19 episodi

Student-produced podcasts exploring contemporary problems of environmental justice

Environmental Justice Now Brian Hamilton

    • Cultura e società

Student-produced podcasts exploring contemporary problems of environmental justice



    On this episode of Greencast, Fife and Caroline discuss the history of ecofeminism and how it has continued to be a relevant current events issue. Ecofeminism, or the intersection of environmentalism and feminism, is seldom discussed in the mainstream but has a rich history in America and internationally. Fife and Caroline reference a particular case study in the Amazon Rainforest which ecofeminism was and continues to be very present today.
    To learn more about ecofeminism and this case study, check out these sources:
    https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/ecofeminism-history-and-principlesLinks to an external site.
    https://www.britannica.com/topic/ecofeminismLinks to an external site.
    https://ecofeminismgsla.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/oilspills/Links to an external site.

    The Obesity Epidemic

    The Obesity Epidemic

    Today’s episode on the Big Apple Podcast discusses the disproportional effects of obesity in lower-income neighborhoods. Due to the lack of access to fresh and nutritious foods in supermarkets, there are higher risks in neighborhoods that cannot afford to pay for a better-quality grocery store nearby. Tiny Boadu shares his experience living in Bushwick, Brooklyn, and not having access to healthy options. Hope you enjoy it!

    Here are these week’s sources:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Causes of Obesity." Centers for
         Disease Control and Prevention. Saving Lives. Protecting People., 21 Mar.
         2022, www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/ causes.html#:~:text=Many%20factors%20can%20contribute%20to,medications%20also%20p
         lay%20a%20role. Accessed 8 May 2022. 

    Mavanji V, Billington CJ, Kotz CM, Teske JA. Sleep and Obesity: A Focus on Animal Models. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2012 Mar;36(3):1015-29. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2012.01.001. Epub 2012 Jan 16. PMID: 22266350; PMCID: PMC3288260.

    "Overweight vs. Obese." Diffen, www.diffen.com/difference/Obesity_vs_Overweight.Accesses 5 May 2023.

    "Obesity." Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Columbia
         University Irving Medical Center, www.publichealth.columbia.edu/research/
         health-effects/obesity. Accessed 11 May 2023.
    "Obesity." NYC Health, www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/obesity.page.
         Accessed 5 May 2023.
    "Sleep." Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Heatlh, June 2022,
         sleep-and-obesity/. Accessed 5 May 2023.

    Seneca Village

    Seneca Village

    For this week’s episode of  A Walk In, Tyler and Georgia stroll through NYC’s renowned Central Park and deliberate over the hidden past of Seneca Village in regards to the land displacement of African Americans. Tune in to hear about Seneca Village’s vibrant, rich history which illuminates the unfortunate African American perspective in US History. Seneca Village clashes with the traditional definitions of the African American Experience and serves as one of many past and present geographical environmental justice anecdotes.  
    To Learn More:
    Background On Seneca VillageLinks to an external site.  
    People and Artifacts Regarding Seneca VillageLinks to an external site.
    Dr. Diana Wall and Dr. Steven Zucker Conversation on Seneca VillageLinks to an external site.   
    PBS Backstory on Seneca VillageLinks to an external site.
    Nat Geo Background on Indian Removal ActLinks to an external site.
    Tweet us your questions and chatters @AWalkIn or email us at AWalkIn@gmail.com. (Messages may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.)
    Podcast production by Georgia Sackrey and Tyler Ettelson.
    Research and show notes by Tyler Ettelson and Georgia Sackrey.

    Climate Justice

    Climate Justice

    Climate change and environmental justice are two issues that are oftentimes more
    intertwined than we may think. Grounding their discussion around four typically thought of
    climate change events, Jerry and Matt will discuss how climate change disproportionately affects
    disadvantaged communities the most. They will then explain some of the more climate change
    oriented solutions as well as more environmental justice oriented solutions.
    Below are some references for this weeks episode:
    Flooding disproportionately harms black neighborhoods.
    Groundbreaking nationwide study finds people color live neighborhoods more air
    "Why Climate Change is an Environmental Justice Issue,"
    "Coastal protection – WSE technology applications,”
    "Wave energy: can ocean power solve the global energy crisis?,"
    "Basics of Climate Change,"
    "Blowhole wave energy generator exceeds expectations in 12-month test,"
    "Global Warming and Hurricanes,"
    "What Is Climate Change?,"
    "Objective 3.5: Advance Environmental Justice and Tackle the Climate Crisis,""ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND CLIMATE CHANGE,""Environmental Justice & Climate Change,""Climate Change and Health Equity,""How climate change and environmental justice are inextricably linked,"This weeks music was provided from these sources:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiO8eUCco1Uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD0XEH3qVCkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjwJIjNuniQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e82VE8UtW8A

    Fast Fashion

    Fast Fashion

    Welcome to Time to Change, the podcast which focuses on rising environmental issues. This episode takes a deep dive into the Fast Fashion industry, following the lifecycle of your clothes from factories to the shelves and then to landfills. We seek to uncover not only the environmental impacts of Fast Fashion, but also the realities for those dealing with our clothing waste.
    The episode features audio taken from a Greenpeace program on water pollution in China (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfw6z1Links to an external site.), the Rana Plaza New York Times documentary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fkhzdc4ybwLinks to an external site.), and a TextileWasteFacts Panel on a Ghana second hand clothing market (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUGC-amdRaI&t=122sLinks to an external site.). Our background music is Settle’s “Chill Lofi Mix” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLeZyIID9Bo&t=7sLinks to an external site.).
    More Information
    Economics of Fast Fashion:
    Wall Street Journal “The High Price of Fast Fashion”: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-high-price-of-fast-fashion-11567096637Links to an external site.
    Wipro “Breakdown of Fast Fashion Supply Chain”: https://www.wipro.com/engineering/a-breakdown-of-the-fashion-supply-chain/Links to an external site.
    Wisconsin School of Business “Fast Fashion Business Model May Speed Up Environmental Decline”: https://business.wisc.edu/news/fast-fashion-business-model-may-speed-up-environmental-decline/Links to an external site.
    Good On You “What on Earth is a Clothing Supply Chain?”: https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-a-clothing-supply-chain/#:~:text=The%20production%20of%20textiles%20encompasses,%2C%20dyeing%2C%20and%20finishing%20itLinks to an external site.. 

    Human Impacts and Clothing Landfills: 
    US News “How Dead White Man's Clothing is Clogging the Global South”:
    https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2021-11-11/how-dead-white-mans-clothing-is-clogging-the-global-southLinks to an external site.
    Boston University School of Public Health “The Aftermath of Fast Fashion: How Discarded Clothes Impact Public Health and The Environment”: https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2022/the-aftermath-of-fast-fashion-how-discarded-clothes-impact-public-health-and-the-environment/Links to an external site.
    Rachel Bick “The Global Environmental Injustice of Fast Fashion”: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-018-0433-7Links to an external site.
    Environmental Impacts:
    Minnesota Pollution Control Agency “Air Quality and Health”: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air-water-land-climate/air-quality-and-health#:~:text=Air%20pollution%20also%20increases%20the,people%20who%20are%20already%20illLinks to an external site..
    McKinsey “Fashion on Climate Report”: https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/industries/retail/our%20insights/fashion%20on%20climate/fashion-on-climate-full-report.pdfLinks to an external site.
    World Economic Forum “Water Pollution is Killing Millions of Indians”: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/10/water-pollution-in-india-data-tech-solution/Links to an external site.
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute “Fact Sheet”: https://www.eesi.org/papers/view/fact-sheet-climate-environmental-and-health-impacts-of-fossil-fuels-2021#3Links to an external site.

    Food Injustice

    Food Injustice

    In this podcast episode, we delve into the issue of food insecurity in America, with a specificfocus on Franklin County, Massachusetts. We examine the root causes and consequences of foodinsecurity and explore potential solutions to create a more equitable food system. According toNPR's article "Food Insecurity In The U.S. By The Numbers," over 38 million people in theUnited States faced food insecurity in 2020, indicating limited or uncertain access to sufficientand nutritious food. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides valuable data on foodsecurity and nutrition assistance, highlighting the highest rates of food insecurity among low-income households and communities. The health.gov literature summaries on food insecurityshed light on the social determinants of health and their impact on food access. They emphasizethe disproportionate effect of food insecurity on vulnerable populations, including children andminority households. CBS News also reports that one in four Americans experiences foodinsecurity, further emphasizing the widespread nature of the problem.To better understand the specific context of Franklin County, Massachusetts, we reference the"Food Access Report" by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG). This reportprovides local insights into the challenges faced by the community in accessing healthy andaffordable food options. Exploring potential solutions, we highlight the importance of farmers'markets as community centerpieces, as highlighted in a USDA blog post. Farmers' markets notonly increase access to fresh produce but also promote community engagement and healtheducation. The Johns Hopkins Medicine website reinforces the benefits of farmers' markets, suchas supporting local agriculture, fostering social connections, and promoting healthy food choices.Additionally, the American Institutes for Research (AIR) resource on food education spotlightsthe significance of food education programs in improving lives and empowering communities tomake informed nutritional choices. We encourage listeners to consult these valuable resources togain a deeper understanding of food insecurity in America and explore ways to make a positiveimpact. Our gratitude goes to the artists behind the music featured in this episode: "MidnightCity" by M83 and "Just the Two of Us" by Grover Washington.Bibliography:"Food Insecurity In The U.S. By The Numbers" - NPRUSDA - Ag and Food Statistics: Charting the Essentials - Food Security and Nutrition AssistanceLiterature Summaries - Food Insecurity - health.gov"One in Four Americans Food Insecure" - CBS NewsFood Security in the U.S. - Key Statistics & Graphics - USDA"Food Access Report" - Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)"Farmers Markets: Community Centerpieces" - USDA"Health Benefits of Farmers Markets" - Johns Hopkins Medicine"Improving Lives Through Food Education" - American Institutes for Research (AIR)Franklin County Farmers Market - www.franklincountyfarmersmarket.org

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