
Heddlu Dyfed Powys Police
Podcast: 999FM

999FM, a podcast from Dyfed-Powys Police that bridges the gap between what you hear and the questions you may have about safety, policing and community. An informal chat, bringing together inquisitive members of the public, with subject matter experts across policing. They’ll ask the questions that you may have and share their collective knowledge to find answers. Podlediad gan Heddlu Dyfed-Powys sy’n pontio’r bwlch rhwng yr hyn rydych chi’n clywed a’r cwestiynau a allai fod gennych am ddiogelwch, plismona a’r gymuned. Sgwrs anffurfiol, gan ddod ag aelodau chwilfrydig o’r cyhoedd ac arbenigwyr pwnc ar draws y maes plismona at ei gilydd. Byddant yn holi’r cwestiynau a allai fod gennych ac yn rhannu eu gwybodaeth er mwyn canfod atebion.


999FM, a podcast from Dyfed-Powys Police that bridges the gap between what you hear and the questions you may have about safety, policing and community. An informal chat, bringing together inquisitive members of the public, with subject matter experts across policing. They’ll ask the questions that you may have and share their collective knowledge to find answers. Podlediad gan Heddlu Dyfed-Powys sy’n pontio’r bwlch rhwng yr hyn rydych chi’n clywed a’r cwestiynau a allai fod gennych am ddiogelwch, plismona a’r gymuned. Sgwrs anffurfiol, gan ddod ag aelodau chwilfrydig o’r cyhoedd ac arbenigwyr pwnc ar draws y maes plismona at ei gilydd. Byddant yn holi’r cwestiynau a allai fod gennych ac yn rhannu eu gwybodaeth er mwyn canfod atebion.

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