35 min

#InsuranceInspired: One-on-one coaching session with speaker, Calvin Lee Asia Advisers Network podcast with Benjamin Ang

    • Automiglioramento

Recruiting on LinkedIn is impossible! - Hopefully, none of you is saying this after the step-by-step sharing by Calvin Lee on his proven formula at Insurance Inspired.

In case you need more help, watch this as Calvin went deep with Jason Goh, a lucky winner at #InsuranceInspired, to coach and share his recommendations to improve what Jason has done so far.

Recruiting on LinkedIn is impossible! - Hopefully, none of you is saying this after the step-by-step sharing by Calvin Lee on his proven formula at Insurance Inspired.

In case you need more help, watch this as Calvin went deep with Jason Goh, a lucky winner at #InsuranceInspired, to coach and share his recommendations to improve what Jason has done so far.

35 min