30 min

Episode 57 The Benefits of Self-Care and Mindful Living Michael Crane Live: Business Tips and Inspiration

    • Entrepreneurship

The Benefits of Self-Care and Mindful Living

Taking time out of your busy life is essential for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It allows you to rest, recharge, and focus on the things that matter most to you.

Taking time out of your day-to-day life can help reduce stress, increase productivity, and give you the energy to take on the challenges ahead.

On today's podcast, we will be discussing why taking time out of your busy life is so important, as well as our upcoming trip to Gran Canaria and the perfect opportunity to step away from our laptops and recharge our mind, body and soul.

Tune in to find out why taking time out of your busy life is so important.

How do you know when the time is right to get away from stress?

If you start to feel overwhelmed or experience a feeling of unease, it may be time to take a break and get away from it. Good stress can give us energy and focus, but when we cross the line into bad stress it can lead to a feeling of unease.

This feeling can have a negative effect on our energy levels, sleep, and even our mood. It's important to recognize when you start to feel this way and find ways to cope with the negative emotions.

Take a break, find a healthy outlet, and make sure to take care of yourself. Doing these things can help you to regain your energy and balance in life.

The importance of listening to your body’s clues and taking action.

It's incredible to think that our bodies can give us the clues to make smart decisions when it comes to our health and wellbeing. By paying attention to these signs, we can take appropriate action before it's too late.

Take my own story – Simon started running the parkrun and felt niggles in his leg. He could have decided to ignore the signs, pushing myself too hard and risking injury, but instead he chose to listen to my body. he slowed down my pace and eventually the niggles faded, so he was able to continue his run.

When you can get away from it, it’s amazing how much more creative we become.

Our mind is the foundation of our physical health and state. When we escape our current environment and immerse ourselves in a new one, we become more creative and innovative.

For example, when we go to Gran Canaria, Simon is able to think more positively and constructively without becoming overwhelmed by challenges or problems.

You dream more and get great ideas that seem to come out of nowhere. When he’s away on holiday, his dreams become more vivid and is able to think of solutions and opportunities that he wouldn't have otherwise considered.

How often do you think it’s important to get away from the office?

Most companies and their employees tend to get four to five weeks of holiday each year. But in today's busy world, that is the bare minimum. We should be aiming to take all four weeks off and go away, if possible.

We understand that with the increasing cost of living, this may not always be feasible. However, it is important to make a conscious effort to take all of our allotted time off and enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Recap: Take Time Out of Your Busy Life

When life starts to feel overwhelming and you start to experience that feeling of unease, it may be time to take a step back and get away from it all. We understand the importance of self-care and mindful living, and taking time out of your busy life to focus on your mental wellbeing.

Stress can be a double-edged sword; while it can give you focus and energy, when it crosses over into bad stress, it can lead to a lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, and even a negative mindset. Taking a break from your everyday routine and taking the time to focus on your own wellbeing can help you to feel more balanced and in control.

The Benefits of Self-Care and Mindful Living

Taking time out of your busy life is essential for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It allows you to rest, recharge, and focus on the things that matter most to you.

Taking time out of your day-to-day life can help reduce stress, increase productivity, and give you the energy to take on the challenges ahead.

On today's podcast, we will be discussing why taking time out of your busy life is so important, as well as our upcoming trip to Gran Canaria and the perfect opportunity to step away from our laptops and recharge our mind, body and soul.

Tune in to find out why taking time out of your busy life is so important.

How do you know when the time is right to get away from stress?

If you start to feel overwhelmed or experience a feeling of unease, it may be time to take a break and get away from it. Good stress can give us energy and focus, but when we cross the line into bad stress it can lead to a feeling of unease.

This feeling can have a negative effect on our energy levels, sleep, and even our mood. It's important to recognize when you start to feel this way and find ways to cope with the negative emotions.

Take a break, find a healthy outlet, and make sure to take care of yourself. Doing these things can help you to regain your energy and balance in life.

The importance of listening to your body’s clues and taking action.

It's incredible to think that our bodies can give us the clues to make smart decisions when it comes to our health and wellbeing. By paying attention to these signs, we can take appropriate action before it's too late.

Take my own story – Simon started running the parkrun and felt niggles in his leg. He could have decided to ignore the signs, pushing myself too hard and risking injury, but instead he chose to listen to my body. he slowed down my pace and eventually the niggles faded, so he was able to continue his run.

When you can get away from it, it’s amazing how much more creative we become.

Our mind is the foundation of our physical health and state. When we escape our current environment and immerse ourselves in a new one, we become more creative and innovative.

For example, when we go to Gran Canaria, Simon is able to think more positively and constructively without becoming overwhelmed by challenges or problems.

You dream more and get great ideas that seem to come out of nowhere. When he’s away on holiday, his dreams become more vivid and is able to think of solutions and opportunities that he wouldn't have otherwise considered.

How often do you think it’s important to get away from the office?

Most companies and their employees tend to get four to five weeks of holiday each year. But in today's busy world, that is the bare minimum. We should be aiming to take all four weeks off and go away, if possible.

We understand that with the increasing cost of living, this may not always be feasible. However, it is important to make a conscious effort to take all of our allotted time off and enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Recap: Take Time Out of Your Busy Life

When life starts to feel overwhelming and you start to experience that feeling of unease, it may be time to take a step back and get away from it all. We understand the importance of self-care and mindful living, and taking time out of your busy life to focus on your mental wellbeing.

Stress can be a double-edged sword; while it can give you focus and energy, when it crosses over into bad stress, it can lead to a lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, and even a negative mindset. Taking a break from your everyday routine and taking the time to focus on your own wellbeing can help you to feel more balanced and in control.

30 min