
Queering Neurodiversity with Kevin Gotkin Deem Audio | Dreaming Different with Jezz Chung

    • Design

Episode 03 of “Dreaming Different” is a conversation with former professor/disability rights educator, current access ecology practitioner and disability arts organizer, Kevin Gotkin, about the intersections of neurodivergence and queerness. This dialogue will introduce and explicate the term “neuroqueer” and explore how we can view the world through this framing and practice of fluidity.

Episode 03 of “Dreaming Different” is a conversation with former professor/disability rights educator, current access ecology practitioner and disability arts organizer, Kevin Gotkin, about the intersections of neurodivergence and queerness. This dialogue will introduce and explicate the term “neuroqueer” and explore how we can view the world through this framing and practice of fluidity.
