9 episodi

'He will fail.... A proper English tw*t who drives people to the edge of reason at every turn... Unlikeable, long-winded, a waste of space'.
Lady Hovis (Brian's Mother), before her Kidnapping.

'She's orrible, yet ee's gonna try and save her!  Ees got a heart of gold that lad.... His mum's bein held ransom by The Downton Knappers, coz they think ees rich coz we live in this big house.  But ee got nothin.  House crumblin, land worthless, (Bernard the butler and I just live here for the free potatoes).  Now Brian's gonna risk life and limb to try and raise her ransom, probably coz I showed him too much Indiana Jones as a kid. You put Brian down a mile-deep well, ee'l start climbing. Although his upper body stregth is very very poor'.
Alf the Gardener, just now.

'If he can find her twin sister, Aunt Hester, retired treasure seeker and international criminal, he might have a chance... If he can't find her, he'll die dramatically.  And soon I'd think'.
Bernard the Butler.

Support Brian at http://lowfatradio.com

The Adventures of Brian Hovis Hywel Evans and Russell Gomer

    • Umorismo

'He will fail.... A proper English tw*t who drives people to the edge of reason at every turn... Unlikeable, long-winded, a waste of space'.
Lady Hovis (Brian's Mother), before her Kidnapping.

'She's orrible, yet ee's gonna try and save her!  Ees got a heart of gold that lad.... His mum's bein held ransom by The Downton Knappers, coz they think ees rich coz we live in this big house.  But ee got nothin.  House crumblin, land worthless, (Bernard the butler and I just live here for the free potatoes).  Now Brian's gonna risk life and limb to try and raise her ransom, probably coz I showed him too much Indiana Jones as a kid. You put Brian down a mile-deep well, ee'l start climbing. Although his upper body stregth is very very poor'.
Alf the Gardener, just now.

'If he can find her twin sister, Aunt Hester, retired treasure seeker and international criminal, he might have a chance... If he can't find her, he'll die dramatically.  And soon I'd think'.
Bernard the Butler.

Support Brian at http://lowfatradio.com

    Chapter 7 - The Last Chapter

    Chapter 7 - The Last Chapter

    Sliding down a sand dune on your arse can be fun.

    • 15 min
    Chapter 6 - Hester at the Oasis

    Chapter 6 - Hester at the Oasis

    Aunt Hester finds herself in a bit of a pickle. Very nearly finding herself literally becoming a pickle.

    • 11 min
    Chapter 5: Brian Rides Tim

    Chapter 5: Brian Rides Tim

    A camel is not a comfortable seat at the best of times. These are not the best of times for Brian.

    • 9 min
    Chapter 4: The Hotel Colon

    Chapter 4: The Hotel Colon

    Brain and co find themselves in an old hotel, where he meets a lady with a difficult name and a helpful plan...

    • 13 min
    Chapter 3: Come Fly With Brian

    Chapter 3: Come Fly With Brian

    High altitude escapades which could be classed as 'inspired' or 'stupid'.

    • 11 min
    Chapter 2: The SS Unflinchable and The Lost Pebble

    Chapter 2: The SS Unflinchable and The Lost Pebble

    Does anybody know what we are searching for? Yes. And here is the story of that thing.

    • 11 min

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