33 min

HEALING DEFENSIVE JUDY Close Encounters With My Inner Child

    • Salute mentale

In this episode, I will be reading entries from my adult daily internal family system journal on a protector part, called defensive Judy. It includes 9 dates only. I will illustrate how defensive Judy shows up in my adult’s interactions by sharing a personal experience she had with her husband of 37 years. I will describe defensive Judy’s reaction and how my adult tried to parent this protective part. I will share how a timely, powerful YouTube video called “Making Marriage Work” helped diffuse defensive Judy’s intense reaction. I will read a clear, concise letter my adult wrote to her husband and tie it all up in a bow of vulnerability that gave birth to more respect and appreciation in their marriage.

In this episode, I will be reading entries from my adult daily internal family system journal on a protector part, called defensive Judy. It includes 9 dates only. I will illustrate how defensive Judy shows up in my adult’s interactions by sharing a personal experience she had with her husband of 37 years. I will describe defensive Judy’s reaction and how my adult tried to parent this protective part. I will share how a timely, powerful YouTube video called “Making Marriage Work” helped diffuse defensive Judy’s intense reaction. I will read a clear, concise letter my adult wrote to her husband and tie it all up in a bow of vulnerability that gave birth to more respect and appreciation in their marriage.

33 min