26 episodi

An insider account into the different sides of Aga Khan, the history of Shia Ismailis, and Ismaili practices.

I will share a series of podcasts that explore the history and mystery behind this multi-faceted, global personality known as Aga Khan, as well as a detailed account of Ismaili practices.

Please also view the Youtube videos on my channel here:

Our Site: https://www.wakeupcall.quest/

My contact: s_lalani@hotmail.com

God and Money: The Secret World of Aga Khan Salim Lalani

    • Religione e spiritualità

An insider account into the different sides of Aga Khan, the history of Shia Ismailis, and Ismaili practices.

I will share a series of podcasts that explore the history and mystery behind this multi-faceted, global personality known as Aga Khan, as well as a detailed account of Ismaili practices.

Please also view the Youtube videos on my channel here:

Our Site: https://www.wakeupcall.quest/

My contact: s_lalani@hotmail.com

    Episode 26: Final Episode

    Episode 26: Final Episode

    The final episode in this series. We will discuss more about murids and leadership. 

    • 24 min
    Episode 25: Progressive Murids and Psychology

    Episode 25: Progressive Murids and Psychology

    Last week we spoke about leadership mafia and how social media is slowIy but surely exposing the dark sides of many humanitarians and spiritual leaders such as agakhan. This week we will talk about educated, intelligent and progressive people.

    In fact, we will name a real person. A person who represents the Imam.

    • 25 min
    Episode 24: Globalization & Leadership

    Episode 24: Globalization & Leadership

    In this episode, we cover some aspects of internal leadership within the Imamat and its institutions, as well as Aga Khans relationship with world leaders and governments. 

    • 24 min
    Episode 23: Financial System Part 4

    Episode 23: Financial System Part 4

    Last week we learnt how much money could AK system possibly makes from the cult. This week we will seek to understand how much he spends, if any.


    • 28 min
    Episode 22: Financial System Part 3

    Episode 22: Financial System Part 3

    Continuation of our look into the financial system in Ismailism.


    • 29 min
    Episode 21: Financial System Part 2

    Episode 21: Financial System Part 2

    In this episode we go deeper of the financial system of Aga Khan, and discuss where these funds and Aga Khans riches come from. This week, we will discuss how money changes hands within the system.

    • 28 min

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