57 episodi

My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series! New episodes on Mondays at 11am EST/8am PST.

We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Pirate King Codex

    • Tempo libero

My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series! New episodes on Mondays at 11am EST/8am PST.

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 55: Volume 54 – Unstoppable Part 2

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 55: Volume 54 – Unstoppable Part 2

    My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series!00:00:00 - Intro00:02:25 - Chapter 528: Jimbei, First Son of the Sea00:2...

    • 1h 3 min
    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 54: Volume 54 – Unstoppable Part 1

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 54: Volume 54 – Unstoppable Part 1

    My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series!00:00:00 – Intro00:04:03 - Chapter 523: Hell00:21:01 - Chapter 524: Unst...

    • 1h 20 min
    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 53: Volume 53 – Natural Born King

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 53: Volume 53 – Natural Born King

    My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series!00:00:00 - Intro00:03:31 - Chapter 513: Beyond Rescue!!!00:16:56 - Chapt...

    • 2 ore 26 min
    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 52: Volume 52 – Roger and Rayleigh

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 52: Volume 52 – Roger and Rayleigh

    My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series!00:00:00 – Intro00:03:48 - Chapter 503: Aggravated Island00:14:35 - Chap...

    • 2 ore 24 min
    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 51: Volume 51 – The Eleven Supernovas

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 51: Volume 51 – The Eleven Supernovas

    My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series!00:00:00 – Intro00:01:04 – Sean's Arc Rankings00:05:49 - Chapter 492: Ir...

    • 2 ore 38 min
    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 50: Volume 50 – Arriving Again

    We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast Episode 50: Volume 50 – Arriving Again

    My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series!00:00 - Intro00:02:17 - Chapter 482: Morning is Coming00:10:24 - Chapter...

    • 2 ore 5 min

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