ONE: One Body Many Stories

Robert Cavin
Podcast: ONE: One Body Many Stories

Welcome to ONE. In each episode Robert interviews ONE Christian to hear their story. Join us in learning about this ONE body of Christ, ONE story at a time.

  1. Monelle Heinze


    Monelle Heinze

    In Episode 16, we talk with Monelle Heinze who’s married to Emil and has one daughter who’ll be a Junior in high school next fall. Monelle opens up about her journey and struggles to find fulfillment. Looking at Monelle, one would have thought she had it all: great marriage, wonderful daughter, and flourishing career. But Monelle shares how appearances can be deceiving as she struggled deeply over many years to find contentment, self-worth, and peace. This struggle ebbed and flowed leading to depression and physical ailments a few years ago. Monelle beautifully explains how the grace of God found in Christ washed over her and literally changing her from the inside out. While Monelle had faith in Jesus for years, it wasn’t until a few years ago that the reality of the gospel and the grace of God sunk in deeply. When this happened, Monelle knew in the core of her being that her identity and worth were not dependent on what she did or accomplished. She was loved and accepted through Christ. He had made her a new creation, and she could rest in him. No more pressure to “keep all the plates spinning” in search of self-worth and contentment. Listen to Monelle passionately and transparently describe her journey to new life, peace, and contentment through Jesus.     In each episode Robert interviews ONE Christian to hear their story. Join us in learning about the ONE body of Christ, ONE story at a time. Visit for links to the audio-only PODCAST on your favorite podcast platform.

    57 min
  2. Leo Davison


    Leo Davison

    In Episode 14, we talk with Leo Davison, Senior Minister at ChristChurch Wyre Forest ( Leo is married to Vicky and together they have 3 children. Laurie and I met Leo and Vicky when we lived in Durham, England for three years (2007-2010) while I worked on a PhD at Durham University. Leo was a Minister at ChristChurch Durham where we attended, served, and did life together with so many wonderful people. I learned so much from Leo and the Christians in Durham. I firmly believe that Christians in the U.S. would be blessed by learning about gospel ministry in a very, non-Christian culture from our friends ‘across the pond’. To get the ball rolling, we discuss how Leo, a science major at University (his wife, Vicky, has a PhD in Neuroscience), came to faith in Christ through a high school friend who challenged him to investigate the claims of Christianity. Leo’s science background proved helpful both in recognizing the Creator’s handiwork and in critically evaluating the evidence as he searched for Truth. Now, as a minister, Leo devotes his life to helping others find and follow Jesus. England is a wonderful place in so many ways, and yet, as a Christian, its culture presents significant challenges to gospel ministry. Leo shares about the reality that gospel ministry is tiring. And yet, Leo affirms, God is good. Through the hard times, we can trust that God is at work in significant ways even during trials and challenges. Listen through to the end, and you will be blessed by his healthy, biblical take on the pandemic’s impact on their church. Hear how having the mind of Christ impacts how you deal with, and grow, through trials…even one as challenging as a pandemic.

    54 min
  3. Michelle Stewart


    Michelle Stewart

    Welcome to ONE. In each episode Robert interviews ONE Christian to hear their story. Join us in learning about the ONE body of Christ, ONE story at a time. Visit for links to the audio-only PODCAST on your favorite podcast platform.   In Episode 13, we talk with Michelle Stewart. She and Jeff have two kids, a boy in college and a girl in Jr. High. Michelle is well-known to many at NorthPark not only because they were at NorthPark for about ten years before moving to Chicago in 2010 (and then returning to Santa Clarita and NorthPark in 2017) but also because Michelle has a gorgeous voice and sings on the Worship Team.  Join us as Michelle shares about the interplay between her faith and living with the affliction of anxiety and depression. Anyone who’s walked this path or has a loved one or friend who’s walked this path will resonate with Michelle’s journey. Listen as Michelle describes the roles played by Christ, Christian community, and her church (“the 3 C’s” as she puts it) in helping her through some very dark valleys and deepening her faith in Christ because of the trials. Also, if you’ve ever faced severe financial struggles, and faced the challenge of being uprooted to move across the country as a result, then you’ll want to hear Michelle’s story. She shares their family’s experience of the ‘Great Recession’ and how the Lord led them to Chicago where He rebuilt their lives, grew their faith, and enabled them to flourish, things that were impossible to see in the darkness when the bottom fell out of the economy and their personal finances. Join us in a substantive conversation about faith in the realities of life. You’ll be blessed by Michelle’s transparency, sincerity, and laughter as she drives home the point that the gospel is our real source of hope at all times.

    47 min


Welcome to ONE. In each episode Robert interviews ONE Christian to hear their story. Join us in learning about this ONE body of Christ, ONE story at a time.

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