4 min

Live-streaming Solutions During Coronavirus New(pod)cast: A Video Production Podcast

    • Arti visive

Coronavirus has become a global pandemic, forcing people to stay indoors and isolated from others in order to stop the spread of the virus. At Newcast, we’ve been thinking through solutions to help people continue their conferences and events through live streaming. Damien chats to the Michaels from live-streaming partner Redback Connect about creating effective communication from the safety of your own home, or a studio space.

Coronavirus has become a global pandemic, forcing people to stay indoors and isolated from others in order to stop the spread of the virus. At Newcast, we’ve been thinking through solutions to help people continue their conferences and events through live streaming. Damien chats to the Michaels from live-streaming partner Redback Connect about creating effective communication from the safety of your own home, or a studio space.

4 min