5 min

Pleiades Endless Discovery

    • Corsi

Dedicated in loving memory by my friend R' Binyamin Tripp as a zechus for his beloved parents Reb Dovid ben Binyamin Yosef and Bella Dobré bas Moshe Meir. Aleihem hashalom. May their family and all klal yisrael know only simcha, nachas -- besuros tovos, yeshuos and nechamos.

Dedicated in loving memory by my friend R' Binyamin Tripp as a zechus for his beloved parents Reb Dovid ben Binyamin Yosef and Bella Dobré bas Moshe Meir. Aleihem hashalom. May their family and all klal yisrael know only simcha, nachas -- besuros tovos, yeshuos and nechamos.

5 min