21 min

Public Domain Superhero New Wave Comics

    • Libri

Due to a book taking to long to arrive, I present to you an episode of Superhero in  the public domain


The second volume of Fred van Lente and Ryan Dunvaleny's Comic Book History of Comics for providing a lot of information for my explanation on how US copyright law applies for comics. https://www.comixology.com/Comic-Book-History-of-Comics-Comics-For-All/digital-comic/665135?ref=c2VhcmNoL2luZGV4L2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC9pdGVtU2xpZGVy

The Conversation Article: "Hidden women of history: Tarpe Mills, 1940s comic writer, and her feisty superhero Miss Fury" which provided most of this episode's content of Miss Fury.  https://theconversation.com/hidden-women-of-history-tarpe-mills-1940s-comic-writer-and-her-feisty-superhero-miss-fury-110179 

The Public Domain Super Heroes Wiki was a very helpful source:  https://pdsh.fandom.com/wiki/Public_Domain_Super_Heroes  

And of course, Wikipedia, when I need information on a short time scale.

Due to a book taking to long to arrive, I present to you an episode of Superhero in  the public domain


The second volume of Fred van Lente and Ryan Dunvaleny's Comic Book History of Comics for providing a lot of information for my explanation on how US copyright law applies for comics. https://www.comixology.com/Comic-Book-History-of-Comics-Comics-For-All/digital-comic/665135?ref=c2VhcmNoL2luZGV4L2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC9pdGVtU2xpZGVy

The Conversation Article: "Hidden women of history: Tarpe Mills, 1940s comic writer, and her feisty superhero Miss Fury" which provided most of this episode's content of Miss Fury.  https://theconversation.com/hidden-women-of-history-tarpe-mills-1940s-comic-writer-and-her-feisty-superhero-miss-fury-110179 

The Public Domain Super Heroes Wiki was a very helpful source:  https://pdsh.fandom.com/wiki/Public_Domain_Super_Heroes  

And of course, Wikipedia, when I need information on a short time scale.

21 min