6 min

5 famous Italian food dishes you need to know Learn Italian with My Italian Lessons

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It is important to learn cooking and kitchen vocabulary in Italian if you love the Italian way of life. Italians are known for their famous recipes which have had a great impact worldwide. They say that if you are not a fan of any of the delicious Italian food, then your life is missing something. Well-made, rich in taste and texture are guaranteed to leave you asking for more.

There is a fascinating history, customs and trends for what you eat in Italian homes. As a result, food plays a big part in the everyday Italian lifestyle. It goes beyond nourishment. It is serious business thinking of which sauce is acceptable with a certain pasta and the details like what shape is to be used when considering to make a certain pasta. This is never taken lightly. Italians have a proud relationship with their cuisine and nothing or anyone can come in between them.


Italians have many traditional holidays which generally revolve around food. Large extended families’ groups come together to eat as often as possible during these days when particular foods must be eaten. The cooking and kitchen vocabulary in Italian is easily grasped since the meal preparation lasts for several hours. Whatever meal being prepared is so deep-rooted in the family that it’s unlikely to change anything. 

Italians enjoy traditional food with family and dishes are tried and tested uncountable times before it qualifies to the dinner table. One of the most important things in Italy is cooking. It plays the important role of bringing family together. Therefore, a variety of delicious and enjoyable meals are prepared with family in mind. 

A traditional Italian family lunch may last up to two good hours because it is made of six courses. Appetizers (gli antipasti), First course, mainly a pasta dish (Primo piato), the second course which is either fish or a meat dish, a vegetable dish (il contorno), fruit dish (frutta) and desserts (i dolci). 

Let us look at some of the Italian cooking vocabulary.


Mescolare – To blend, to mix, to stir

Tritare – To chop up

Impastare – To knead

Versare – To pour

Utilizzare – To use

Scegliere – To choose

Trasferire – To transfer

Coprire – To cover

Friggere – To fry

Cuocere al forno – To bake in the oven

Saltare – To sauté

Trasferire in una seconda pentola -To transfer into a second pot


Pomodori Pachino – Cherry tomatoes

Cozze – Mussels

Vongole – Clams

Calamari – Squid

Scampi – Shrimp

Olio extraverergine di oliva – Extra-virgin olive oil

Vino bianco – White wine

Vino rosso – Red wine

Sale – Salt

Pepe nero – Black pepper

Zucchero – Sugar

Farina – Flour

Acqua – Water

Lievito – Yeast

Mozzarella – Buffalo milk cheese

Cacao amaro in polvere – Unsweetened chocolate powder

Uova – Eggs


Grammi – Grams

Spicchio – Slide, Wedge, Clove, Small bunch

Cucchiaio – Spoonful


La cucina – Kitchen

Le bacchette – Chopsticks

Il coltello – Knife

La forchetta – Fork

Il cucchiaio – Spoon

La spatula – spatula

Le pinze – Tongs

Il frullatore – Blender

La bilancia – Scales

Lo strofinaccio – Tea towel

Il recipiente – Container

Il tagliere – Cutting board

Il bicchiere – Glass

La lavastoviglie – Dishwasher

Il congelatore – Freezer

It is important to learn cooking and kitchen vocabulary in Italian if you love the Italian way of life. Italians are known for their famous recipes which have had a great impact worldwide. They say that if you are not a fan of any of the delicious Italian food, then your life is missing something. Well-made, rich in taste and texture are guaranteed to leave you asking for more.

There is a fascinating history, customs and trends for what you eat in Italian homes. As a result, food plays a big part in the everyday Italian lifestyle. It goes beyond nourishment. It is serious business thinking of which sauce is acceptable with a certain pasta and the details like what shape is to be used when considering to make a certain pasta. This is never taken lightly. Italians have a proud relationship with their cuisine and nothing or anyone can come in between them.


Italians have many traditional holidays which generally revolve around food. Large extended families’ groups come together to eat as often as possible during these days when particular foods must be eaten. The cooking and kitchen vocabulary in Italian is easily grasped since the meal preparation lasts for several hours. Whatever meal being prepared is so deep-rooted in the family that it’s unlikely to change anything. 

Italians enjoy traditional food with family and dishes are tried and tested uncountable times before it qualifies to the dinner table. One of the most important things in Italy is cooking. It plays the important role of bringing family together. Therefore, a variety of delicious and enjoyable meals are prepared with family in mind. 

A traditional Italian family lunch may last up to two good hours because it is made of six courses. Appetizers (gli antipasti), First course, mainly a pasta dish (Primo piato), the second course which is either fish or a meat dish, a vegetable dish (il contorno), fruit dish (frutta) and desserts (i dolci). 

Let us look at some of the Italian cooking vocabulary.


Mescolare – To blend, to mix, to stir

Tritare – To chop up

Impastare – To knead

Versare – To pour

Utilizzare – To use

Scegliere – To choose

Trasferire – To transfer

Coprire – To cover

Friggere – To fry

Cuocere al forno – To bake in the oven

Saltare – To sauté

Trasferire in una seconda pentola -To transfer into a second pot


Pomodori Pachino – Cherry tomatoes

Cozze – Mussels

Vongole – Clams

Calamari – Squid

Scampi – Shrimp

Olio extraverergine di oliva – Extra-virgin olive oil

Vino bianco – White wine

Vino rosso – Red wine

Sale – Salt

Pepe nero – Black pepper

Zucchero – Sugar

Farina – Flour

Acqua – Water

Lievito – Yeast

Mozzarella – Buffalo milk cheese

Cacao amaro in polvere – Unsweetened chocolate powder

Uova – Eggs


Grammi – Grams

Spicchio – Slide, Wedge, Clove, Small bunch

Cucchiaio – Spoonful


La cucina – Kitchen

Le bacchette – Chopsticks

Il coltello – Knife

La forchetta – Fork

Il cucchiaio – Spoon

La spatula – spatula

Le pinze – Tongs

Il frullatore – Blender

La bilancia – Scales

Lo strofinaccio – Tea towel

Il recipiente – Container

Il tagliere – Cutting board

Il bicchiere – Glass

La lavastoviglie – Dishwasher

Il congelatore – Freezer

6 min