202 episodi

Hello world! Two great friends, Chance and Cameron, are life long Boy Meets World Fans. Join them as the talk their way through each episode, laughing and learning along with Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Mr. Feeny. They also build a timeline, keeping track of the shows twisted history, hoping to make sense of it all.

Boy Meets World Fever Cameron and Chance

    • Film e TV

Hello world! Two great friends, Chance and Cameron, are life long Boy Meets World Fans. Join them as the talk their way through each episode, laughing and learning along with Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Mr. Feeny. They also build a timeline, keeping track of the shows twisted history, hoping to make sense of it all.

    Boys Meet Season 7

    Boys Meet Season 7

    It is hard to believe that nearly 3 years ago, the Boys set out to rewatch and podcast their way through Boy Meets World. And today they find themselves at the start of season 7. Due to some technical issues, the second part of the season 6 reboot will need be rerecorded and released at a later time. Thanks for understanding! Join us once again as we get started on season 7.

    • 1h 19 min
    Boys Meet Kayfabe and Brand New Hairdos

    Boys Meet Kayfabe and Brand New Hairdos

    In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged. This allows for a real investment in the characters and events within the sport while downplaying the staged nature of the events (which are not actually staged because kayfabe tells us they are not).
    As we begin season 7 in earnest and not as a hilarious prank that made everyone laugh, it is clear that some element of kayfabe has infiltrated the world of Boy Meets World. Some of this is through the literal presence of wrestler Mankind and maybe the strangest moment in Boy Meets World to date. But at the same time, things are starting to feel a bit off, but rather than acknowledge the fact that season 7 of Boy Meets World is in some ways going against all of the characters and not really doing the things that we know the show does well, we are just joining in the Boy Meets World kayfabe and are along for the ride.
    Join us for the kayfabe as we rewatch episodes 701 and 702 "Show Me the Love" and "For Love and Apartments".
    Did I say kayfabe enough times?

    • 1h 35 min
    Boys Meet Rachel Ought to Chill

    Boys Meet Rachel Ought to Chill

    In 2002, the world was in deep despair. There was war, economic turmoil, and sorrow after sorrow. The president choked on a pretzel, U2 performed the halftime show at the Super Bowl, Rudy Guiliani received an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth. Trouble was all around us and fear was never far away. But one man, one brave man, knew just what the world needed to make things good again. Dana Carvey released his magnum opus, Master of Disguise. Despite critical and audience revulsion to the film (if you could call it that) the world began to heal, just a bit.
    None of that would have been possible without this episode of Boy Meets World, episode 703, "Angela's Men" (probably) in which Eric disguises himself as many different things in a attempt to exact revenge of Topanga for beating him up. There is also a wonderful story about Angela and dealing with trauma and all of those things, but also Eric pretends to be the farmer in American Gothic.

    • 1h 1m
    Boys Meet the Dumb, Dumb, Dumbest Person Alive

    Boys Meet the Dumb, Dumb, Dumbest Person Alive

    I (Cameron) was planning to go into a long diatribe here about how sports betting worked as it is relevant to today's episode and Chance gets into it a little on the episode but I honestly cannot wrap my head around it or find it all that interesting, so instead I am going to continue to unpack how Eric Matthews helped define the early 2000's film industry with a look at the 2000 classic Bring It On starting Kirsten Dunst and Gabrielle Union.
    Once again, just as he did with Master of Disguise, Eric Matthews seems to be predicting major cinema moments before they happen as he portrays a sleazy cheerleader looking up the skirts of the cheerleaders he lifts into the air. I am not sure if this is merely coincidence at this point. Have I been making signal when there has been only noise for 6 full seasons now and my brain is broken? Will I ever truly find happiness outside of making seemingly random connections between things that don't actually exist? I must scream, for I do not know.
    Join us as we rewatch season 7 episode 4 "No Such Thing as a Sure Thing."

    • 1h 40 min
    Boys Meet Your Name and Brotato

    Boys Meet Your Name and Brotato

    Every once in a while, something comes along that completely enraptures you and you cannot help but talk about it. Sometimes two things come along that complete enrapture you and you cannot help but talk about them both. Today is one of those day.
    Join the Boys as they rewatch and discuss Boy Meets World season 7 episode 5 "You Light Up My Union". Come for the Boy Meets World discussion, stay for the Brotato tips (referred to a Brotato Tots) and the discussion about the 2016 animated film "Your Name" which is probably the best thing ever.

    • 1h 19 min
    Boys Meet the Wedding Event of the Millennium!

    Boys Meet the Wedding Event of the Millennium!

    Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us togethah today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream!
    Cory and Topanga have come here to make this tweasured agweement in front of their family and fwiends, pwomising their commitment in this holy and magnificent pwace, today and each day fowawd.

    We would not be here today without wuv. Wuv, twoo wuv between these two. Twoo wuv will follow you forevah, so tweasure your wuv, Cory and Topanga, always.

    Join the Boys for a special double episode as we rewatch "They're Killing Us" and "It's About Time". We say goodbye (hopefully) to sex pest Cory and meet the "Jack is hot" storyline. Also, Cameron develops a potty mouth.

    • 1h 21 min

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