471 episodi

The Final Straw Radio is a weekly, anarchist show eminating from occupied Cherokee lands in so-called North Carolina and featuring the voices of folks engaged in struggles for liberation and the creation of rad culture since 2009. We're also syndicated on a few community radio stations around the U.S. We frequently also feature radio commentaries from anarchist prisoner Sean Swain and are a proud member of CZN (The Channel Zero Network) and ARN (The A-Radio Network).

Check out our past archives and ways to connect with us at https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org

The Final Straw Radio The Final Straw Radio

    • Cultura e società

The Final Straw Radio is a weekly, anarchist show eminating from occupied Cherokee lands in so-called North Carolina and featuring the voices of folks engaged in struggles for liberation and the creation of rad culture since 2009. We're also syndicated on a few community radio stations around the U.S. We frequently also feature radio commentaries from anarchist prisoner Sean Swain and are a proud member of CZN (The Channel Zero Network) and ARN (The A-Radio Network).

Check out our past archives and ways to connect with us at https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org

    Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism

    Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism

    This week, we’re sharing a conversation I had with Matthew Lyons and Xtn Alexander, editors and contributors to the book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism, out this year from Kersplebedeb Books and PM Press. We talked about the development of the political tendency which troubles the read of both liberal capitalism and the autonomous far right from a revolutionary left libertarian perspective, some of it’s progenitors and a bit about the state of the far right today.
    Three Way Fight Blog Chat with Matthew about Christian Nationalism and another about Lyndon LaRouche DZ Shaw’s zine (co-author J. Clark) Three Way Fight, Seven Theses on the Three Way Fight and Genealogies of Antifascism: Militancy, Critique and the Three Way Fight are among his works on the subject Antifascism Against Machismo shows up in the book, and there’s an expanded edition available from Kersplebedeb (via Burning Books in the USA) Fascism and Antifascism: A Decolonial Perspective also shows up in the book

    • 1h 20 min
    Shut 'Em Down 2024 + Monsour Owolabi

    Shut 'Em Down 2024 + Monsour Owolabi

    Shut 'Em Down 2024 + Monsour Owolabi An interview with Courtney of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee & Millions For Prisoners New Mexico and Roc, communications bridge for Jailhouse Lawyers Speak and residential manager at the JLS housing center to speak about the JLS call for Shut ‘Em Down strikes inside and outside of prisons in December of 2024. We talk about abolitionism, the organizing that JLS is doing including that transitional housing project and other topics. You can find a past interview with Courtney here. [00:01:49 - 00:47:18]
    JLS Transcript JLS PDF (Unimposed) - pending JLS Zine (Imposed PDF) - pending Then, you’ll hear Monsour Owolabi, incarcerated New African political prisoner in the Ferguson Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system sharing some perspectives on inside-outside collaboration, the role of isolation in prisons as counter-insurgency and the importance of transitional housing projects. Monsour has been involved in Prison Lives Matter, the website https://www.texasletters.org/ has published his writings, and supporters have an instagram @FreeMonsourOwolabi [00:48:35 - 01:08:13]
    Monsour Owolabi Transcript Monsour Owolabi PDF (Unimposed) - pending Monsour Owolabi Zine (Imposed PDF) - pending By putting these segments together, we are not proposing any organizational overlap between Mr Owolabi and JLS.
    Shout out to Marylin's Children for inspirational praxis.
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    Featured Track: Remember Rockefeller at Attica by Charles Mingus from Changes One

    • 1h 18 min
    Views from the "Rogue Gold" Tree Sit (with Cricket and D)

    Views from the "Rogue Gold" Tree Sit (with Cricket and D)

    Views from the "Rogue Gold" Tree Sit (with Cricket and D) This week you’ll hear an interview we conducted with Cricket, a tree sitter in a tree called Goldie in southern so-called Oregon as well as D of Siskiyou Rising Tide. The two talk about the experience and efficacy of tree sits, about the land threatened by the Bureau of Land Managements plan to have Boise Cascade and other timber companies log this area they’re calling Rogue Gold, recent success of a tree sit at Poor Windy, revelations of police surveillance and some of the history of forest defense in this region.
    You can find more at TreeSittersUnion.org , donate via venmo to @Cascadia-Defenders or see lovely pictures on the instagram accounts @TreeSittersUnion or @Siskiyou_RisingTide
    Police spying on Siskiyou Rising Tide: https://risingtidenorthamerica.org/2023/11/oregon-police-obsessively-spied-on-siskiyou-rising-tide-for-years-even-after-pipeline-fight-ended/ Recent article on both tree sits: https://leftcoastrightwatch.org/articles/tree-sit-stops-old-growth-logging-project-in-southern-oregon/ Announcement of lawsuit by conservation groups:  https://www.kswild.org/press-releases/rogue-gold-litigation

    • 1h 37 min
    Anarchist Perspectives on Nationalism (with Rey Katulu)

    Anarchist Perspectives on Nationalism (with Rey Katulu)

    This week, we're sharing our interview on the Balkan anarchist journal, Antipolitika which released it’s Nationalism issue last July. It's now available via PM Press (USA) and Kersplebedeb (Canada) on Turtle Island, alongside the back issues. Our guest is Rey Katulu (an editor of the journal and a co-host of the awesome antifascist podcast The Empire Never Ended) talks about the journal, about fascism, nations from an anarchist perspective and, surprising to some, nationalism as a project of socialist Yugoslavia..
    Transcript PDF (Unimposed) - pending Zine (Imposed PDF) - pending To hear a past interview we aired (recorded by comrades at FrequenzA) an interview about issue #1 of Antipolitika with Rey from 2017, audio comes in at around [00:46:30]
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    Support If you want to support the show, for $3 or more a month at patreon.com/tfsr you can get early access to episodes like this one, or the recently released chat with outside supporters of Jailhouse Lawyers Speak’s 2024 Shut Em Down protests. Soon we'll be releasing our chat with the editors of the recent Three Way Fight book on antifascism from PM Press & Kersplebedeb and another with members of Antifa International about the July 25th Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners.
    We’d love to see an infusion of cash to be able to do some much-needed promotion of the show, like replenishing our stickers for distribution by radical publishers with their book orders, or even to be able to pay an artist for a new shirt design. If you don’t want to do the patreon but have some money to share we also have links for merch and donation points at tfsr.wtf/support
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    Featured Track: Song To The Siren by The Chemical Brothers from Exist Planet Dust

    • 1h 37 min
    Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024

    Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024

    This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing an interview we conducted in recognition of the upcoming celebration of June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and other long term anarchist prisoners. This week you’ll hear Julie Herrada, a long time anarchist activist, comrade of Marius Mason and worker at the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan. Julie is joined by Matthew Hart, another longtime anarchist involved in labor organizing, historical research with the Dockstadter Mutual Aid Society and the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross chapter of the Federation. We speak about history, memory, prisoner support and continuing the struggle.
    If you’d like to hear more about the history of June 11th and voices of anarchist prisoners and those who support them outside, we’ve taken the opportunity each year to have at least one show focusing on specific cases or concepts related to ongoing struggle and anti-repression work.
    But first up, you’ll hear a comrade reading the 2024 call entitled No Separate Worlds and you’re hearing a conversation between anarchist historians and prisoner supporters about memory and the upcoming June 11th international day of soldiairty with marius mason and longterm anarchist prisoners. More info at June11.noblogs.org
    Announcement Fundraiser for Oso Blanco’s Family There’s a fundraiser for the family of Cherokee anarchist prisoner, Oso Blanco, as they recently suffered a housefire that destroyed their home. You can learn more and find where to donate at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-political-prisoners-family-cherokee-rebuild-after-fire
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    Featured Track: Blindblindblind by Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band from 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons

    • 1h 23 min
    Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners + new TTRPG "Oceania 2084"

    Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners + new TTRPG "Oceania 2084"

    This week, we’re sharing two segments.
    Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners First up, we spoke with Tala Nasser of the Palestinian prisoner human rights group, Al-Addameer which has offices in Jerusalem or Al-Quds, as well as in Ramallah. We speak about the report they released on Palestinian Prisoners day, April 17th, on the conditions of Palestinian prisoners, particularly since October 7th, 2023 including in Gaza since the invasion. More info on the group and their findings can be found at addameer.org
    Transcript PDF (Unimposed) Zine (Imposed PDF) A-Radio Berlin on new TTRPG "Oceania 2084" Then, we’ll hear a segment by our comrades at A-Radio Berlin speaking with Johan Eriksson, an anarchist game designer has recently published such an RPG called “Oceania 2084“, based on George Orwell’s novel “1984”. You can find more of about the game including a free austere pdf of the gameplay at jocher-symbolic-systems.itch.io , and you can hear more audios from A-Radio Berlin at aradio-berlin.org .
    Sean Swain's 2024 Presidential Run For the sake of anyone in the office of Attorney General of Ohio if they’re listening: this segment is political satire. We feel it’s necessary to make this disclaimer as they referenced a spoof press conference for Sean as governor in exile of Ohio on the January 18th, 2015 radio segment in court filings to prove how dangerous Sean is, while actually just showing how stupid hierarchs are.
    Midweek Release: Yaffa As In case you missed mid-week release of our interview with Yaffa As, a queer and trans Palestinian poet, author, publisher and activist living in the diaspora about two recent collections they published as well as mutual aid and fundraising to get queer Palestinians out of range of Israeli genocide.
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    Featured Track: Ya Taali’een ‘ala el-Jabal (Oh you, climbing up the mountain) by Rim Banna from The Dream

    • 1h 9 min

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