75 episodi

By way of introduction, my name is Clare Muscutt and I have the pleasure of hosting and producing this new female-focused Customer Experience initiative.

I had the idea that we needed a space for women when I appeared in CX Magazine’s Top 50 stars as the UK’s Top Female Influencer last year. It seemed strange to me that in a disproportionately female industry that the rest of the Top 5, were male.

My newly found platform meant women started to reach out to me for help on social media and I found it surprising that they found me inspiring. I helped wherever I could, sharing my personal career story and experience of successes and ‘failures’ on the corporate road to starting my own company.

I saw my mentees getting braver and felt tremendous pride at seeing them go for bigger opportunities, start their own blogs, try their hand at public speaking and some even make the jump to freelance. The theme that repeated over and over again in these conversations was the shared feeling of a lack of self-confidence to stand up and be noticed. And a lack of accessible female spaces with role models who openly share their experience of getting over similar challenges, to look up to.

I found a community of awesome women through Instagram and reached out to them to get the conversation going. We started having ‘real-talk’ conversations on Zoom about our views on CX and experience of being women striving to achieve our goals. I found a collective across the globe who wanted to take part in building something ‘for the girls’ and by sharing our stories, together we found CX sisterhood.

We have a dream to shine a light on more women in CX and inspire more of us to stand up and be noticed.

We believe the CX world would benefit from a space dedicated to women and that a great place to start is to hear more of our stories…

So, to begin with, I have handpicked a selection of the women I got to know, from around the world who have tremendous stories to tell that will be published here.

Over time, I hope to get feedback on where you need more inspiration and introduce guests from other areas of interest such as health and wellbeing, business and social media skills to support the personal and professional development of women in our industry.

Thank you so much for listening. If you’d like to join the sisterhood, please visit www.womenincx.community to subscribe to our list and be the first to get news and updates as we grow.

Inspiring Women In CX Clare Muscutt

    • Economia

By way of introduction, my name is Clare Muscutt and I have the pleasure of hosting and producing this new female-focused Customer Experience initiative.

I had the idea that we needed a space for women when I appeared in CX Magazine’s Top 50 stars as the UK’s Top Female Influencer last year. It seemed strange to me that in a disproportionately female industry that the rest of the Top 5, were male.

My newly found platform meant women started to reach out to me for help on social media and I found it surprising that they found me inspiring. I helped wherever I could, sharing my personal career story and experience of successes and ‘failures’ on the corporate road to starting my own company.

I saw my mentees getting braver and felt tremendous pride at seeing them go for bigger opportunities, start their own blogs, try their hand at public speaking and some even make the jump to freelance. The theme that repeated over and over again in these conversations was the shared feeling of a lack of self-confidence to stand up and be noticed. And a lack of accessible female spaces with role models who openly share their experience of getting over similar challenges, to look up to.

I found a community of awesome women through Instagram and reached out to them to get the conversation going. We started having ‘real-talk’ conversations on Zoom about our views on CX and experience of being women striving to achieve our goals. I found a collective across the globe who wanted to take part in building something ‘for the girls’ and by sharing our stories, together we found CX sisterhood.

We have a dream to shine a light on more women in CX and inspire more of us to stand up and be noticed.

We believe the CX world would benefit from a space dedicated to women and that a great place to start is to hear more of our stories…

So, to begin with, I have handpicked a selection of the women I got to know, from around the world who have tremendous stories to tell that will be published here.

Over time, I hope to get feedback on where you need more inspiration and introduce guests from other areas of interest such as health and wellbeing, business and social media skills to support the personal and professional development of women in our industry.

Thank you so much for listening. If you’d like to join the sisterhood, please visit www.womenincx.community to subscribe to our list and be the first to get news and updates as we grow.

    'The Human Experience: Whatever Happened to Emotion and Empathy?', with John Sills

    'The Human Experience: Whatever Happened to Emotion and Empathy?', with John Sills

    “The biggest challenge I think the CX industry has got is the fact that it’s become an industry.”
    Joined by John Sills, Managing Partner at The Foundation, in episode #709 of the Inspiring Women in CX podcast, we explore the alarming disparity between the booming CX technology market and actual improvements in the experience felt by customers.
    Sharing his perspective on the state of CX today, advocating for real immersion into customers’ lives over endless feedback surveys, and emphasising the role of empathy and understanding over technological solutions, listen to the full episode now.
    To join the world’s first online community for women in customer experience and technology, visit www.womenincx.community/membership and sign up today.

    • 45 min
    WiCX Talk Trends: Customer Service – How Bad is it, really? Can AI Save the Day?

    WiCX Talk Trends: Customer Service – How Bad is it, really? Can AI Save the Day?

    Would you rather?
    Clean the bathroom 🧽
    Contact customer service 📞
    Joined by Danita Belcher, VP of Sales, Worldwide Contact Center at RingCentral, in episode #001 of the ‘WiCX Talk Trends’ podcast, a new series dedicated to bringing you the latest news and insights from female leaders in CX and technology, we delve into the results of RingCentral’s recent study on customer service experiences, explore the potential upside of AI-enhanced customer service, and foreground some of the challenges associated with integrating AI into customer service operations.🔌
    With almost one-fifth of respondents saying they would prefer to deal with a vermin infestation in their home than contact customer service, is it up to AI to save the day? 🤔
    Want more? Check out the full survey results here: https://www.ringcentral.com/us/en/blog/can-ai-fix-bad-customer-service/?BMID=CMRCXINMCM
    Continuing our mission to amplify the voices of women in CX and technology, sharing diverse perspectives on the latest trends shaping our industry, we’d love to hear from you! If you’d like to be featured on the podcast, please contact us at partnerships@womenincx.community.

    • 41 min
    'Does culture eat strategy when it comes to customer service transformation?' with Leonie Williams

    'Does culture eat strategy when it comes to customer service transformation?' with Leonie Williams

    Does culture eat strategy when it comes to customer service transformation? 🤔
    Joined by Leonie Williams, Co-Founder of Customer Service Solutions Group, in episode #708, we explore the role of culture in delivering excellent service and experiences. 🤝
    Having worked for global hotel chains Hilton and Intercontinental before joining the Institute of Customer Service, Leonie states that “If you get the EX and the CX right, the business results follow.” 📈
    But for businesses that don’t have this customer service culture already embedded throughout, is it really possible to drive this mindset shift? 🧠
    And if so, how?
    Emphasising the importance of the “tone from the top”, focusing on systems and processes to facilitate customer orientation (or whatever you want to call it), and questioning whether actually, culture change is too heavy a burden to bear, listen to the full episode now.
    To join the world’s first online community for women in customer experience and technology, visit www.womenincx.community/membership and sign up today!

    • 55 min
    ‘Is it really all in our heads?’ Addressing imposter syndrome and workplace bias with Ewa Davenport

    ‘Is it really all in our heads?’ Addressing imposter syndrome and workplace bias with Ewa Davenport

    Does the othering of women and minorities contribute to imposter syndrome? 🤔
    Following our epic International Women’s Day event in London and expanding on the panel discussion that took place, in episode #707, we talk to Ewa Davenport, CX Senior Transformation Director at Kantar about systemic bias, how often there isn’t malice involved, and using our own power to educate others, call out inappropriate behaviours, and stand up for those less privileged than our selves. 📣
    Focusing on imposter syndrome throughout Women’s History Month and beyond, we aim to draw attention to this very real issue, foreground the very real consequences, and by doing so, inspire those who have the power to effect change to join the movement. 🤝
    To learn more about our mission and become a member today, visit www.womenincx.community/membership.

    • 40 min
    ‘Are you ready for the rise of the machine customers?’, with Sirte Pihlaja

    ‘Are you ready for the rise of the machine customers?’, with Sirte Pihlaja

    Are you ready for the rise of the machine customer? 🤖
    With Gartner predicting that by 2027, 50% of us will be using AI personal assistants in our daily lives, they could be here much sooner than anticipated!
    Joined by Sirte Pihlaja, CEO of Shirute, listen to episode #706 now as we explore what machine customers are, how they’re set to impact the future of CX and EX, and as CX leaders, what we should be thinking about now to ensure we’re equipped for their arrival.
    So, with employees and agents set to interface with AI in the near future, is it machine customer experience that we instead need to be designing for? 🤔
    To join the world’s first online community for women in customer experience and technology, visit www.womenincx.community/membership and sign up today!

    • 45 min
    ‘Could CX frameworks be killing innovation?’, with Maria McCann

    ‘Could CX frameworks be killing innovation?’, with Maria McCann

    With fewer barriers today, why aren’t we making the inroads that we should be? 🤔
    … that’s the question raised by today’s inspiring woman in CX, the Co-Founder of Neos Wave, Maria McCann.
    Citing the stagnant transformation failure rate, a lack of reduction in cost to serve, and declining customer satisfaction, Maria explains why she believes that industrial-sized CX frameworks are to blame. ❌
    Sharing a ‘cringe-inducing’ anecdote and shining a light on the state of CX today, in episode #705, Clare and Maria discuss our obsession with metrics and KPIs above and beyond using common sense and providing kind and compassionate service, how frameworks intended to unify and elevate benchmarks are instead killing our creativity, and whether we’re losing sight of the end goal – improving experiences for customers.
    To join the world’s first online community for women in customer experience and technology, visit www.womenincx.community/membership and sign up today!

    • 47 min

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