1h 18 min

Episode 430 - Bogdan Syrotiuk‪.‬ The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove

    • Politica

In episode 430 of The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove podcast, the hosts delve into the arrest and imprisonment of Bogdan Syrotiuk, a young leader from the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists. Joining the panel are Max and Oscar from the Socialist Equality Party, who discuss the political motivations behind Syrotiuk's incarceration by Ukrainian authorities. The conversation explores broader issues of political repression, international socialist movements, and the ongoing conflicts involving Ukraine, Russia, and NATO. The episode also critiques the complicity of leftist organizations and unions in supporting imperialist agendas while emphasizing the need for workers' committees and international socialist unity.
00:00 Introduction to the Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove Podcast
00:57 Special Guests: Max and Oscar from the Socialist Equality Party
02:15 The Arrest of Comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk
03:15 Political Context and Charges Against Bogdan
04:54 Ideological Stance of the Socialist Equality Party
07:41 Broader Implications of the Ukrainian Conflict
09:43 International Reactions and Comparisons
12:52 The Role of the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists
15:28 Critique of Western Media and Government Narratives
31:00 The Gaza Conflict and Its Global Impact
37:05 Union Movements and Political Activism
43:05 Formation of Rank and File Committees
44:10 Union vs. Workers Committees: Key Differences
44:43 Critique of Union Bureaucracy
46:01 Union Failures in Healthcare
47:17 International Union Comparisons
50:01 The Role of Workers Committees
52:09 Capitalism and Workers' Struggles
54:06 Educating Workers on Socialism
56:50 The Breakdown of Capitalism
57:49 Building a Socialist Movement
01:01:07 Perspectives on China
01:08:34 Critique of Yanis Varoufakis and Syriza
01:14:57 Campaign for Freeing Bogdan
01:18:24 Conclusion and Call to Action
Article about Bogdan
Link to petition
To financially support the Podcast you can make:
a per-episode donation via Patreon or one-off donation via credit card; orone-off or regular donations via Paypal orif you are into Cryptocurrency you can send Satoshis.
We Livestream every Monday night at 8:00 pm Brisbane time. Follow us on Facebook or YouTube. Watch us live and join the discussion in the chat room.
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In episode 430 of The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove podcast, the hosts delve into the arrest and imprisonment of Bogdan Syrotiuk, a young leader from the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists. Joining the panel are Max and Oscar from the Socialist Equality Party, who discuss the political motivations behind Syrotiuk's incarceration by Ukrainian authorities. The conversation explores broader issues of political repression, international socialist movements, and the ongoing conflicts involving Ukraine, Russia, and NATO. The episode also critiques the complicity of leftist organizations and unions in supporting imperialist agendas while emphasizing the need for workers' committees and international socialist unity.
00:00 Introduction to the Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove Podcast
00:57 Special Guests: Max and Oscar from the Socialist Equality Party
02:15 The Arrest of Comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk
03:15 Political Context and Charges Against Bogdan
04:54 Ideological Stance of the Socialist Equality Party
07:41 Broader Implications of the Ukrainian Conflict
09:43 International Reactions and Comparisons
12:52 The Role of the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists
15:28 Critique of Western Media and Government Narratives
31:00 The Gaza Conflict and Its Global Impact
37:05 Union Movements and Political Activism
43:05 Formation of Rank and File Committees
44:10 Union vs. Workers Committees: Key Differences
44:43 Critique of Union Bureaucracy
46:01 Union Failures in Healthcare
47:17 International Union Comparisons
50:01 The Role of Workers Committees
52:09 Capitalism and Workers' Struggles
54:06 Educating Workers on Socialism
56:50 The Breakdown of Capitalism
57:49 Building a Socialist Movement
01:01:07 Perspectives on China
01:08:34 Critique of Yanis Varoufakis and Syriza
01:14:57 Campaign for Freeing Bogdan
01:18:24 Conclusion and Call to Action
Article about Bogdan
Link to petition
To financially support the Podcast you can make:
a per-episode donation via Patreon or one-off donation via credit card; orone-off or regular donations via Paypal orif you are into Cryptocurrency you can send Satoshis.
We Livestream every Monday night at 8:00 pm Brisbane time. Follow us on Facebook or YouTube. Watch us live and join the discussion in the chat room.
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1h 18 min