2 min

Unit 3 Where are you from‪?‬ Czech's podcast

    • Impara le lingue

I am from Haiti – Já jsem z Haiti.
You are from the Czech Republic– Ty seš z Česka.
He is from Mexico.– On je z Mexika.
She is from the United States.– Ona je z Ameriky.
It is from the Czech Republic. – Ono je / To je z Česka.
We are from the Czech Republic. – My jsme z Česka.
You are from the Czech Republic. – Vy jste z Česka.
They are from the Czech Republic. – Oni jsou z Česka./ Ony jsou z Česka.

I am from Haiti – Já jsem z Haiti.
You are from the Czech Republic– Ty seš z Česka.
He is from Mexico.– On je z Mexika.
She is from the United States.– Ona je z Ameriky.
It is from the Czech Republic. – Ono je / To je z Česka.
We are from the Czech Republic. – My jsme z Česka.
You are from the Czech Republic. – Vy jste z Česka.
They are from the Czech Republic. – Oni jsou z Česka./ Ony jsou z Česka.

2 min