1662 That’s How It Happens BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

    • Cristianesimo

God is asking you to do something. He is pointing you in the direction of your purpose and nudging you to take the next step. But you’ve been questioning how. You don’t see how you will do what he has asked you to do. You don’t think you could ever be good enough to do it. You’re not equipped. You’re not anything special. So, you’ve dismissed yourself from the calling of God on your life.

Why? Because you don’t see it. You don’t see what God sees.

But I heard something this morning on the Elevation Church podcast, and I’ve been asked to tell you about it so you’re sure to hear:


Honey, if you’re supposed to work there, God will open the door for you to walk right in. If you’re supposed to move there, God will make the way there. If it’s supposed to be you, then you will be supernaturally filled with God’s power to do what he’s asked you to do.

You don’t have to have this all figured out. You don’t have to even understand the plan. You just have to be willing to believe if you’re supposed to do it, you will have God’s support for it. God’s support will put you in the right place at the right time. God’s support will fill you with the courage to do what you’ve never done before. God’s support will make a way where there has been no way, and he will guide your feet to walk in that way.

Whew, doesn’t that just take the stress off? This isn’t about you … this is about what God will do through you if you will follow his lead.

Okay, picture this … you’ve one of Jesus’ closest friends. You’ve given up your job and your home, you’ve left everything and everyone you’ve ever known, to go with Jesus on his mission. You thought you would be doing this with Jesus for the rest of your life. But just 3 years into you and your tribe of 12 doing all these miraculous things, Jesus gets killed. Your leader is crucified. And even though it’s easy for us to rush to the rest of the story, Jesus’ friends didn’t know the rest of the story as they were sitting in it. They never saw this hardship coming. They never, in a million years, thought Jesus could be killed. Now what were they going to do? They had given up everything to go with him.

They are afraid. Afraid they too would be killed. Afraid everything they had believed in and worked for was ruined. They were confused. Then, Jesus shows up in the room where they are hiding. Now remember, Jesus has died. They saw him hanging on the cross. They knew his body was put in the tomb. They also knew the doors to the room where they were hiding were locked. And boom, here’s Jesus, standing right there among them.

And this is what Jesus says to them, Mark 16: 15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Then Jesus is taken into heaven.

Jesus tells them to go. But HOW? Jesus, how are we supposed to go into all the world and preach to everyone? We don’t have an airplane. The internet sucks here. We are poor fishermen, how are we supposed to go do all of this? We have no education. We have no resources. We have no connections. Jesus, I heard what you said, but tell me how!


For 10 days they waited. For 10 days they must have wondered how Jesus expected them to tell everyone about God. For 10 days they must have felt so unequipped and unqualified for the calling. But on the 10th day,

God is asking you to do something. He is pointing you in the direction of your purpose and nudging you to take the next step. But you’ve been questioning how. You don’t see how you will do what he has asked you to do. You don’t think you could ever be good enough to do it. You’re not equipped. You’re not anything special. So, you’ve dismissed yourself from the calling of God on your life.

Why? Because you don’t see it. You don’t see what God sees.

But I heard something this morning on the Elevation Church podcast, and I’ve been asked to tell you about it so you’re sure to hear:


Honey, if you’re supposed to work there, God will open the door for you to walk right in. If you’re supposed to move there, God will make the way there. If it’s supposed to be you, then you will be supernaturally filled with God’s power to do what he’s asked you to do.

You don’t have to have this all figured out. You don’t have to even understand the plan. You just have to be willing to believe if you’re supposed to do it, you will have God’s support for it. God’s support will put you in the right place at the right time. God’s support will fill you with the courage to do what you’ve never done before. God’s support will make a way where there has been no way, and he will guide your feet to walk in that way.

Whew, doesn’t that just take the stress off? This isn’t about you … this is about what God will do through you if you will follow his lead.

Okay, picture this … you’ve one of Jesus’ closest friends. You’ve given up your job and your home, you’ve left everything and everyone you’ve ever known, to go with Jesus on his mission. You thought you would be doing this with Jesus for the rest of your life. But just 3 years into you and your tribe of 12 doing all these miraculous things, Jesus gets killed. Your leader is crucified. And even though it’s easy for us to rush to the rest of the story, Jesus’ friends didn’t know the rest of the story as they were sitting in it. They never saw this hardship coming. They never, in a million years, thought Jesus could be killed. Now what were they going to do? They had given up everything to go with him.

They are afraid. Afraid they too would be killed. Afraid everything they had believed in and worked for was ruined. They were confused. Then, Jesus shows up in the room where they are hiding. Now remember, Jesus has died. They saw him hanging on the cross. They knew his body was put in the tomb. They also knew the doors to the room where they were hiding were locked. And boom, here’s Jesus, standing right there among them.

And this is what Jesus says to them, Mark 16: 15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Then Jesus is taken into heaven.

Jesus tells them to go. But HOW? Jesus, how are we supposed to go into all the world and preach to everyone? We don’t have an airplane. The internet sucks here. We are poor fishermen, how are we supposed to go do all of this? We have no education. We have no resources. We have no connections. Jesus, I heard what you said, but tell me how!


For 10 days they waited. For 10 days they must have wondered how Jesus expected them to tell everyone about God. For 10 days they must have felt so unequipped and unqualified for the calling. But on the 10th day,