11 min

4 Things To Do MONTHS Before Buying A House New Home Buyers Guide Podcast

    • Come si fa

Buying your first home is on the horizon... but are you ready? Listen to find out.
Address your credit Save for your down payment Figure out your budget  Get familiar with your real estate market Freebie:
First time home buyer - get your money right
Level up:
New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse
Contributors to this episode include:
Host - Jeremy Goodrich Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around:
SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide ecourse to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening! 
More great stories & information at:
YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Course Full Transcript:
Jeremy Goodrich:
Hey there, new home buyers. Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago, and had no idea what was I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor. I didn't have an inspection. I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing. I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter. You're three times more organized, and you're 10 times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're gonna have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. We're glad you joined us.

Hey there, home buyers. Jeremy here, and welcome to episode 4 of the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. This is episode is all about the things you should do early in the process, so if you are someone who is thinking about buying a home, maybe you want to do it soon, maybe you're starting to look around at houses, driving by on a Sunday afternoon starting to thinking through that process, but you're not really sure what you should be now, this episode is absolutely for you. We're gonna break down the four things that you should be doing now, even six months a year, two years before you go into the home buying process full on. But, if you're about to dive in, it's still relevant. Check out these four steps that you should take. We're gonna dig into each of them.

When you walk out of the other side of this episode, you'll have a real understanding of things you should know about your own finances, things you should know about setting up the process, so that when you go to lenders, when you go to realtors, when you put yourself in the position of actually getting ready to buy that house, they are all gonna respond really, really well, and you're gonna get the best deals on everything, and have the best service providers because they can see that you're ready to rock and roll. Okay, let's dig in.

All right. Number one is addressing your credit. Your credit score is super important, probably one of the most important parts of the home buying process. Your credit score is created by all the money interactions you've had with lenders over the course of really, your lifetime. That could be credit cards. That could be money you borrowed for buying a car, or something like that. That's even the bills you get every month, so for your electric, or for your TV, those kinds of things. They're all inside of a system, and if you keep up with your bills properly, pay your bills on time, pay back your credit cards over a course of time properly, then you're gonna have a higher credit score. If you've had problems, haven't been able to make payments, have even gone through bankruptcy, or something like that then you're gonna have a much lower credit score and that's gonna affect everything.

The first thing you want to do right now, way before you even start deciding to buy a house is, address your

Buying your first home is on the horizon... but are you ready? Listen to find out.
Address your credit Save for your down payment Figure out your budget  Get familiar with your real estate market Freebie:
First time home buyer - get your money right
Level up:
New Home Buyer’s Guide comprehensive ecourse
Contributors to this episode include:
Host - Jeremy Goodrich Copy Editing - Talia Chakraborty If you enjoyed this episode, stick around:
SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.  REVIEW the show and SHARE with friends. JOIN the New Home Buyers Guide ecourse to own the home buying process and the home of your dreams. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and a sweet house to gain. Thanks for listening! 
More great stories & information at:
YouTube - Blog - Podcast Insta - Course Full Transcript:
Jeremy Goodrich:
Hey there, new home buyers. Jeremy Goodrich here. I am that guy. That guy that bought my first home many, many years ago, and had no idea what was I was getting into. I didn't use a realtor. I didn't have an inspection. I didn't have a clue what documents I was signing. I ended up, you guessed it, buying a beat up old house that I spent years fixing only to sell for way less than I bought it for. When it comes to home buying, I am the story of what not to do. But that guy, that guy is not you. You are two times smarter. You're three times more organized, and you're 10 times better looking than he was. You're going to find the right home for the right price, and you're gonna have fun doing it. That process starts right here with the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. We're glad you joined us.

Hey there, home buyers. Jeremy here, and welcome to episode 4 of the New Home Buyers Guide podcast. This is episode is all about the things you should do early in the process, so if you are someone who is thinking about buying a home, maybe you want to do it soon, maybe you're starting to look around at houses, driving by on a Sunday afternoon starting to thinking through that process, but you're not really sure what you should be now, this episode is absolutely for you. We're gonna break down the four things that you should be doing now, even six months a year, two years before you go into the home buying process full on. But, if you're about to dive in, it's still relevant. Check out these four steps that you should take. We're gonna dig into each of them.

When you walk out of the other side of this episode, you'll have a real understanding of things you should know about your own finances, things you should know about setting up the process, so that when you go to lenders, when you go to realtors, when you put yourself in the position of actually getting ready to buy that house, they are all gonna respond really, really well, and you're gonna get the best deals on everything, and have the best service providers because they can see that you're ready to rock and roll. Okay, let's dig in.

All right. Number one is addressing your credit. Your credit score is super important, probably one of the most important parts of the home buying process. Your credit score is created by all the money interactions you've had with lenders over the course of really, your lifetime. That could be credit cards. That could be money you borrowed for buying a car, or something like that. That's even the bills you get every month, so for your electric, or for your TV, those kinds of things. They're all inside of a system, and if you keep up with your bills properly, pay your bills on time, pay back your credit cards over a course of time properly, then you're gonna have a higher credit score. If you've had problems, haven't been able to make payments, have even gone through bankruptcy, or something like that then you're gonna have a much lower credit score and that's gonna affect everything.

The first thing you want to do right now, way before you even start deciding to buy a house is, address your

11 min