordingly.
    Implementing HRV in Organizations
    Sorce.io has evolved to work with large companies, collecting data to visualize organizational nervous systems. Simple acts of inquiry based on HRV data can stabilize and support teams, making strategic planning more efficient. HRV data helps organizations make informed, holistic decisions, improving overall energy management and reducing absenteeism, healthcare costs, and attrition.
    Jessica emphasizes the need to redefine business models to be less extractive and more regenerative, considering the well-being of all stakeholders. Strategic planning should incorporate the energetics of a business, making the process more efficient and humane. Recovery from burnout requires a gentle and slow approach, counter to the prevailing grind culture, involving significant surrender and patience.
    Jessica's journey reflects the importance of aligning ambition with inner wisdom, supported by her strong family background and personal resilience. Despite facing severe health issues from a young age, her willpower and innovative thinking led her to create a platform that helps others understand and manage their energy.
    Embracing Energetic Literacy
    Using HRV helps individuals reconnect with their wisdom, allowing for personal experiments to understand the effects of various factors on their physiology. It encourages a shift from a win/lose perspective to one of exploration and experience, providing unique insights into what is beneficial for each individual.
    Understanding HRV can help people run experiments on their own bodies, seeing the effects of different diets, activities, or protocols. This practice of self-discovery without immediate action reduces the intensity of resistance and fosters greater person

    • 1 hr 17 min
    264: Fitness Journey over 50 - with Mareya Ibrahim-Jones

    264: Fitness Journey over 50 - with Mareya Ibrahim-Jones

    As Mareya Ibrahim-Jones approaches her 55th year, she prepares for her second bikini competition, reflecting on her long commitment to fitness, health, and wellness. 
    Ibrahim's journey showcases the resilience and adaptability needed to thrive later in life, particularly for women. She offers valuable insights into physiological changes after 50, emphasizing the importance of nutrition for muscle growth, fat management, and metabolic enhancement through exercise.
    Embracing Change and Overcoming Struggles
    Mareya´s path to health has been challenging, starting with an eating disorder in her late teens and leading to various health issues over the years. The perimenopausal phase introduced new challenges, intensified by the pandemic's stress. These experiences motivated her to deeply understand her body and aim to feel as good—or better—than in her youth.
    Mareya emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach—encompassing food, mindset, physical activity, and supplementation—for her healing process. She advises women to be proactive about their health, not solely relying on doctors. Also, she discusses the early use of birth control and hormone replacement therapy, stressing the need to evaluate one’s lifestyle, diet, exercise, supplementation, and stress management thoroughly.
    Understanding Hormonal Shifts
    Women's hormonal changes before, during, and after menopause can cause symptoms like brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, weight gain, and night sweats. Ibrahim shares her experiences with these symptoms, highlighting the importance of understanding and managing these changes for overall well-being.
    Strength training becomes crucial for women over 50 to maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism, and improve overall health. Ibrahim underscores the need for adequate protein to support muscle growth and recovery. As dietary needs evolve post-menopause, adjusting nutrition is essential.
    Ibrahim’s vegan diet and its impact on her health demonstrate that dietary needs can change over time. Changes in her tolerance for alcohol and late nights have prompted a healthier lifestyle. She promotes a positive aging outlook, encouraging new ways to find joy and fulfillment.
    Building a Supportive Community
    Having a strong support system is essential. Ibrahim values community building and connecting with friends who share similar experiences. She observes positive transformations in women who prioritize their emotional and psychological health along with physical changes. 
    In addition, she criticizes quick-fix solutions, advocating for natural body regulation through strength training, proper nutrition, and understanding the gut-brain axis.
    Mareya Ibrahim-Jones highlights the importance of self-discovery, personal power, and setting individual goals. Comparing oneself to others is unproductive; consistency is key to achieving long-term health goals. Her preparation for a bikini competition exemplifies the closure and confidence attainable through dedication.
    She also emphasizes the need to educate about the long-term impacts of poor lifestyle choices on cognitive health and calls for a broader health discussion beyond aesthetics, focusing on metabolic and cognitive well-being. 
    Her program, "Fit and Fab over 40," is a 21-day challenge designed to optimize women's health in body, mind, and spirit, offering diet, exercise, and lifestyle guidance, supported by an accountability group.
    As she prepares for her second bikini competition at 55, Mareya Ibrahim continues to inspire with her commitment to health and fitness. Her story is a powerful reminder that significant achievements are possible at any age, emphasizing the importance of personal power, goal setting, and a positive outlook for a fulfilling life.
    In this podcast, you will learn about: 
    Mareya Ibrahim-Jones personal journey through perimenopause and how she overcame health challenges.
    The importance of strength training, protein intake, and healthy l

    • 1 hr 15 min
    262: Fascia: Unlocking Body's Healing Potential - with Julia Blackwell

    262: Fascia: Unlocking Body's Healing Potential - with Julia Blackwell

    Julia Blackwell, a fascia release expert, discusses the crucial role of fascia in the body and how fascia release can enhance mobility, alleviate pain, and even address emotional issues.
    What is Fascia?  
    Fascia is a dense network of connective tissue that envelops everything in the body—from muscles and organs to bones and nerves. Blackwell describes fascia as a "three-dimensional plastic wrap suit" that holds everything in place. It also plays a vital role in proprioception, our body's awareness of its position in space.
    When fascia becomes tight or restricted, it can lead to pain and dysfunction throughout the body. This is because tight fascia can exert a pull on muscles and joints, limiting their range of motion. Additionally, restricted fascia can impede blood flow and lymphatic drainage, potentially leading to further complications.
    The Benefits of Fascia Release
    Fascia release, a type of manual therapy, involves applying gentle pressure and movement to the fascial tissue. Blackwell emphasizes the importance of active participation during fascia release sessions. By working with a practitioner, individuals can experience various benefits, including:
    Improved mobility and range of motion Reduced pain Enhanced posture Improved circulation Emotional release How to Find a Fascia Release Practitioner  
    Blackwell recommends seeking a fascia release practitioner who is well-trained in the anatomy and physiology of fascia. She also suggests finding someone who employs a blend of compression and movement techniques. 
    Fascia release is a potent tool that can significantly improve physical and emotional well-being. If you are experiencing pain, dysfunction, or simply wish to enhance your mobility, considering fascia release might be beneficial.
    In this podcast, you will learn about:
    The vital role of fascia in movement, posture, and proprioception. How tight or restricted fascia can cause pain and dysfunction. How fascia release can improve mobility, reduce pain, and address emotional issues. Tips for finding a qualified fascia release practitioner who uses effective techniques. EPISODE RESOURCES:
    Free video series: https://www.movementbyjulia.com/podcast

    • 1 hr 5 min
    261: Exploring Neurofeedback Potential - Andrew Hill

    261: Exploring Neurofeedback Potential - Andrew Hill

    In the expansive realm of mental health and cognitive enhancement, neurofeedback emerges as a particularly promising approach to brain training. It offers exciting possibilities for optimizing brain function and mental well-being. 
    But what is neurofeedback, and how does it work? Join us on a journey through the brain's intricate pathways, guided by insights from Andrew Hill, a pioneer in the field.
    Introduction to Neurofeedback
    Neurofeedback's origins trace back to the early 20th century with the discovery of the EEG (Electroencephalogram), which laid the groundwork for understanding brain waves. By the mid-1960s, the foundations of modern neurofeedback were established. This technique trains the brain's electrical activity through operant conditioning, similar to how a baby learns through exploration and feedback.
    To fully understand neurofeedback, one must first grasp the basics of EEG and the brain's complex structure. EEG measures the brain's electrical activity, providing insights into its function. The cortex, with its six layers of tissue, serves as the command center for processing information. Different brainwave frequencies, from Delta to Beta, reflect various states and functions of the brain, revealing its inner workings.
    Exploring Brainwave Frequencies
    Each brainwave frequency has its significance. Delta waves, linked to deep sleep, facilitate memory consolidation. Theta waves promote insight and creativity, although excessive Theta can cause distractibility. Beta waves are associated with focused attention but can become intrusive in excess, leading to OCD-like behaviors.
    Neurofeedback sessions are personalized experiences, tailored to individual goals and brainwave patterns. Through Quantitative EEG (QEEG), individuals can compare their brainwave patterns to those of age-matched peers, identifying unique traits. These sessions, typically lasting 20-30 minutes, gradually train the brain to regulate its activity, enhancing executive function, creativity, and emotional regulation.
    Despite its potential, neurofeedback faces skepticism from traditional medical and pharmaceutical industries, due to historical controversies. However, advancements in technology have made neurofeedback more accessible and effective in treating various conditions, facilitating broader acceptance.
    Dr. Barry Sterman's groundbreaking research inadvertently discovered neurofeedback's potential in reducing seizures. Despite early successes, funding challenges and skepticism slowed its widespread adoption. Andrew Hill's pioneering efforts have sought to unravel the mechanisms behind neurofeedback's effectiveness, pushing the field forward.
    The Future of Neurofeedback
    As research progresses, the future of neurofeedback looks promising. Current efforts aim to deepen our understanding of its mechanisms and enhance efficacy. Remote neurofeedback programs offer tailored brain training from home, supported by coaches and personalized protocols. Future advancements may include longitudinal brain data tracking and intelligent avatars for testing interventions, heralding a new era of personalized brain optimization.
    In essence, neurofeedback holds the key to unlocking the mind's potential, offering a pathway to enhanced cognitive function and mental well-being. As we delve deeper into the brain's mysteries, the possibilities appear limitless, ushering in a brighter future for humanity's most complex organ.
    In this podcast you will learn about:

    Neurofeedback: Harnessing brain waves for optimal mental well-being. EEG Insights: Understanding the brain's electrical activity for personalized training. Tailored Sessions: Customized neurofeedback journeys for individual goals and brain patterns. Overcoming Skepticism: Technological advancements pave the way for wider acceptance. Future Frontiers: Remote programs and intelligent interventions signal a new era of brain optimization.
    And much more. EPISODE RESOURCES:

    • 1 hr 16 min
    260: The Power of Infrared Saunas - with Connie Zack

    260: The Power of Infrared Saunas - with Connie Zack

    In our quest for health and vitality, we often seek solutions that align with our body's natural rhythms and capacities. For Connie Zack, the journey toward wellness began with a personal mission rooted in pain, passion, and the transformative potential of infrared technology.
    The Origin Story of Sunlighten
    Connie Zack's trajectory towards founding Sunlighten mirrors a profound personal journey. Witnessing her brother's battle with chronic illness, including chronic fatigue and vertigo, Connie delved into the realm of natural solutions. Her brother's recovery, catalyzed by the therapeutic embrace of an infrared sauna, sparked a flame of inspiration. 
    Leaving behind a corporate career at Procter and Gamble's pharmaceutical division, Connie and her husband Erin embarked on a mission to share the healing power of infrared technology with the world.
    From the confines of their basement, Connie and Erin ventured forth into the uncharted territory of entrepreneurship. Despite encountering skepticism and obstacles along the way, their unwavering belief in the transformative potential of infrared technology fueled their endeavors. Connie's background in the pharmaceutical industry endowed them with access to medical insights, facilitating their research and development process.
    At the heart of Sunlighten lies a steadfast commitment to enhancing well-being and enabling individuals to embrace life fully. Connie emphasizes the emotional underpinnings of their mission, driven by a profound desire to positively impact lives and foster holistic wellness.
    Infrared Technology Overview
    Infrared technology represents a paradigm shift in wellness, offering a holistic approach to health maintenance and restoration. Unlike traditional heat sources, infrared heat penetrates the body deeply without causing oppressive temperatures. This unique spectrum of light and heat encompasses far, mid, and near wavelengths, each offering distinct therapeutic benefits.
    The health benefits of infrared therapy are manifold and profound. From activating heat shock proteins to reducing inflammation and regulating circadian rhythms, infrared exposure holds the promise of rejuvenation and vitality.
    Impulse Sauna Technology
    Sunlighten’s Impulse Sauna stands as a pinnacle of innovation in the realm of infrared therapy. Engineered to deliver targeted wavelengths for specific health outcomes, Impulse Sauna's tailored programs cater to diverse wellness needs, including cardiovascular health, relaxation, detoxification, anti-aging, pain relief, and weight loss.
    Scientific rigor underscores every facet of Sunlighten’s endeavors. Through ongoing research and collaboration with experts, they continuously refine their products and deepen their understanding of the physiological mechanisms underpinning infrared therapy.
    In the pursuit of wellness, Sunlighten exemplifies a commitment to harnessing the transformative power of infrared technology. From the depths of personal struggle to the heights of entrepreneurial success, Connie Zack's journey serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards optimal health and vitality. 
    As we unlock the potential of infrared saunas, we embark on a voyage of self-discovery and holistic well-being, guided by the radiant light of possibility.
    In this podcast you will learn about:
    Understanding Infrared Technology: Explore the science behind infrared saunas and how they differ from traditional saunas in promoting deep tissue healing.
    Personal Stories of Transformation: Hear how real users have experienced significant health improvements from regular infrared sauna use.
    Health Benefits Explored: Discover the wide range of health benefits, from detoxification to improved cardiovascular health and pain relief.
    Insights from Experts: Gain valuable insights from health experts on the optimal use of infrared saunas for wellness.
    Sunlighten's Innovative Approach: Learn about Sunlighten's commitment t

    • 1 hr 4 min
    259: The Link: Health and Productivity - with Cory Holly

    259: The Link: Health and Productivity - with Cory Holly

    In a world rife with distractions, demands, and existential contemplations, Cory Holly emerges as a beacon of wisdom, merging health consciousness with a deep understanding of the human condition. 
    His journey, characterized by curiosity, skepticism, and steadfast commitment to wellness, provides invaluable insights into the complex relationship between health and productivity.
    Curiosity and Existential Inquiry
    At the heart of Cory Holly's philosophy is a profound curiosity about existence itself. He explores questions concerning reality, the essence of being, and the existence of a higher power. Through existential inquiry, he examines life’s complexities, seeking meaning and purpose amidst chaos.
    Noting the widespread prevalence of disease and pathology in society, Holly places a strong emphasis on health. He prioritizes understanding how to maintain and enhance both the physical body and mind, recognizing the fundamental connection between health and overall well-being.
    Holly's approach involves challenging societal norms, authority, culture, and beliefs. He stresses reliance on tangible, material aspects of reality and maintains a healthy skepticism towards baseless claims and assertions. Through skepticism and critical thinking, he sifts through the deluge of information to find truth.
    Clarity of Vision and Purpose
    Cory Holly advocates a three-step process for success: developing a clear vision, understanding the steps necessary to achieve goals, and actively pursuing those goals. He champions purpose-driven living, aligning actions with values and aspirations to maximize fulfillment and productivity.
    Holly finds joy and fulfillment in sports and physical activities, considering them vital for self-expression and personal growth. He views these pursuits as valuable lessons in discipline, patience, and resilience—qualities essential for success in any field.
    Reflecting on pain, suffering, and mortality, Holly embraces the inevitability of death. He emphasizes acceptance, rationality, and the minimization of suffering while maximizing personal growth and well-being. By recognizing life's impermanence, he fosters a deeper appreciation for the present moment.
    Role of Consciousness and Responsibility
    Exploring the complexities of consciousness, free will, and responsibility, Holly acknowledges the significant role of conscious choice in shaping actions and behaviors. He advocates for personal accountability and autonomy, recognizing the influences of genetics, environment, and past experiences.
    Holly values intellectual pursuits, as evidenced by his extensive reading and study across various disciplines. He emphasizes rationality, reason, and evidence-based thinking as crucial tools for navigating life and understanding reality.
    Purpose of Sharing Knowledge
    Cory Holly shares his insights to reach a broader audience than possible through traditional lectures alone. He believes in the transformative power of ideas and the importance of effectively applying knowledge to achieve tangible results.
    Merely acquiring knowledge is insufficient; it is critical to apply it effectively to achieve desired outcomes. Holly encourages individuals to transform knowledge into action, leveraging it to enhance their lives and accomplish their goals.
    Holly recognizes that some questions may remain unanswered and that seeking absolute answers can be futile. Instead, he embraces uncertainty and focuses on what can be known and understood.
    Philosophy of Non-violence
    He advocates for minimizing violence and harm, believing that humanity's higher nature seeks peaceful solutions and coexistence.
    Cory advises that an excessive focus on unprovable concepts can distract from personal well-being. He encourages prioritizing tangible, evidence-based approaches to self-improvement.
    Autonomy and Self-reliance
    He emphasizes personal responsibility, autonomy, and self-reliance, urging individuals to take ownership of their de

    • 3 hrs 6 min

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