56 episodi

An enlightening, fortnightly podcast from two full-time dog behaviourists and award-winning trainers discussing dogs, behavioural and training difficulties, current news relating to what should be our best friends, and a little bit of life in general…including their most recent meals!

A Geordie based in Scotland and a Londoner, staying firmly put in the Capital, they overcome the language barrier (mostly!) and celebrate not only their many differences, but their united togetherness.
Whether that be Gundogs, Guard Dogs…or any of the beautiful dogs inbetween - it’s all about the love for dogs.

Gundogs and Guard dogs Lez Graham

    • Infanzia e famiglia

An enlightening, fortnightly podcast from two full-time dog behaviourists and award-winning trainers discussing dogs, behavioural and training difficulties, current news relating to what should be our best friends, and a little bit of life in general…including their most recent meals!

A Geordie based in Scotland and a Londoner, staying firmly put in the Capital, they overcome the language barrier (mostly!) and celebrate not only their many differences, but their united togetherness.
Whether that be Gundogs, Guard Dogs…or any of the beautiful dogs inbetween - it’s all about the love for dogs.

    S4E7 Pretty in Pink

    S4E7 Pretty in Pink

    Oops, a bit of a burpy start from the Londoner, that seems to send an over-tired Lez into hysteria.

    Once calmness is regained, this covers the role of the Professional Canine Behaviour Practitioner & Trainer (or whatever your job title is)

    Naturally, a rant or two ensues about social media and the modern wave of dog trainers and how to actually spend some quality time with your dogs. All we want is to create balance and truly happy dogs…which is what we do (and yes we call out the keyboard experts who know very little about dogs).

    Don’t mention hierarchy, paperwork or clients in tears…oh sorry, we did… remember don’t over-complicate it…if you can raise a child, you’ll probably do ok with a puppy... and yes you can say no to both (or is that either?). Create some clarity, harmony and live in peace with your dog.

    Lez acts as the question master to bring things back on track…amazing that she has the time, between rattling gates?! (ha ha Ross).

    The reality of dog behaviour problems, rehoming as an option and the dangers of not telling the truth. Ultimately the hideous UK Dog Law trumps it all.

    Bad things happen to good people…as always keeping it real, but with a smile and a sneeze, a burp or two…and we are so old that we are no longer looking for answers that don’t exist…just say No! 🤣

    ----- oOo -----

    Lez and Ross have both been in the industry professionally for well over 20 years and each has been involved with dogs for over 40 years.

    Whilst sensibly they have stayed away from the ‘limelight’ regarding TV offers, they have regularly been on national and local radio, spoken at national events at NDWA, CFBA, and Kennel Club / Crufts events as well as bespoke speaking engagements for the Dog Safety Education Executive (DogSEE).

    Ross wrote for Dogs Monthly Magazine for over 12 years and Lez was the first lady feature writer for a national Shooting Magazine (both Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter).

    They were also 'study buddies' and were the first in the UK to achieve a Masters Degree (Professional Practice) in Canine Behaviour and Psychology in 2011. They work well together and apart, support and work with dog rescue organisations and train professional dog trainers and behaviourists.

    Different as chalk and cheese, but maybe not as different as they like to think.

    Intrigued? want to know more? then check out our websites...

    www.rossmccarthy.com ~ www.lezgraham.com

    And if you'd rather watch than listen, you can catch Gundogs and Guard Dogs on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@gundogguarddog

    • 59 min
    S4E6 Teaching Puppy Training Classes

    S4E6 Teaching Puppy Training Classes

    The Northern Aspect managed to turn her microphone on this week...after a nudge!

    The usual moan about the joys of ageing including nasal waxing and generally getting hairier!

    A catch up which no one is interested in including running classes under the Golden Arches is followed by a look at running puppy classes.

    Do you have the right knowledge? What's the difference between adult dog classes? Where do you train?

    Allowing interaction and causing more damage than the positives you create! Puppy training to perfection...how to be the best that you can be.

    A puppy party or a puppy education?!

    A holistic approach to raising a sensible dog via owner education and breed specific knowledge.

    A brief technical issue where the Londoner froze...a quick chat about dog law and equipment for puppies. The 5 minute exercise rule explored...exercise Vs socialisation / habituation.

    Managing people is way harder than managing dogs! Sensible rules around the house for psychological or physiological development.

    Nature and nurture - creating neutrality and raising the adult dog that you are aiming for.

    Anyway...that's a bit of it. Enjoy (or not)?!
    ----- oOo -----

    Lez and Ross have both been in the industry professionally for well over 20 years and each has been involved with dogs for over 40 years.

    Whilst sensibly they have stayed away from the ‘limelight’ regarding TV offers, they have regularly been on national and local radio, spoken at national events at NDWA, CFBA, and Kennel Club / Crufts events as well as bespoke speaking engagements for the Dog Safety Education Executive (DogSEE).

    Ross wrote for Dogs Monthly Magazine for over 12 years and Lez was the first lady feature writer for a national Shooting Magazine (both Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter).

    They were also 'study buddies' and were the first in the UK to achieve a Masters Degree (Professional Practice) in Canine Behaviour and Psychology in 2011.

    They work well together and apart, support and work with dog rescue organisations and train professional dog trainers and behaviourists.

    Different as chalk and cheese, but maybe not as different as they like to think.

    Intrigued? want to know more? then check out our websites...

    www.rossmccarthy.com ~ www.lezgraham.com

    And if you'd rather watch than listen, you can catch Gundogs and Guard Dogs on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@gundogguarddog

    • 53 min
    S4E5 Sam Swift tells us all about Proflax

    S4E5 Sam Swift tells us all about Proflax

    The usual clumsy introduction and the Scottish contingent (mentioning no names) had a microphone malfunction (user error!).

    Moody Bitch comes to mind…not because of the microphone error, but because we are joined in this episode by the wonderful Sam Swift from Proflax Natural Superfood Supplements.

    A fascinating insight into the benefits of holistic principles and approaches supporting physical and physiological issues in dogs. Where and why Proflax started, and looking at the mind, body and spirit.

    Naturally, we focus on Training and behaviour and how these superfood supplements can support some of the work that we do, but as dog lovers, owners and canine professionals, we look at all of the products available to support optimal health in our dogs.

    An interesting conversation about synergy and absorption of the products, bio-active compounds and so, so much more!

    If you don’t regularly listen to this podcast…listen to this episode and give any relevant products a try…in consultation with Proflax.

    ----- oOo -----

    Lez and Ross have both been in the industry professionally for well over 20 years and each has been involved with dogs for over 40 years.

    Whilst sensibly they have stayed away from the ‘limelight’ regarding TV offers, they have regularly been on national and local radio, spoken at national events at NDWA, CFBA, and Kennel Club / Crufts events as well as bespoke speaking engagements for the Dog Safety Education Executive (DogSEE).

    Ross wrote for Dogs Monthly Magazine for over 12 years and Lez was the first lady feature writer for a national Shooting Magazine (both Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter).

    They were also 'study buddies' and were the first in the UK to achieve a Masters Degree (Professional Practice) in Canine Behaviour and Psychology in 2011. They work well together and apart, support and work with dog rescue organisations and train professional dog trainers and behaviourists.

    Different as chalk and cheese, but maybe not as different as they like to think.

    Intrigued? want to know more? then check out our websites...

    www.rossmccarthy.com ~ www.lezgraham.com

    And if you'd rather watch than listen, you can catch Gundogs and Guard Dogs on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@gundogguarddog

    • 1h 5 min
    S4E4 Teaching Dog Training Classes

    S4E4 Teaching Dog Training Classes

    After an exchange of pleasantries, a little chat about AI, a bit of reorientation around the map of Scotland, which is yet to be confirmed!

    Unusually, we quickly move on to the scheduled dog topic of training classes and how, when and where to start and all of the considerations that need to be taken into account.

    As always, Lez and Ross are ‘kinda’ on the same page, but on slightly different paragraphs! 😂

    Working dog classes VS pet dog classes, selecting a venue, the reality of indoor and outdoor courses, insurance companies, films and handouts, session planning and course planning, banning kids, working around school holidays, contracts, leadership…the rules of individual classes (you’d be terrified to attend either Ross’s or Lez’s classes🫣)

    A chat about vaccines in regard to temperament formation, what to include in your tool kit, how to start off your class to create cohesion and maximum success.

    A brief insight into energy and deference, keeping conversations open and empowering clients…be open, honest and adaptable and get paid! 💷.

    We hope that you enjoy…with love from freezing Scotland and the Costa del London! 😎

    ----- oOo -----

    Lez and Ross have both been in the industry professionally for well over 20 years and each has been involved with dogs for over 40 years.

    Whilst sensibly they have stayed away from the ‘limelight’ regarding TV offers, they have regularly been on national and local radio, spoken at national events at NDWA, CFBA, and Kennel Club / Crufts events as well as bespoke speaking engagements for the Dog Safety Education Executive (DogSEE).

    Ross wrote for Dogs Monthly Magazine for over 12 years and Lez was the first lady feature writer for a national Shooting Magazine (both Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter).

    They were also 'study buddies' and were the first in the UK to achieve a Masters Degree (Professional Practice) in Canine Behaviour and Psychology in 2011. They work well together and apart, support and work with dog rescue organisations and train professional dog trainers and behaviourists.

    Different as chalk and cheese, but maybe not as different as they like to think.

    Intrigued? want to know more? then check out our websites...

    www.rossmccarthy.com ~ www.lezgraham.com

    And if you'd rather watch than listen, you can catch Gundogs and Guard Dogs on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@gundogguarddog

    • 49 min


    After an unplanned little break…they are back! 👏🤙

    Once we'd got past a blonde microphone moment from the Scottish contingent…it’s brought back by the Londoner who is managing expectations (we know your expectations aren’t that great), we discuss managing risks.

    What, why and where do you walk your dogs?

    Dodgy taps and on to the topic of slip leads, flexi leads and awful people in the park. Why are people so thick?! 🤷‍♂️

    Cognitive decline, hounds of the Baskervilles, dogs in schools 😱

    Then it's on to the scheduled matter of dog training classes. Naturally there is a pronunciation lesson regarding the Maremma. The KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme, dogs balls, rosettes, rubbish, FCI Obedience and general dog chat thrown in!

    Enjoy, or turn off at your earliest opportunity. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🫣

    Lez and Ross have both been in the industry professionally for well over 20 years and each has been involved with dogs for over 40 years.

    Whilst sensibly they have stayed away from the ‘limelight’ regarding TV offers, they have regularly been on national and local radio, spoken at national events at NDWA, CFBA, and Kennel Club / Crufts events as well as bespoke speaking engagements for the Dog Safety Education Executive (DogSEE).

    Ross wrote for Dogs Monthly Magazine for over 12 years and Lez was the first lady feature writer for a national Shooting Magazine (both Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter).

    They were also 'study buddies' and were the first in the UK to achieve a Masters Degree (Professional Practice) in Canine Behaviour and Psychology in 2011. They work well together and apart, support and work with dog rescue organisations and train professional dog trainers and behaviourists.

    Different as chalk and cheese, but maybe not as different as they like to think.

    Intrigued? want to know more? then check out our websites...

    www.rossmccarthy.com ~ www.lezgraham.com

    And if you'd rather watch than listen, you can catch Gundogs and Guard Dogs on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@gundogguarddog

    • 47 min
    S4E2 - What's in a name?

    S4E2 - What's in a name?

    What’s in a name?

    The usual cheery moaning kicks of the new season. Cars, cages, hotels and jump pens.

    A couple of mentions of the new book, (that is out now!) before the main topic of multiple dog ownership.

    The best age to bring another dog into the home along with the benefits, the drawbacks and impacts of training and management in a multi-dog household.

    Exercising, playing, training and developing relationships with individual dogs within the family group.

    This episode culminates in a fascinating discussion about various training disciplines and the essential understanding of training, timing and consistency to achieve results in whatever aspect of dog training.

    Lez and Ross have both been in the industry professionally for well over 20 years and each has been involved with dogs for over 40 years.

    Whilst sensibly they have stayed away from the ‘limelight’ regarding TV offers, they have regularly been on national and local radio, spoken at national events at NDWA, CFBA, and Kennel Club / Crufts events as well as bespoke speaking engagements for the Dog Safety Education Executive (DogSEE).

    Ross wrote for Dogs Monthly Magazine for over 12 years and Lez was the first lady feature writer for a national Shooting Magazine (both Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter).

    They were also 'study buddies' and were the first in the UK to achieve a Masters Degree (Professional Practice) in Canine Behaviour and Psychology in 2011. They work well together and apart, support and work with dog rescue organisations and train professional dog trainers and behaviourists.

    Different as chalk and cheese, but maybe not as different as they like to think.

    Intrigued? want to know more? then check out our websites...

    www.rossmccarthy.com ~ www.lezgraham.com

    And if you'd rather watch than listen, you can catch Gundogs and Guard Dogs on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@gundogguarddog

    • 57 min

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