52 min

Episode 294 Hannah's Induced VBAC due to Preeclampsia + More on the Pelvic Floor with Co-host Rebecca The VBAC Link

    • Parenting

Meagan has a new co-host today! Rebecca, a pelvic floor physical therapist and a VBAC Link doula located in Georgia joins Meagan while our friend Hannah from North Carolina shares her birth stories. 

This episode stresses again the true importance of not just a supportive provider, but of a supportive practice including hospital policies, the team of rotating providers, and the nurses. Hannah shows how her borderline preeclamptic symptoms were treated very differently between her first and second births. Her first practice had many red flags she didn’t notice until her second practice showed green flag after green flag throughout her entire journey. 

Rebecca also shares her expertise surrounding pelvic floor PT– who needs it and how it can impact birth outcomes. She also debunks myths about small pelvises and talks in depth about scar tissue. 

Both women share such valuable tips that we know you will love!

Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols
Needed Website
How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
Full Transcript under Episode Details 

03:11 Review of the Week
05:13 Hannah’s stories
08:17 Higher blood pressure readings and induction
10:26 Induction due to high blood pressure readings
11:52 Interventions and not being able to move during labor
16:50 Hannah’s C-section
19:36 Rebecca’s thoughts about pelvic bone structure
22:42 Second pregnancy
29:01 A medically necessary induction
33:27 Ending the first full day of induction
38:03 Pushing for 20 minutes
39:59 Hannah’s advice to listeners - provider support and nutrition
44:17 Small pelvises and scar tissue
50:13 Other scar tissue that can affect positioning

Meagan: Hey, hey Women of Strength. It is Meagan and guess what? We have a cohost today, a new cohost who has never been with us and we are so excited that she is joining us. We have Rebecca Goldberg on our podcast today. Hello, Rebecca. 

Rebecca: Hello. 

Meagan: Thank you for taking the time and being with us. 

Rebecca: Yeah. I really love the resources and the community and I’m just thrilled to be here. 

Meagan: Well, we are excited and for anyone wondering who Rebecca is, she is an amazing human being. She actually does a lot in pelvic PT and is one of our VBAC-certified doulas. She’s in Georgia. 

Rebecca: Yep. I’m in Atlanta, the Decatur area. 

Meagan: Decatur area. Is that where you serve mainly? 

Rebecca: Yeah. I have people who come to me from all over. Some people are traveling up to an hour or an hour and a half, but I actually can go to people’s homes who are directly in my area. So, people who are post-C-section, I can come to you as early as the day you are discharged. I can work with you deal with pain, make sure you know what needs to happen, and help you do all of the things. That’s where my passion really lies. 

Meagan: I love that. I love that and for VBAC, how early for pelvic floor and stuff? How early can you start working with them? 

Rebecca: As soon as they have gotten home. If they are planning on getting pregnant again, we can start building that into what our plans are so that we are starting that process earlier rather than later and you’re more likely to have results that when you are ready to get pregnant, you can just get pregnant. 

Meagan: Love it. Awesome. Well, thank you, thank you for being here. 

03:11 Review of the Week
Meagan: You guys, as usual, we have a Review of the Week. You don’t have to listen to me stumble upon the review. Rebecca will read it. I’m sure she will do a lot better than I normally do. 

Rebecca: Well, this review is from Apple Podcasts and it’s from semicrunchyyogi. I love that name. The review says, “My personal VBAC journey was actually directly influenced by Meagan Heaton, one of the hosts on this podcast. She was my doula with my second baby, my 10-pound VBAC baby.” Whoa. 

Meagan: Woo, yeah. 

Rebecca: “When she started this podcast, I knew it would be something special. I will a

Meagan has a new co-host today! Rebecca, a pelvic floor physical therapist and a VBAC Link doula located in Georgia joins Meagan while our friend Hannah from North Carolina shares her birth stories. 

This episode stresses again the true importance of not just a supportive provider, but of a supportive practice including hospital policies, the team of rotating providers, and the nurses. Hannah shows how her borderline preeclamptic symptoms were treated very differently between her first and second births. Her first practice had many red flags she didn’t notice until her second practice showed green flag after green flag throughout her entire journey. 

Rebecca also shares her expertise surrounding pelvic floor PT– who needs it and how it can impact birth outcomes. She also debunks myths about small pelvises and talks in depth about scar tissue. 

Both women share such valuable tips that we know you will love!

Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols
Needed Website
How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
Full Transcript under Episode Details 

03:11 Review of the Week
05:13 Hannah’s stories
08:17 Higher blood pressure readings and induction
10:26 Induction due to high blood pressure readings
11:52 Interventions and not being able to move during labor
16:50 Hannah’s C-section
19:36 Rebecca’s thoughts about pelvic bone structure
22:42 Second pregnancy
29:01 A medically necessary induction
33:27 Ending the first full day of induction
38:03 Pushing for 20 minutes
39:59 Hannah’s advice to listeners - provider support and nutrition
44:17 Small pelvises and scar tissue
50:13 Other scar tissue that can affect positioning

Meagan: Hey, hey Women of Strength. It is Meagan and guess what? We have a cohost today, a new cohost who has never been with us and we are so excited that she is joining us. We have Rebecca Goldberg on our podcast today. Hello, Rebecca. 

Rebecca: Hello. 

Meagan: Thank you for taking the time and being with us. 

Rebecca: Yeah. I really love the resources and the community and I’m just thrilled to be here. 

Meagan: Well, we are excited and for anyone wondering who Rebecca is, she is an amazing human being. She actually does a lot in pelvic PT and is one of our VBAC-certified doulas. She’s in Georgia. 

Rebecca: Yep. I’m in Atlanta, the Decatur area. 

Meagan: Decatur area. Is that where you serve mainly? 

Rebecca: Yeah. I have people who come to me from all over. Some people are traveling up to an hour or an hour and a half, but I actually can go to people’s homes who are directly in my area. So, people who are post-C-section, I can come to you as early as the day you are discharged. I can work with you deal with pain, make sure you know what needs to happen, and help you do all of the things. That’s where my passion really lies. 

Meagan: I love that. I love that and for VBAC, how early for pelvic floor and stuff? How early can you start working with them? 

Rebecca: As soon as they have gotten home. If they are planning on getting pregnant again, we can start building that into what our plans are so that we are starting that process earlier rather than later and you’re more likely to have results that when you are ready to get pregnant, you can just get pregnant. 

Meagan: Love it. Awesome. Well, thank you, thank you for being here. 

03:11 Review of the Week
Meagan: You guys, as usual, we have a Review of the Week. You don’t have to listen to me stumble upon the review. Rebecca will read it. I’m sure she will do a lot better than I normally do. 

Rebecca: Well, this review is from Apple Podcasts and it’s from semicrunchyyogi. I love that name. The review says, “My personal VBAC journey was actually directly influenced by Meagan Heaton, one of the hosts on this podcast. She was my doula with my second baby, my 10-pound VBAC baby.” Whoa. 

Meagan: Woo, yeah. 

Rebecca: “When she started this podcast, I knew it would be something special. I will a

52 min