15 episodi

Hear stories of how individuals have walked through some incredibly difficult times and found God waiting for them in the middle of their darkest hour. We will hear awesome testimonies of how God has shown up time and time again in the lives of these individuals and how they have "Experienced God's Goodness!"

Experiencing God's Goodness Michele Corgiat

    • Religione e spiritualità

Hear stories of how individuals have walked through some incredibly difficult times and found God waiting for them in the middle of their darkest hour. We will hear awesome testimonies of how God has shown up time and time again in the lives of these individuals and how they have "Experienced God's Goodness!"

    The Wounded Believer's Story

    The Wounded Believer's Story

    Maybe you or someone you know have experienced a "church wound" which has had a ripple effect on your spiritual walk. Today's podcast will explore not only sometimes how these wounds occur, but how to heal and find God's goodness through these wounds.

    • 29 min
    Raquel's Story

    Raquel's Story

    Although a promising athlete and student, Raquel found herself acting out sexually early in her teens and numbing her pain with the use of alcohol. Hear how Raquel experienced God's goodness through the recovery process and found that Jesus does not require us to be perfect to come to him.

    • 24 min
    Your Story

    Your Story

    God has called us to be a priesthood of believers which includes giving him glory for what he has done in our lives. This episode challenges each of us to tell our story of how God has met us and shown his faithfulness in each of our lives.

    • 6 min
    Renee's Story

    Renee's Story

    Renee has had more than her fair share of suffering in her adult life. From four life threatening pregnancies to an battling with sinus infections for more than six years, Renee has continued to grow in her faith and find God's goodness in the middle of some very difficult times.

    • 23 min
    Michele's Story

    Michele's Story

    Listen to the host of Experiencing God's Goodness tell about her relationship with her mother, who suffered from mental health issues, and how she found God to be present and faithful.

    • 16 min
    Alyssa's Story

    Alyssa's Story

    Join us as we hear about how God has been so faithful in Alyssa's life. Through the discouragement of infertility, disappointment in their home-finding journey, and in waiting for news of her unborn baby's health, Alyssa experienced God's goodness throughout every step as she held onto God's promises.

    • 35 min

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