323 episodi

In this shifting world, heading into the Age of Aquarius - the terms of life are changing

People don’t want to conform to society
They want more meaningful careers and relationships
They are less motivated by money and more motivated by internal wisdom
More psychic gifts are coming online and even more near death experience conversations are being talked about
Plant medicines are making a come back, but how do you partake of them safely?
People are becoming more health conscious but where does one turn amidst so many magic pills and quick fixes?
How does one really meditate and quiet the mind?
How does one go about becoming more in tune and more ”spiritual”?

Misty Magdalena Grace and her guests are here to help you improve your health and wealth creation, by going INWARD to ultimately trusting your own innate Wisdom

But how do we do that?

Tune in to learn!

Formerly known as Lois Koffi, now her ceremonial spiritual name is Misty Magdalena Grace (Magdalena for short).
She is a plant medicine woman/spiritual teacher & microdosing coach, focused on mental/physical/spiritual health.
She specializes in psilocybin, ayahuasca, jurema and psilohuasca.

She has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales. She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year’s resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN.

She has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and struggles as well as many victories and successes. She has lost 12 friends to suicide and many to addiction and has a huge vision/mission to help people safely with sacred plants (noting there is a wrong way and a best way to partake) She has trained with several plant medicine women and shamans through initiations and deep dive healing over 50 times.

She is here for YOU to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health and wealth limitations. She helps guide you with love and compassion with mind/body/spirit fitness as a transformational coach using guided visualization and many other tools in her vast tool belt to get you to live the life you LOVE with superconscious creation with your Higher Self - living YOUR TRUTH.

Misty Magdalena’s Healthy N Wealthy N Wise Lois Koffi

    • Religione e spiritualità

In this shifting world, heading into the Age of Aquarius - the terms of life are changing

People don’t want to conform to society
They want more meaningful careers and relationships
They are less motivated by money and more motivated by internal wisdom
More psychic gifts are coming online and even more near death experience conversations are being talked about
Plant medicines are making a come back, but how do you partake of them safely?
People are becoming more health conscious but where does one turn amidst so many magic pills and quick fixes?
How does one really meditate and quiet the mind?
How does one go about becoming more in tune and more ”spiritual”?

Misty Magdalena Grace and her guests are here to help you improve your health and wealth creation, by going INWARD to ultimately trusting your own innate Wisdom

But how do we do that?

Tune in to learn!

Formerly known as Lois Koffi, now her ceremonial spiritual name is Misty Magdalena Grace (Magdalena for short).
She is a plant medicine woman/spiritual teacher & microdosing coach, focused on mental/physical/spiritual health.
She specializes in psilocybin, ayahuasca, jurema and psilohuasca.

She has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales. She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year’s resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN.

She has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and struggles as well as many victories and successes. She has lost 12 friends to suicide and many to addiction and has a huge vision/mission to help people safely with sacred plants (noting there is a wrong way and a best way to partake) She has trained with several plant medicine women and shamans through initiations and deep dive healing over 50 times.

She is here for YOU to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health and wealth limitations. She helps guide you with love and compassion with mind/body/spirit fitness as a transformational coach using guided visualization and many other tools in her vast tool belt to get you to live the life you LOVE with superconscious creation with your Higher Self - living YOUR TRUTH.

    Ascension Healing Tips With Joe Clark After the Sol-Stice

    Ascension Healing Tips With Joe Clark After the Sol-Stice

    You have seen me talk a LOT about the 5D ascension/planetary awakening we are experiencing now
    Especially how the solstice was A HUGE turning point for our planet and how many people are now "waking up" to their truth and remembering who they truly are (human AND divine beings)
    There is lots of transition and predictions out there about what this all means for us as a planet and has a human race
    And it is also creating a LOT of dis-ease, fear, divorce, business challenges, major life changes, suicide rate increase, addiction issues, etc.
    How does one handle this mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally while trying to be the best mom/wife, father/husband, employer/employee, friend, etc.
    Today we will talk with the author of Sol, Joe Clarke, about those practical tips that can make a huge day to day difference.
    No fluff here today - REAL tips you can apply immediately.
    Joe is a spiritual healer and author based in Oceanside. Joe's specialty is strengthening the heart connection. Through Reiki energy healing, mindfulness coaching, and heart-to-heart dialogue, Joe helps clients overcome addiction, pursue their heartfelt passions, and strengthen the relationships that matter most to them. In 2024, Joe published SOL: supportive guidance for healing & awakening. 
    This groundbreaking book gives readers a richer appreciation for who they are, why they suffer, and how they can heal through the heart
    USE THE CODE:  HEALTHYNWEALTHYNWISE90 when you reach out to Joe for a 60 minute session
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spiritflourish
    Joe's book: https://www.authorhouse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/852560-sol

    • 50 min
    The Mission & Vision of The Lotus Throne Foundation

    The Mission & Vision of The Lotus Throne Foundation

    Today I am going to share with you our vision and mission of the Lotus Throne foundation
    It's very deep and very personal
    If this touches your heart, please share this episode and our website
    MISSIONTo break the generational cycles of addiction and suicide - Be the change we want to see in the world by opening people's hearts and minds to the topics of suicide and addiction by giving hope and healing
    VISIONTo serve 100 clients in 12 months who have been impacted by grief/loss of a loved one to suicide or addiction related deaths.  To give them support, love and the deepest healing possible with scholarships to our services and the services of our mental/emotional/physical and spiritual network that aligns with our mission
    Go to that link and DONATEOffer up volunteer timeOffer up referral to other healers and coaches and therapists in the spaceOffer up donations for our silent auctionShare this episode with someone you care aboutShare with someone that has been impacted by suicide and/or addiction

    • 15 min
    The Truth About "Midlife Crisis"

    The Truth About "Midlife Crisis"

    The Truth About "MidLife Crisis"
    Now that I am 46, I finally understand the whole term, “mid-life crisis”
    When I was younger, I really didn’t get it
    And until I went through, what I would NOW understand as my own “mid-life crisis”, I need to share with you some very important information that may just help you understand better and NOT feel like you are losing your mind
    First let’s talk about the definition
    Webster defines this crisis as follows:
    midlife crisis. noun. : a period of emotional turmoil in middle age caused by the realization that one is no longer young and characterized especially by a strong desire for change.
    Others would say this
    “A midlife crisis is often seen as a period of self-reflection, questioning, and emotional turmoil that can come in middle adulthood — usually happening for people in their 40s and 50s. The journey through a midlife crisis often unfolds in three stages: the trigger, the search for meaning, and acceptance.”
    Calm.com defined it as this:
    “The definition of a midlife crisis is a period of transition in life where someone struggles with their identity and self-confidence. It happens anywhere from 40 years old to 60 years old and affects men and women. A midlife crisis is not a disorder but is mainly psychological.”
    I can definitely say in my early 40s is when I hit a period of self reflection, questioning my purpose and had a helluva lot of emotional turmoil
    I had lost myself, lost my parents, my older brother, many friends….as people started dying, it also forced me to look at how much time I had left on this earth and wanted to course correct
    I literally didn’t like the person I saw in the mirror.
    While some people might go and buy a ferrari or buy a new home or new wardrobe at this point, I chose to have a spiritual awakening instead 🙂
    But here’s the kicker
    After I went through 2.5 years of healing and actually DID remember who I truly am and reconnected with my life purpose, I also found out some really important information about roughly WHY so many go through a huge shift or “crisis” between ages 40-60
    I saw what I am about to share with you in myself, my husband (who is 7 years older than me), as well as in many of our clients (the average age of our clients is roughly 40-50 years old)
    While the definitions above is mostly reflecting on the “physical realm” and “psychological” (although not a disorder or mental illness), I am here to tell you that this mid life crisis is anything BUT psychological in nature
    There is so much more to the story
    I will discuss this today in both my blog and here on my podcast
    There is so much more to our Midlife crisis than emotional and psychological
    So if you only address those two areas, you are missing the point and it is why I believe so many people live their lives feeling unfulfilled
    Go to www.MagdalenaGrace.com
    to read more about this on my blog and to book a consultation
    Or email me at support@microdosingforhealth.com

    • 23 min
    Second half of 2024 and 2025 Predictions with Franco Romero

    Second half of 2024 and 2025 Predictions with Franco Romero

    I am excited to bring back one of my most popular guests to my podcast #francoromero
    When he psychically channeled that I was to become a healer and teacher after partaking in ayahuasca and psilocybin, I believed him and went for it
    He was right #psychic #channel
    He is now a world renowned medium where some of his shows and documentaries cleared 120,000 views
    I can say I knew him when
    He made time for me and my listeners while having an intense travel and speaker schedule
    You wanna hear the predictions for the second half of 2024???? 
    And we also talked about 2025, what he calls the Year of the Big Reveal 
    We are living in the time he also calls the Age of Mircacles, where many of us (myself and my husband already have done this) will wake up to remembering who we truly are as magical people who can create whatever we want, whenever we want
    We will release the fear illusion and many of the lies of separation that have been taught for ages and especially the last 4000 years of patriarchy rule (war/power/money/greed/dogma/control)
    At the time of this recording it was June 1st and we also delved into the last yearlong journey of the divine feminine energies coming in, the Event Horizon on the Spring Equinox, as well as what is coming for us on the June Solstice (June 20th/21st) of this month and beyond
    The next year will create a LOT of shifts in your life, if they haven't already happened (divorce, death, job loss, depression, anger, etc)
    It is all happening for us to WAKE UP
    Subscribe to my YouTube channel in link in bio
    FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FRANCOwww.theclosetspiritualist.com
    You can find his books and more videos and documentaries there
    DONATE TO HER FOUNDATION HEREwww.lotusthronesanctuary.org

    • 1h 56 min
    Microdosing through the Mother Wound

    Microdosing through the Mother Wound

    At the time of me writing this, we are just starting the month of May and mother's day is right around the corner
    If you've been following me for some time, you know that Mother's Day for me was a very triggering holiday for decades (most of my life)
    Because I didn't have my birth mother most of my life, there was a huge abandonment wound and a lot of fear drove my life choices
    Then, when I became a mom in 2009, all sorts of my own trauma of BECOMING and BEING a mother/wife was terrifying for me
    And drove me in 14 years worth of self sabotaging behaviors, limiting beliefs and addiction
    I didn't have any conscious realization of this UNTIL I hit rock bottom and asked for help
    That's when plant medicine and shadow work came calling to save me from myself
    Without it, I honestly believe I would be dead today
    Once I started microdosing with psilocybin and then ayhauasca a year later, I found deeper relief and healing
    I had to start the deeper core mother wound of abandonment with deep dive medicine and deep shadow work, as well as supportive embodiment practices like breathwork, meditation, yoga, etc.
    But even after a year of that, microdosing helped me work through the DAILY self sabotage and monkey mind that abandonment and fear still keep picking away at my daily life
    When we come from a deep mother/feminine wound, it takes months, even years, to unwind that from our central nervous system
    I had to unwind that human DOING/forcing energy that was so masculine
    I also wanted to tap into my own feminine energy and connect deeper with women for the first time in my life (I honestly struggled with all women's groups and building deeper relationships with women) 
    I didn't want it to always be about business when it came to relationships either - which was very masculine
    Without healing that mother wound, the real shock for me, was I struggled with making money and KEEPING it.
    I was blocking my openness and receptivity (which is feminine healed energy) and so I would make money, only to "lose" it
    But the fact of the matter is, when you heal the feminine and reunite it with a healed masculine, you can enjoy receiving money AND keeping it!
    You can enjoy playfulness and fun AND enjoy your work life (without being a workaholic)
    Microdosing with both psilocybin and ayahuasca taught me that
    Do you struggle with openness and receptivity?
    Do you struggle with making money and keeping it?
    Do you struggle with female relationships?
    OR maybe you even struggle with your body image as a woman/mom?
    Maybe you wanna bring sexy back, however, in a society where that definition has been demeaned a tad...you don't know where to begin?
    You struggle with working too much and not having FUN???
    You are worthy and more than enough to have ALL OF THAT
    Ohhhhhh and the best part, is I was also able to heal deeply with my kids and my husband and bring much more fun and romance back into my marriage and family life
    For Mom's are the pivotal cornerstone of a family
    And maybe, just maybe, yours didn't model that super well
    She did the best she could
    And now you get to break through cycles of that being different
    It all starts with YOU
    If any of this resonates with you, send me an email at support@microdosingforhealth.com
    SUBSCRIBE TO HER YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/loiskofficoffee
    Or visit my website for more info and to book a free consultation

    • 13 min
    The 5 S's of Harm Reduction & Integration of Plant Medicine With Linden Schaffer

    The 5 S's of Harm Reduction & Integration of Plant Medicine With Linden Schaffer

    As any of you know, I have been very open about my plant medicine journeys and all that I have learned as a participant and as a guide
    It is the wild, wild west out there and there is a lack of information on harm reduction, as well as overall prep and integration work, as well as safety.
    We will discuss this today and give you the 5 S's with Linden Schaffer
    Linden is an award-winning wellness entrepreneur and bestselling author who brings 20+ years of experience in wellness & psychedelics to early stage startups and small businesses. 
    Dedicated to creating safe, supportive, and informed spaces, Linden founded Reveal, an online global womxn's community, co-leads the Los Angeles Women’s Psychedelic Community, and is on the team of the Global Psychedelic Society. Her most recent psychedelic certification in Preparation, Integration, and Harm Reduction is from Numinus. 
    Plant medicine can be massively transformative AND massively dangerous if you do not have proper set and setting AND most importantly preparation and integration before and after healing ceremonies.
    We also talk in depth about proper screening protocols both as a participant/seeker, as well as a guide - what should one have in place?
    We are bringing this awareness from personal injurious experiences in the medicine space, seeing countless others also becoming injured and giving education/understanding of the importance and want to help prevent others from their own experience that may feel unsafe or destabilizing
    Reveal x Healthy n Wealthy n Wise MembershipJoin our mission cultivating a global community of women to connect, learn, and support one another on their medicine journeys.As a HWW listener, you’ll receive 1-month free and have the option to purchase an annual membership at a discount.
    Actual Link:https://www.revealcommunity.world/plans/404046?bundle_token=8074687bfde21059302ba1a0d3b03b54&utm_source=manual
    Shortened Link:https://rb.gy/o906tp
    Go to www.MagdalenaGrace.com

    • 44 min

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