Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy The Peace Revolution Podcast (Archive Stream 2006-Present)

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(Episodes 001-023 + Bonus Video) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness | Now available on Patreon
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Reference Map to Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy To download these notes in a handy PDF, CLICK HERE.

(0-5mins) Rep Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know." on 1/2 Trillion Missing (5m-10m) Ron Paul, Voluntaryist (10m-10m30s) Ayn Rand | The Final Struggle between Capitalism and Socialism (10m30s-14m) Welfare State in Social Democracy (14m-16m) Bernie Sanders Healthcare (16m-17m) Milton Friedman response to Sanders (17m-21m) Benefits Cap is forcing me to Work – UK (21m-22m) Murray Rothbard | The Libertarian Solution to Welfare (22m-23m) What is Laissez Faire Economics? (23m-26m) Why Work? Welfare Addiction in Handout-Hungry UK (26m-37m) Milton Friedman| The Roots of the Welfare State (37m-42m) 9 Trillion Missing from Federal Reserve Bank says the Fed Inspector General (42m-43m) Murray Rothbard | The Death of Keynesian Economics (43m-51m) A Libertarian View of Welfare | John Stossel & Friends on Fox News (51m-54m) Black Budget US govt clueless about missing Pentagon Trillions (54m-56m) Donald Rumsfeld says Govt not smart enough to regulate (56m-1h18m) Defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics with Walter Block (1h18m-1h20m) Murray Rothbard on the Global Central Govt and Global Central Bank (During Q&A at the end) (1h20m-1h23m) Rep Alan Grayson - $12 Trillion Gone – and No One Punished (1h23m-1h26m) Every American owes $60,000.00 | Rand Paul on the National Debt (1h26m-1h29m) Ron Paul describing Murray Rothbard (1h29m-1h31m) Murray Rothbard | On the history of Tax Rebellions (1h31m-1h36m) Free Market Masters: Ludwig von Mises (1h36m-1h39m) Voluntaryism (1h39m-1h48m) Murray Rothbard | The Identity of the State (1h48m-1h48m30s) Ayn Rand explains the Non-Aggression Principle (1h48m30s-1h49m) Ron Paul | Is the Role of Government to Police the World? (1h49m-1h50m) Murray Rothbard | Isolationism and Jefferson’s desire to disband Military (1h50m-1h52m) Black Budget (sample 2) (1h52m-1h53m) Ron Paul “I Like Voluntaryism” (1h53m-1h56m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (1h56m-2h04m) Mike Wallace, Milton Friedman, Donald Rumsfeld discussing the Free Market and Laissez Faire trade Policy (2h04m-2h10m) Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism | Anarcho-Capitalism (2h10m-2h13m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 1000 “Nobody Should be Big Daddy” (2h13m-2h18m) U.S. Debt Crisis Explained (2h18m-2h21m) Ayn Rand educates Phil Donohue on Free Market Economics (2h21m-2h23m) Murray Rothbard on Ayn Rand (2h23m-2h28m) Jordan Peterson | Ideology and Democide (2h28m-2h30m) Bill Buppert | Stoicism (Sample) (2h30m-2h31m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (Counter-Economics sample) (2h31m-2h32m) Mark Dice – Safe Spaces (2h32m-2h34m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample) (2h34m-2h37m) InternetAristocrat’s Guide to SJW’s (Social Justice Warriors) (2h37m-2h38m) Occupy Richmond – Intro to the Progressive Stack (2h38m-2h49m) The Pr

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T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations around Freedom | Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles:
(Episodes 001-023 + Bonus Video) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness | Now available on Patreon
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History in Context):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:
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The Tragedy and Hope Official YouTube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy To download these notes in a handy PDF, CLICK HERE.

(0-5mins) Rep Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know." on 1/2 Trillion Missing (5m-10m) Ron Paul, Voluntaryist (10m-10m30s) Ayn Rand | The Final Struggle between Capitalism and Socialism (10m30s-14m) Welfare State in Social Democracy (14m-16m) Bernie Sanders Healthcare (16m-17m) Milton Friedman response to Sanders (17m-21m) Benefits Cap is forcing me to Work – UK (21m-22m) Murray Rothbard | The Libertarian Solution to Welfare (22m-23m) What is Laissez Faire Economics? (23m-26m) Why Work? Welfare Addiction in Handout-Hungry UK (26m-37m) Milton Friedman| The Roots of the Welfare State (37m-42m) 9 Trillion Missing from Federal Reserve Bank says the Fed Inspector General (42m-43m) Murray Rothbard | The Death of Keynesian Economics (43m-51m) A Libertarian View of Welfare | John Stossel & Friends on Fox News (51m-54m) Black Budget US govt clueless about missing Pentagon Trillions (54m-56m) Donald Rumsfeld says Govt not smart enough to regulate (56m-1h18m) Defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics with Walter Block (1h18m-1h20m) Murray Rothbard on the Global Central Govt and Global Central Bank (During Q&A at the end) (1h20m-1h23m) Rep Alan Grayson - $12 Trillion Gone – and No One Punished (1h23m-1h26m) Every American owes $60,000.00 | Rand Paul on the National Debt (1h26m-1h29m) Ron Paul describing Murray Rothbard (1h29m-1h31m) Murray Rothbard | On the history of Tax Rebellions (1h31m-1h36m) Free Market Masters: Ludwig von Mises (1h36m-1h39m) Voluntaryism (1h39m-1h48m) Murray Rothbard | The Identity of the State (1h48m-1h48m30s) Ayn Rand explains the Non-Aggression Principle (1h48m30s-1h49m) Ron Paul | Is the Role of Government to Police the World? (1h49m-1h50m) Murray Rothbard | Isolationism and Jefferson’s desire to disband Military (1h50m-1h52m) Black Budget (sample 2) (1h52m-1h53m) Ron Paul “I Like Voluntaryism” (1h53m-1h56m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (1h56m-2h04m) Mike Wallace, Milton Friedman, Donald Rumsfeld discussing the Free Market and Laissez Faire trade Policy (2h04m-2h10m) Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism | Anarcho-Capitalism (2h10m-2h13m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 1000 “Nobody Should be Big Daddy” (2h13m-2h18m) U.S. Debt Crisis Explained (2h18m-2h21m) Ayn Rand educates Phil Donohue on Free Market Economics (2h21m-2h23m) Murray Rothbard on Ayn Rand (2h23m-2h28m) Jordan Peterson | Ideology and Democide (2h28m-2h30m) Bill Buppert | Stoicism (Sample) (2h30m-2h31m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (Counter-Economics sample) (2h31m-2h32m) Mark Dice – Safe Spaces (2h32m-2h34m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample) (2h34m-2h37m) InternetAristocrat’s Guide to SJW’s (Social Justice Warriors) (2h37m-2h38m) Occupy Richmond – Intro to the Progressive Stack (2h38m-2h49m) The Pr