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第2200期:Miniature Poodle Wins Westminster Dog Show 英语每日一听 | 每天少于5分钟

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A miniature poodle named Sage won the top prize Tuesday night at the 148th Westminster Kennel Club dog show. 
周二晚上,一只名叫 Sage 的迷你贵宾犬在第 148 届威斯敏斯特养犬俱乐部狗展上获得了最高奖项。
That is the 11th victory for poodles at the famous dog competition in New York City – only wire fox terriers have won more times. 
这是贵宾犬在纽约市著名的狗狗比赛中第 11 次获胜,只有刚毛猎狐犬赢得的次数更多。 
Kaz Hosaka is the handler for Sage. “No words,” he said about Sage’s win and added, “So happy — exciting.” He also was the handler of Spice, when that miniature poodle won the 2002 Westminster. 
Kaz Hosaka 是 Sage 的管理员。“无话可说,”他谈到塞奇的胜利并补充道,“太高兴了——令人兴奋。” 他还是 Spice 的饲养员,当时这只迷你贵宾犬赢得了 2002 年威斯敏斯特赛冠军。 
But Hosaka said this latest victory would be his final competition after 45 years. 
但保坂表示,最新的胜利将是他 45 年后的最后一场比赛。
Hosaka said Sage “gave a great performance for me.” The black poodle won over six other dogs to take the “best in show.” Second place went to Mercedes, a German shepherd. 
保坂表示 Sage“为我带来了精彩的表演”。黑色贵宾犬击败了其他六只狗,获得了“最佳表演奖”。第二名是德国牧羊犬梅赛德斯。 
Others in the final round included Comet, a shih tzu, Monty, a giant schnauzer, Louis, an Afghan hound, Micah, a black cocker spaniel, and Frankie, a colored bull terrier. 
While Sage was going around the competition ring, a protester interfered in the event. The protester carried a sign urging people to “boycott breeders” and tried to enter the ring. Security guards seized the activist. Police and the animal rights group, PETA, said three demonstrators were arrested. 
当塞奇在赛场周围走动时,一名抗议者干扰了比赛。抗议者举着敦促人们“抵制饲养员”的标语,并试图进入拳击场。保安人员抓住了这名活动人士。警方和动物权利组织 PETA 表示,三名示威者被捕。 
Rosalind Kramer, a judge at the event, called the final lineup “excellent, glorious.” Monty’s handler and co-owner, Katie Bernardin added, “just to be in the ring with everyone else is an honor.” 
赛事评委罗莎琳德·克莱默 (Rosalind Kramer) 称最终阵容“出色、光荣”。蒙蒂的经纪人兼共同所有人凯蒂·伯纳丁补充道,“能和其他人一起参加拳击比赛就是一种荣幸。”
Dogs first compete against others of their breed. Then the winner of each breed goes up against others in its “group.” The seven group winners meet in the final round. 
The “best in show” winner gets a trophy and a place in dog-world history, but the prize does not include money. 
Besides the winners, other dogs were also popular with the crowd. A lagotto Romagnolo named Harry made people laugh by sitting up and begging for a treat from his handler; and a vizsla named Fletcher appealed to the crowd by jumping up on its handler after finishing a turn around the ring. 
除了获胜者之外,其他狗也受到人群的欢迎。一只名叫哈利(Harry)的拉戈托·罗马尼奥洛(lagotto Romagnolo)会坐起来向它的驯养员乞求款待,这让人们开怀大笑。一只名叫弗莱彻(Fletcher)的维兹拉犬在绕圈转了一圈后,跳到

A miniature poodle named Sage won the top prize Tuesday night at the 148th Westminster Kennel Club dog show. 
周二晚上,一只名叫 Sage 的迷你贵宾犬在第 148 届威斯敏斯特养犬俱乐部狗展上获得了最高奖项。
That is the 11th victory for poodles at the famous dog competition in New York City – only wire fox terriers have won more times. 
这是贵宾犬在纽约市著名的狗狗比赛中第 11 次获胜,只有刚毛猎狐犬赢得的次数更多。 
Kaz Hosaka is the handler for Sage. “No words,” he said about Sage’s win and added, “So happy — exciting.” He also was the handler of Spice, when that miniature poodle won the 2002 Westminster. 
Kaz Hosaka 是 Sage 的管理员。“无话可说,”他谈到塞奇的胜利并补充道,“太高兴了——令人兴奋。” 他还是 Spice 的饲养员,当时这只迷你贵宾犬赢得了 2002 年威斯敏斯特赛冠军。 
But Hosaka said this latest victory would be his final competition after 45 years. 
但保坂表示,最新的胜利将是他 45 年后的最后一场比赛。
Hosaka said Sage “gave a great performance for me.” The black poodle won over six other dogs to take the “best in show.” Second place went to Mercedes, a German shepherd. 
保坂表示 Sage“为我带来了精彩的表演”。黑色贵宾犬击败了其他六只狗,获得了“最佳表演奖”。第二名是德国牧羊犬梅赛德斯。 
Others in the final round included Comet, a shih tzu, Monty, a giant schnauzer, Louis, an Afghan hound, Micah, a black cocker spaniel, and Frankie, a colored bull terrier. 
While Sage was going around the competition ring, a protester interfered in the event. The protester carried a sign urging people to “boycott breeders” and tried to enter the ring. Security guards seized the activist. Police and the animal rights group, PETA, said three demonstrators were arrested. 
当塞奇在赛场周围走动时,一名抗议者干扰了比赛。抗议者举着敦促人们“抵制饲养员”的标语,并试图进入拳击场。保安人员抓住了这名活动人士。警方和动物权利组织 PETA 表示,三名示威者被捕。 
Rosalind Kramer, a judge at the event, called the final lineup “excellent, glorious.” Monty’s handler and co-owner, Katie Bernardin added, “just to be in the ring with everyone else is an honor.” 
赛事评委罗莎琳德·克莱默 (Rosalind Kramer) 称最终阵容“出色、光荣”。蒙蒂的经纪人兼共同所有人凯蒂·伯纳丁补充道,“能和其他人一起参加拳击比赛就是一种荣幸。”
Dogs first compete against others of their breed. Then the winner of each breed goes up against others in its “group.” The seven group winners meet in the final round. 
The “best in show” winner gets a trophy and a place in dog-world history, but the prize does not include money. 
Besides the winners, other dogs were also popular with the crowd. A lagotto Romagnolo named Harry made people laugh by sitting up and begging for a treat from his handler; and a vizsla named Fletcher appealed to the crowd by jumping up on its handler after finishing a turn around the ring. 
除了获胜者之外,其他狗也受到人群的欢迎。一只名叫哈利(Harry)的拉戈托·罗马尼奥洛(lagotto Romagnolo)会坐起来向它的驯养员乞求款待,这让人们开怀大笑。一只名叫弗莱彻(Fletcher)的维兹拉犬在绕圈转了一圈后,跳到

4 min