43 min

A Deeper Look at CISA A Deeper Look with Joe Paiva

    • Governo

If there is one civilian agency in the United States whose mission is as important to our national defense – and possibly more difficult – as the Defense Department, it is the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The brevity and clarity of CISA’s mission statement, “reduce risk to the nation’s cyber and physical infrastructure,” does an injustice to the breadth and complexity of the actual task. So I invited CISA’s Deputy Director Nitin Natarajan to the studio recently to tell folks how his agency is dealing with those challenges.

If there is one civilian agency in the United States whose mission is as important to our national defense – and possibly more difficult – as the Defense Department, it is the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The brevity and clarity of CISA’s mission statement, “reduce risk to the nation’s cyber and physical infrastructure,” does an injustice to the breadth and complexity of the actual task. So I invited CISA’s Deputy Director Nitin Natarajan to the studio recently to tell folks how his agency is dealing with those challenges.

43 min

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