17 min

3 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score New Home Buyers Guide Podcast

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You know credit scores are crucial for any major purchases. But do you know how your score's made? It's from all the little spending moments in your life. For real, every single one, from the good things you do (like paying your bills on time), to the mistakes you made (whoops, you forgot one), to maybe even some errors that are bringing you down. To find out what's going on with your credit report, we'll walk you through how to access it for free from each of the credit bureaus. From there you'll learn what to do if you find any mistakes in your report, and how to fix things that are right but not so great for you. All of this will help you when the day comes for you to purchase your dream home. Listen to learn how to fix yours now.
Get your money right video series
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New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse
Contributors to this episode include:
Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around:
SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening! 
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McKenzie Goodrich: This is the New Home Buyer's Guide Podcast brought to you by the New Home Buyer's Guide, a comprehensive online course that lays out the nine steps to finding and buying your dream home. Get it now at NewHomeBuyersGuide.net.
Jeremy Goodrich: Hey, new home buyers, Jeremy here. This is episode seven of the New Home Buyer's Guide Podcast. Where hopefully we are changing you from confused to excited, from wondering what the heck this whole home buying process is about to owning the process and owning the home of your dreams that's the right investment for you, and the right home for you to spend some time in. Maybe it's five years, maybe it's 30 years, maybe your grandkids show up at this house and talk about all the stories over the course of the last 60 years. Who knows, but we're going to make a smart investment right now.
Episode seven is the second episode in our credit series, understand your credit. So, episode six we really dug into how to find your credit, and I talked about a way, kind of a workaround, to go out and find your credit score for free, and get at least two of the three different credit scores that are out there, your Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion scores, which make up kind of the trifecta of your credit score scenario. And to go out and get at least two of those in a free way.
Now, you can go out and get your credit score in a way that costs money, but this was a free way so you could get a sense of your credit score. Then, I dug into exactly what that meant. And really, if you have 740 or higher, you're going to get the best loans, with the best interest rates. If you have a below that, depending on where you're at, you can have different types of scenarios, and I really broke that out.
So, this episode is about how to address your credit if it is problematic. If you have less than a 740 score, then we can really dig into your credit score, and figure out if there are ways to fix it. So, let's do it, let's dig in right now, and let's make your credit score better. All right, here we go.
Okay, before we get too deep, I wanted to let you know that there is an infographic for this episode as well. On episode six we had an infographic to walk you through how to find your credit, and if you go to the show notes at newhomebuyersguide.net/episode7, you will find an infographic there as well, this time for how to fix your credit. So, everything we talk about in this episode is laid out in a step-by-step way. So I might go and get that right now and then listen to the rest of this episode, so it all makes sense.
So, wha

You know credit scores are crucial for any major purchases. But do you know how your score's made? It's from all the little spending moments in your life. For real, every single one, from the good things you do (like paying your bills on time), to the mistakes you made (whoops, you forgot one), to maybe even some errors that are bringing you down. To find out what's going on with your credit report, we'll walk you through how to access it for free from each of the credit bureaus. From there you'll learn what to do if you find any mistakes in your report, and how to fix things that are right but not so great for you. All of this will help you when the day comes for you to purchase your dream home. Listen to learn how to fix yours now.
Get your money right video series
Level up:
New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse
Contributors to this episode include:
Host - Jeremy Goodrich  Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around:
SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide course to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening! 
More great stories & information at:
YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Pinterest - Course Full Transcript:
McKenzie Goodrich: This is the New Home Buyer's Guide Podcast brought to you by the New Home Buyer's Guide, a comprehensive online course that lays out the nine steps to finding and buying your dream home. Get it now at NewHomeBuyersGuide.net.
Jeremy Goodrich: Hey, new home buyers, Jeremy here. This is episode seven of the New Home Buyer's Guide Podcast. Where hopefully we are changing you from confused to excited, from wondering what the heck this whole home buying process is about to owning the process and owning the home of your dreams that's the right investment for you, and the right home for you to spend some time in. Maybe it's five years, maybe it's 30 years, maybe your grandkids show up at this house and talk about all the stories over the course of the last 60 years. Who knows, but we're going to make a smart investment right now.
Episode seven is the second episode in our credit series, understand your credit. So, episode six we really dug into how to find your credit, and I talked about a way, kind of a workaround, to go out and find your credit score for free, and get at least two of the three different credit scores that are out there, your Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion scores, which make up kind of the trifecta of your credit score scenario. And to go out and get at least two of those in a free way.
Now, you can go out and get your credit score in a way that costs money, but this was a free way so you could get a sense of your credit score. Then, I dug into exactly what that meant. And really, if you have 740 or higher, you're going to get the best loans, with the best interest rates. If you have a below that, depending on where you're at, you can have different types of scenarios, and I really broke that out.
So, this episode is about how to address your credit if it is problematic. If you have less than a 740 score, then we can really dig into your credit score, and figure out if there are ways to fix it. So, let's do it, let's dig in right now, and let's make your credit score better. All right, here we go.
Okay, before we get too deep, I wanted to let you know that there is an infographic for this episode as well. On episode six we had an infographic to walk you through how to find your credit, and if you go to the show notes at newhomebuyersguide.net/episode7, you will find an infographic there as well, this time for how to fix your credit. So, everything we talk about in this episode is laid out in a step-by-step way. So I might go and get that right now and then listen to the rest of this episode, so it all makes sense.
So, wha

17 min