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RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 26th May 2024 GB2RS

    • Hobby

GB2RS News
Sunday the 26th of May 2024
The news headlines:
The RSGB’s Exams and Syllabus Review Group is seeking volunteers
RSGB representatives had a successful time at Dayton Hamvention
The RSGB Discovery scheme has just been relaunched in a new format
The Exams and Syllabus Review Group – or ESRG as it is often known – is looking for new members to move the group forward. Its current task is to approve a new Direct to Full syllabus and to write and approve new questions for the new exams in September due to licence changes. The group meets online every Tuesday between 3 pm and 4.30 pm, with members of the Exam Standards Committee, but meeting times can be changed to accommodate everyone. ESRG volunteers need to be Full licence holders, members of the RSGB and be able to give a few hours a week. This is your chance to shape the future as we move to Syllabus 2.0 in 2025. To volunteer or find out more, contact the ESRG Chair Andrew Lenton via esrg.chair@rsgb.org.uk
Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas M1ACB and the RSGB President, John McCullagh GI4BWM had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention last weekend. The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and resulted in 132 people joining or rejoining the RSGB. There were also several podcasters, YouTubers and local news outlets in attendance. This included WHIO, which is a local US news channel, who interviewed RSGB President, John McCullagh GI4BWM. This was shared on local TV news, radio, as well as online. Josh from Ham Radio Crash Course also did a live stream to his 346,000 YouTube subscribers, which included a chat with RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas M1ACB and the RSGB President. You can find links to view these clips on the RSGB notices section of the RSGB website.
The RSGB Discovery scheme has just been relaunched in a new format. Now called the Discovery Logbook, there are fewer requirements, an easy-to-follow programme and exciting links with external organisations such as Parks on the Air and Worked All Britain. There are also some great RSGB Awards to work towards if you’d like to include those in your programme of activities. The RSGB hopes that these links will enable radio amateurs to discover new ways of enjoying their hobby with the guidance and support of experts in those fields. There are three difficulty levels and the first of these, called Explorer, has just been launched. To see the programme activities, find out how to get involved or talk to the Society about linking your organisation with the Discovery Logbook, go to the RSGB website at rsgb.org/discovery
British Science Week is an annual event run by the British Science Association celebrating science, technology, engineering and maths. The event, which is taking place between the 7th and 16th of March 2025, will have the theme ‘change and adapt’, which lends itself perfectly to amateur radio in the 21st century. As part of its commitment to encourage new radio amateurs into the hobby, the RSGB will again be providing resources and activities to inspire people of all ages to get involved. The RSGB is now collecting ideas for activities for primary and secondary schools, or for use with the wider community. The 2025 theme offers a huge range of opportunities for creativity and discovery. Ideas could cover any area of the hobby, from construction to propagation, from making QSOs under supervision, to space and satellites. Whatever the idea, the Society would love to hear from you. Please send ideas to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk. To find out more about previous activities you can visit rsgb.org/bsw and britishscienceweek.org
The popular Electromagnetic Field event, also known as ‘EMF Camp’, is taking place between the 30th of May and the 2nd of June. The event is a non-profit camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind. Over 3,000 like-mind

GB2RS News
Sunday the 26th of May 2024
The news headlines:
The RSGB’s Exams and Syllabus Review Group is seeking volunteers
RSGB representatives had a successful time at Dayton Hamvention
The RSGB Discovery scheme has just been relaunched in a new format
The Exams and Syllabus Review Group – or ESRG as it is often known – is looking for new members to move the group forward. Its current task is to approve a new Direct to Full syllabus and to write and approve new questions for the new exams in September due to licence changes. The group meets online every Tuesday between 3 pm and 4.30 pm, with members of the Exam Standards Committee, but meeting times can be changed to accommodate everyone. ESRG volunteers need to be Full licence holders, members of the RSGB and be able to give a few hours a week. This is your chance to shape the future as we move to Syllabus 2.0 in 2025. To volunteer or find out more, contact the ESRG Chair Andrew Lenton via esrg.chair@rsgb.org.uk
Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas M1ACB and the RSGB President, John McCullagh GI4BWM had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention last weekend. The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and resulted in 132 people joining or rejoining the RSGB. There were also several podcasters, YouTubers and local news outlets in attendance. This included WHIO, which is a local US news channel, who interviewed RSGB President, John McCullagh GI4BWM. This was shared on local TV news, radio, as well as online. Josh from Ham Radio Crash Course also did a live stream to his 346,000 YouTube subscribers, which included a chat with RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas M1ACB and the RSGB President. You can find links to view these clips on the RSGB notices section of the RSGB website.
The RSGB Discovery scheme has just been relaunched in a new format. Now called the Discovery Logbook, there are fewer requirements, an easy-to-follow programme and exciting links with external organisations such as Parks on the Air and Worked All Britain. There are also some great RSGB Awards to work towards if you’d like to include those in your programme of activities. The RSGB hopes that these links will enable radio amateurs to discover new ways of enjoying their hobby with the guidance and support of experts in those fields. There are three difficulty levels and the first of these, called Explorer, has just been launched. To see the programme activities, find out how to get involved or talk to the Society about linking your organisation with the Discovery Logbook, go to the RSGB website at rsgb.org/discovery
British Science Week is an annual event run by the British Science Association celebrating science, technology, engineering and maths. The event, which is taking place between the 7th and 16th of March 2025, will have the theme ‘change and adapt’, which lends itself perfectly to amateur radio in the 21st century. As part of its commitment to encourage new radio amateurs into the hobby, the RSGB will again be providing resources and activities to inspire people of all ages to get involved. The RSGB is now collecting ideas for activities for primary and secondary schools, or for use with the wider community. The 2025 theme offers a huge range of opportunities for creativity and discovery. Ideas could cover any area of the hobby, from construction to propagation, from making QSOs under supervision, to space and satellites. Whatever the idea, the Society would love to hear from you. Please send ideas to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk. To find out more about previous activities you can visit rsgb.org/bsw and britishscienceweek.org
The popular Electromagnetic Field event, also known as ‘EMF Camp’, is taking place between the 30th of May and the 2nd of June. The event is a non-profit camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind. Over 3,000 like-mind

16 min