Paul Melmeyer / Rare Disease Day BoldMedicine

    • News - Affari

We're back, and there's no better time to kick off the 2019 season of BoldMedicine. February 28th is Rare Disease Day! Throughout the month of February hundreds of patient organizations from countries all over the world will hold awareness-raising activities celebrating the rare community of patients, caregivers and advocates. We're excited to have Paul Melmeyer, Director of Federal Policy at NORD join Amit to talk about rare disease policy and the tremendous impact NORD has on the community.

We're back, and there's no better time to kick off the 2019 season of BoldMedicine. February 28th is Rare Disease Day! Throughout the month of February hundreds of patient organizations from countries all over the world will hold awareness-raising activities celebrating the rare community of patients, caregivers and advocates. We're excited to have Paul Melmeyer, Director of Federal Policy at NORD join Amit to talk about rare disease policy and the tremendous impact NORD has on the community.